VSCode latex-workshop command not found - visual-studio-code

I just cannot find any actions to work of the latex-workshop extension in VS Code, though it worked well yesterday.
When I tried to find the actions (using Ctrl+Shift+P), it shows a choice of LaTex Workshop: All Actions. However, after click on it, an error occurs as command 'latex-workshop.actions' not found, and nothing happens. And I can't use any command by shortcut keys.
I tried to reload and reinstall the extension, but they don't help.
Does anyone know what's happening here?

I had the same problem, and followed some suggestion in this GitHub issue.
Simply reinstalling the plugin won't work, but I fixed like this:
Uninstall extension
Close VS Code (Make sure all processes are shut down, maybe restart your machine)
Open Code and reinstall the extension

For me, what solved the problem (August 2021) was to revert to an earlier version - the problem was in 8.20.2, I reverted to 8.19.2. Just click on the extension to show its menu screen and hit the drop-down arrow of the "Uninstall" button.

I solved the issue by uninstalling the extension and deleting the folder
The name may vary across distributions


Copilot stopped working on vscode after trying multiple fixes [duplicate]

GitHub Copilot stopped working after it asked to restart vscode for the last update I installed, right now it doesn't even show the icon and there are no suggestions either, it's as if it wasn't installed.
I unistalled everything, even the vscode itself, deleting all the files and configuringicon in case there was a conflict or error, but the extension still does not work.
If anyone knows how to fix it or what is causing the error, I would be very grateful.
Rolling back to the previous version (1.63.7601) fixed it for me.
Click on extensions icon on left menu bar
Search for Copilot
Click the settings cog > Install another version
Select 1.63.7601
Reload VSCode

Does anyone know why my vscode is behaving like this?😔

Why is my vscode ui being like this? I tried completely uninstalling and installing vscode but the issue remains same. 😒😔
Tried completely uninstalling and installing but issue remains same
Try to change theme color of your vsCode editor. And check that by mistake any unknown extension downloaded by you or not.
Other side there might be problem in your display of computer check that onece.
There is one way also,
You can completely delete old vscode version files.

My VS code keeps crashing when opening it

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the problem did not dissappear. It seems that when I open the app, more than 20 windows open at the same time, causing the app to crash. Here is a screenshot:
I've searched on the internet for what else to do, but I didn't come across any solution.
The solution was to start VS Code from the command prompt with the following command:
code --disable-extensions --max-memory=12288mb
Then to close all open tabs and correctly exit VS Code without any open files.
Hopefully this helps someone!
I tried all the fixes above when my Ubuntu install of VS Code crashed repeatedly at startup. The only thing that worked for me was deleting the entire ~/.config/Code/Backups folder. Back it up first, just in case!
I had the same issue with the latest version of VSCODE. Then i tried installing "Downloads: Windows: User" one from https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_52. It worked. I am not sure of the root cause.
I observed that after installing the extension 'Django Template Support' the VSCode started crashing.
I tried by installing the latest version of VSCode too. Still the VSCode did crash.
Once after uninstalling that extension, VSCode is working fine.
May be, we should note the change which has made the VScode to crash (though, it shouldn't, I believe.)

Visual Studio Code freezing up my computer

So I have been using VS Code for a while now, and as of recently when I start up the program, within a couple minutes, my entire computer freezes. I have attempted re-installing it. I have made sure im on the latest update, and I have not recently installed any extensions in the days leading up to this issue.
It is consistently freezing though. Even after restarting my computer and re-installing the application. I have no clue what could be causing this but I really do enjoy VS Code and would like to not have to swap to something else.
Any help is of course greatly apprecaited. Thanks!
I got the same issue in my Ubuntu 16.04.
I did switch off git.autorefresh in the Settings, then it works flawlessly and smoothly
If the problem keeps occurring, I guess an extension is causing the issue (must be).
Try to remove the extensions one by one or disable it in settings then test again. I got the same issue and its fixed after removing the git blame extension.
I had the same problem and adding these settings to Visual Studio Code the PC freezing doesn't happen anymore:
Open VS Code settings (press F1 -> "Preferences: Open Settings
Add these json properties at the end of your settings
"search.searchOnType": true,
"search.followSymlinks": false,
"search.collapseResults": "auto",
"search.maxResults": 2000,
Save settings.
It freezes a lot too
if you check task manager without vs code it should okay but after you open vs code and try it its the disk has like 100% or something that's why it's freezing

Receiving error message 'Extension host terminated unexpectedly.' in Visual Studio Code

