ALT+CMD+R stopped working - eclipse

I am using Mac and Eclipse. I used to use ALT+CMD+R for name refactoring. Unfortunatelly this key stopped working and using this key I write ® (only in Eclipse). ALT+CMD+R is still correctly defined in Keys section of Eclipse preferences. What could cause this strange behaviour?

Perhaps there is a conflict with other keybindings. Open up the binding view and in a unbinded command press ALT+CMD+R. Check the conflicts section. If you can just see the "Rename-Refactoring /In Windows" you are fine.
Else search for "refactor" and then in the bind section of "Renaming-Refactoring" when "In Windows" clear everything and then press ALT+CMD+R. Check for conflicts, clear them if any and then save.
Voila! you should be ready.

try unbinding the key. Close the eclipse and bind it again. Or try to bind it with different key. Is all other shortcut keys work?

I had the same issue and unbinding/rebinding did not work. However, uninstalling Aptana plugin fixed this issue right away.

I've known Eclipse to occasionally lose key bindings. Often undefining the binding and then reapplying it is enough to fix them. In the worst case, you can export your key bindings, restore the default settings, and then import your bindings. (Or, if you're using the defaults, just restore them and skip the import/export.)

The Aptana Studio plugin may be the problem.
This problem started occurring for me after I installed Aptana Studio to try it out. I tried clearing and resetting the keybinding, and restarting Eclipse to no avail. Uninstalling Aptana Studio fixed the problem.


VSCode system-wide installation warning

These days, anytime I start VSCode, I get this warning
You are running the system-wide installation of Code, while having the user-wide distribution installed as well. Make sure you're running the Code version you expect.
Please how do I fix that?
UPDATE (Recommended by #Fabio Turati)
Just uninstalling the older one without the (USER) extension, it seems working. If not, then uninstall the one left and reinstall vscode.
additional reading:
You installed the new one (with USER extension) before uninstalling the older one. So now you have both, and this is why you get that message. You need to uninstall them both, then reinstall vs code. Make sure you add a shortcut on desktop, it took me a few more minutes to find the .exe of vs code. No worries you don't lose anything by uninstalling...
cheers !
You probably have both versions installed (like I do).
To get rid of the warning, make sure you open the user-wide version. That means unpinning the one you used to have from everywhere.
Then use windows (10) search: visual studio code . Only the ' user-wide distribution' gets shown. If you open visual studio code that way, the warning is gone.
i had these installed:
uninstalled the first one and that error message is gone.
The new executable of the "user-wide distribution" is in this location by default:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
Replacing your shortcuts with this one should make sure you are using the new installation. (You can also uninstall the old one of course if you want to)
Run into this issue today but all I did was install the new one one (with user extension) and then after successful installation I uninstalled the the old one. Restart my computer and all seems to be ok.
I magically solved by (using windows 10):
Unpin from "taskbar" the vs code shortcut
Remove the shortcut from desktop also if you have it
Search on cortana "visual studio code", once the app appears right click and select "pin to taskbar"
Open tha vs code app from taskbar and the error should be gone.

VSCode latex-workshop command not found

I just cannot find any actions to work of the latex-workshop extension in VS Code, though it worked well yesterday.
When I tried to find the actions (using Ctrl+Shift+P), it shows a choice of LaTex Workshop: All Actions. However, after click on it, an error occurs as command 'latex-workshop.actions' not found, and nothing happens. And I can't use any command by shortcut keys.
I tried to reload and reinstall the extension, but they don't help.
Does anyone know what's happening here?
I had the same problem, and followed some suggestion in this GitHub issue.
Simply reinstalling the plugin won't work, but I fixed like this:
Uninstall extension
Close VS Code (Make sure all processes are shut down, maybe restart your machine)
Open Code and reinstall the extension
For me, what solved the problem (August 2021) was to revert to an earlier version - the problem was in 8.20.2, I reverted to 8.19.2. Just click on the extension to show its menu screen and hit the drop-down arrow of the "Uninstall" button.
I solved the issue by uninstalling the extension and deleting the folder
The name may vary across distributions

Terminate Keyboard Shortcut for Mulesoft Anypoint Studio

It gets really annoying to have to open the console everytime I want to stop debugging. The preferences map Ctrl+F2 to terminate, but this shortcut doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried remapping it but no luck, any ideas?
UPDATE - Must be an issue with Eclipse. I found this similar question which doesn't mention a solution. You would think there would be some way to bind a shortcut to the terminate command given how often it's used.
Eclipse Terminate Keyboard Shortcut
If your purpose is only: how to stop the project (debugging) without opening the Console, then you can right click on the Canvas and select: stop project [project name]

Eclipse rebinding delete line to ctrl+shift+d does not work

I'm trying to have eclipse (Luna and Kepler on Ubuntu 12.04) duplicate a line using ctrl+d (like other editors do) and delete it using ctrl+shift+d.
I tried rebinding delete line to ctrl+shift+d, but even if I leave everything else at their default assignments, it simply does not work.
Rebinding line duplication to ctrl+shift+d works perfectly though.
Can anybody tell me please why line deletion is not properly bound to ctrl+shift+d while line duplication could be (there are no binding conflicts in either case)?
Also, is there a way to make delete line work with ctrl+shift+d?
I had this problem too. Initially, Ctrl+D did not work at all. Then I changed the shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+D, which only worked after I restart eclipse.
(For GTK users (for instance on Ubunutu)): I wanted to bind sort members to Ctrl+Shift+D, but it wasn't working as GTK Debugger was launched on Ctrl+Shift+D. I was able to disable the GTK Debugger key by this key in terminal:
gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding false

Eclipse "paste" command broken

I am on OS X 10.8.2 and Eclipse Juno; Copy/Paste/Cut suddenly broke. No response inside Eclipse.
Maybe a rogue plug-in (?) but that doesn't matter, can I just reset the values?
Which combination should I bind to COMMAND+{C,V,X}?
Paste from the clipboard in "Editing Text"
Paste from the clipboard in "Dialogs and Windows"
Paste from the clipboard in "Windows"
If you know how to do this in a preferences file, even better, I use keyConfigurationId="org.eclipse.ui.defaultAcceleratorConfiguration" but I don't know how to choose these parameters for the keyBinding rule in
In my installation, those commands are set to in "Dialogs and Windows". You should be able to also get that automatically by hitting the "Restore Command" button after selecting one of those commands. Or in very hard cases, use "Restore Defaults" in the bottom right corner to recreate all key bindings.
If you use the Android Development tools, please upgrade to the latest version, as a copy-paste-issue was fixed in ADT 20.0.2, which occurred for many Eclipse Juno users.
That all said, you really should upgrade to SR1, as that is a bugfix release, no feature release. So chances are very high it fixes more problems than it introduces.