latest pydev "Invalidate title" memory leak issue? - eclipse

I can't seem to find a support place for PyDev, so feel free to point me towards it.
When upgrading to the latest PyDev, I get a constantly increasing memory footprint for my window manager if I go into Window -> preferences. In addition, I when I click on subsections in the preferences window, the right side doesn't refresh. There is an "Invalidate title" task in the progress tab for eclipse that never seems to end. I've tried resetting all settings, downgrading eclipse, etc. Is there a way to grab an older version of PyDev?
PyDev for Eclipse
Eclipse 4.4.0 and 4.4.1
I use the C++ CDT install of eclipse and do have the dark style preferences selected (I do recall that PyDev would complain about a lack of a dark stylesheet before).

For PyDev the issue tracker has moved here. You can report your possible bug over there.
As for general support, you have chosen the right palce to come. The PyDev forum title asks everyone to go to Stackoverflow and ask with PyDev tag.
The "Invalidate Title" task seems to be meant to always run. It checks for duplicate editor names.
If you are looking for older PyDev versions, you can download them at the sourceforge project


How can I control the tab color in the Eclipse Java perspective?

I'm a relative newcomer to Eclipse. Yesterday via the "Check for Updates" menu item, I installed a couple of minor updates. When Eclipse restarted, in the Java perspective, I noticed that the "Package Explorer" tab now had a dark yellow background, as did the active tab in the view with all the open Java source files. I thought it was a nice improvement. Today, when I restarted Eclipse, the yellow highlights are gone.
Is there an Eclipse preference somewhere that controls this? How can I get the yellow highlights back?
Edit: I found information that this problem is related to Oomph. The "minor updates" mentioned above included Oomph. Since the original post, I've noticed a number of preferences being lost after restarting Eclipse; these may also be related to Oomph. Should I uninstall it?

How to hide/disable CDT launchbar?

I've updated my Eclipse IDE recently and a new launchbar appeared after the CDT update.
I really don't like it, which is why I'm trying to get rid of it. I haven't yet found a way to hide or disable it...
Do you know how I could do this ?
Here's a snapshot of the launchbar :
The LaunchBar ( comes as a dependency of "C/C++ Qt Support" (, so you need to either un-install the Qt Support CDT component, or disable the LaunchBar in Eclipse preferences:
The launchbar used to come as a plugin for the CDT, which is probably how you got it, but it was later (in the Mars release) was moved to be a standalone feature - which is probably what #Doug Schaefer refers to.
If you have the new version of the Launch Bar that is installed as a feature, you can go to Help -> About Eclipse and click the "Installation Details" button. In the "Installation Details" under "Installed Software" you should see the "Launch Bar" and be able to uninstall it. Note that if you had the Launch Bar installed previously as a plugin, it will still remain on your system after you have removed the Launch Bar feature.
Regardless if you have the feature version or the plugin version (or both), you can also just hide it using the Eclipse preferences: Run/Debug -> Launching -> Launch Bar, and there would be 2 or 3 check boxes - just uncheck all of them (or just the first actually) and you should be good to go.
I'm not sure how you got it. The LaunchBar isn't part of the CDT. Only the new Arduino CDT uses it.
To remove it, find the org.eclipse.launchbar feature and uninstall it.

Eclipse 4.4 Luna pinning editor tabs

I've found this question: Eclipse - How to pin editor tabs? and I've installed "Extended VS Presentation plugin for Eclipse", but it's not working.
How it should look (from
How it actually looks on my Eclipse 4.4 (on Ubuntu):
As you can see, "Current presentation" setting is missing.
When I've installed this plugin (via eclipse), it was in "Eclipse 3.6 - 3.8 plugins", so maybe it's incompatible with 4.4 Luna? However, it was possible to install it, so it should work, right?
Also, if you know any plugin that would allow pinning tabs in eclipse, feel free to post your answer and describe it.
Support eclipse versions for this plugins:
Eclipse Versions:
Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1)
This plugin NOT works(See this) in eclipse 3.x on Linux.(But here author says it support Linux platform. Contact author for more details)
This plugin NOT works in eclipse 4.x on any platform.
Please note, that the skin, tab actions and lists are available for Eclipse 3.x only! Eclipse 4.x is not supported.
That first Appearance dialog is how it looks in Eclipse 3.x. The appearance code was completely rewritten for Eclipse 4.x.
The fact the plugin installs may just mean the install is not careful enough about specifying the versions of Eclipse it supports.
You should try and contact the plugin author to see if it supports Eclipse Luna.
In my point of view, everything is fine.
As you can see in the images below, (Check bottom (console) ).
The above page is updated on 06-25-2014
But the screenshot in that page is taken on 06-02-2008 , (Check bottom (console) ).
The screenshot given in that page is a screenshot of very very old version. The plugin is updated, but the screenshot in the page is not yet updated.
The new plugin will work as shown in the image in the question
In Eclipse 4.4.0 there You'll find a pin symbol in the default toolbar of Eclipse on the right side. After clicking it, the Java Editor Tab symbol gets changed indicating this editor is pinned now. Unfortunatelly I could not find a corresponding entry in the popup menu. But it is easy to assign e.g. the keys Ctrl-P to "Pin Editor" in the key bindings of Eclipse. (Don't forget to unbind Ctr-P = Print).
In Eclipse Neon 4.6.0 Pin is not functioning.

Eclipse Plugins not appearing in Preferences, Views, or Perspective

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo, Java Developer IDE. I've installed Maven, RESTClient, e4HTTP. But, I do not see them in the Preferences, Views, Perspective. I've looked everywhere to figure out why and am completely lost. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a trick? Thanks... Thoroughly frustrated.
When you say you installed these products I assume you meant that you installed the plugins for those products in Eclipse and not just on your machine.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
Open the plugin registry view (Window -> Show View...) and make sure the plugins you installed are listed.
Invoke Eclipse with the -clean park. This will force Eclipse to refresh several chaches and this often fixes similar problems.
Open the Error Log view (Window -> Show View...) and click on the red X to clear the messages. Stop and start Eclipse to see if any informative or otherwise helpful messages appear in the log.

Eclipse Helios settings are gone everytime I restart it

Everytime I restart my eclipse helios I see it having lost all its views, perspective and all its setting. And as I have a maven eclipse installed on it, it starts updating nexus-maven-repository-index central which seem to a decade to do its thing.
I was very happy with Galilio but I needed to work on a project that asked me to use helios or above. And I've been feeling burnt ever since I switched to Galileo.
Does eclipse helios has any incompatibilities with any of Java 6 versions. I am using jdk1.6.0_32.
Could someone please help me with these problems.
Worst case, once you have resetup all the preference, view & perspective, do the following
Export > general > Preferences > somename.epf
next time when you open eclipse and if the preference is wiped out, then you can
Import > general >preference>somename.epf.
It doesn't fix your problem, but will get you up running...