I have been looking around and I haven't found any answers to my issue.
I keep getting this error "Extension host terminated unexpectedly." and I have tried removing all of my extensions, reinstalling the program, trying different versions of vscode including the insider versions.
The way I get this isssue isn't from trying to use the debugger or trying to use some sort of extension, as I said before I removed all of them and the error keeps on coming back, it's simply from opening the application. I'm not entirely sure how to continue? I have had to use another editor because the error just doesn't go away. I will just have to wait for another update of Visual Studio Code I assume? I've had the issue since tuesday this week, guessing since the latest update.
Above is the error message I get. It is closed by esc but reappears very shortly after, every time.
When I open developer tools, this is what I find in the console.
Running vscode from command prompt with Code.exe --disable-extensions doesn't help.
Visual Studio Code version: 1.16.1
I appreciate any help.
Linking my github issue on Microsoft/vscode as reference
I had the same error after updating vsc to v. 1.31.0.
Disabling Live Server Extension worked for me.
Here's the error i'm getting having the extension enabled.
I started getting this error when vscode automatically updated to March 2020 (version 1.44). I have tried various suggestions given in the forum and over the internet but none of them worked.
What worked for me: I downloaded January 2020 (version 1.42) build from https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_42 and ran over the previous installation without uninstalling and surprisingly, the error disappeared and all extensions are loading and working properly.
I tried following things and non of them worked:
I disabled all the installed extension from GUI.
uninstalled all the extension and installed again.
removed the left-over extensions from Windows %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions.
tried launching from the command prompt with --disable-extensions option.
Linking my github issue on Microsoft/vscode as reference.
It ended up being one of the base extensions that runs on startup that was the root of the problem.
In my case the git in extensions folder was causing it.
"git.enabled": false was not doing the trick so I had to remove the git folder altogether for the error to disappear.
In my case, I used typescript-hero extension. Disabling this extension fixed my problem.
It's temporal fix but maybe will help somebody.
I disabled all the extensions with name Live for example Live Server, Live Share etc and restarted my vscode again and it worked for me.
For me this was happening due to HTML CSS Support extension. so i removed it and restarted vs code and voila! it worked!
I had to uninstall few extensions related to Java (debugger for java, Test runner for java, extension pack for java etc) to make the error go away.
Click on the developer tool option that popups and see if it has the extension which is causing this error.
I got same issue and it was because of Color Highlight Extension. I just uninstalled Color Highlight Extension and its working fine and NO ERROR.
Me too. My failure has no "Code":
Extension host terminated unexpectedly. Code: null Signal: SIGABRT
I recently ran into the same error message after accepting a permission to run a program on the extension livepreview. It corrupted all other extensions where it could not find the commands. I deleted all extension files and reinstalled the other extensions without a problem. I tried liveserver again but It never prompted me again for permissions and still, the error message keeps occurring. I'm assuming liveserver was trying to ask the computer permission to run a local server after which is still accepted but something else is interfering with the computer being able to translate from the program to actually building and accessing the local server.
In my case, the live server extension was causing this issue in 1.31.0v of VS Code. After uninstalling the extension it started working correctly.
In my case it was from the extension "Todo Tree". It was breaking on a particularly large file in my project (13.7mb), with the error saying the file was over the max-size for a node-buffer (used by the C regex matcher).
Resolved the issue by disabling the extension.
I also opened an issue for it here: https://github.com/Gruntfuggly/todo-tree/issues/135
I had same problem with following error in my VSCode console.
`1: node::DecodeWrite
2: node::InternalCallbackScope::Close
3: v8::internal::VirtualMemory::TakeControl
4: v8::internal::PerThreadAssertScope<4,1>::PerThreadAssertScope<4,1>
5: v8::internal::operator<<
6: v8::internal::operator<<
7: 00000073ECF04481`
I solved it by uninstalling Angular Console extension. Not sure if it was that particular extension or some other memory issue but problem went away as soon as I uninstalled that.
Remove all Extensions which are located in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:
Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
Linux ~/.vscode/extensions
Restart vscode and start installing extensions.
I am not sure why this caused , but the Antivirus was throwing popups that something like extensionprocess.js file was repaired.
Disabled the Antivirus and re-installed Vscode and it was back to normal.
Hope this helps.
Here is what helped me:
Ctrl+Shift+P --> type: "Disable"
and click Disable all installed extensions
(alternatively click Disable all installed extensions for this Workspace)
Then go to extensions panel on the left and re-enable slowly those that you really need.
See which extension (or their combination) triggers that error.
It will be highly appreciated which extenstion/combination you'll find guilty as there may be several of them, and different in time...
for me, it was code runner extension I just disabled it.