Eclipse "paste" command broken - eclipse

I am on OS X 10.8.2 and Eclipse Juno; Copy/Paste/Cut suddenly broke. No response inside Eclipse.
Maybe a rogue plug-in (?) but that doesn't matter, can I just reset the values?
Which combination should I bind to COMMAND+{C,V,X}?
Paste from the clipboard in "Editing Text"
Paste from the clipboard in "Dialogs and Windows"
Paste from the clipboard in "Windows"
If you know how to do this in a preferences file, even better, I use keyConfigurationId="org.eclipse.ui.defaultAcceleratorConfiguration" but I don't know how to choose these parameters for the keyBinding rule in

In my installation, those commands are set to in "Dialogs and Windows". You should be able to also get that automatically by hitting the "Restore Command" button after selecting one of those commands. Or in very hard cases, use "Restore Defaults" in the bottom right corner to recreate all key bindings.
If you use the Android Development tools, please upgrade to the latest version, as a copy-paste-issue was fixed in ADT 20.0.2, which occurred for many Eclipse Juno users.
That all said, you really should upgrade to SR1, as that is a bugfix release, no feature release. So chances are very high it fixes more problems than it introduces.


How do I stop command line developers tool icon from showing

This isn’t much of a big problem just a nuisance.
So when ever I open and or close eclipse/IntelliJ application on my Mac, this icon shows up saying “the git command requires the command line developers tool. Would you like to install?”.
This icon shows up when ever I do anything relating to java programming (opening/ closing IDE, creating a new class, sometimes when configuring main class, opening a new project). I always press “cancel” instead of “install” when the icon appears.
Upgrade your Eclipse to 2020-09 (4.17) or at least EGit to 5.9.
Eclipse does not require to have the command line Git to be installed, but calls the git command to check whether the command line Git is installed (and if it's installed, how it is configured). A change that came with a macOS update redirects the git command causing this dialog to pop up. For details see Eclipse bug 564372.
For IntelliJ see JetBrains' bug tracker, e.g. here.

How can I get Eclipse IDE to default to "Selected lines" in the Find/Replace dialogue when multiple lines are selected?

When working in Eclipse and hitting Ctrl+F with lines of code selected, the default behavior I expect is for the Find/Replace dialogue to open with the "Selected lines" option and, perhaps, either buffer contents or a previous search query in the "Find" prompt. On my home machine, what happens instead is the entire selection gets automatically copied to the "Find" prompt and Scope is reset to "All" instead of "Selected lines" every time.
I somehow do have this working by default on my work machine: "Selected Lines" scope option is chosen automatically when more than one line is selected in the editor.
Possibly unrelated: I do have CDT installed and I work mostly with C++ in Eclipse. Home machine is running Ubuntu 18.10, work machine is running Ubuntu 18.04.
I tried:
Re-downloading Eclipse, reinstalling CDT & cmake4eclipse
Changing to a new Workspace in Eclipse (without copying settings)
Searching high and low online for recipes on how to control this.
How do I change the IDE at home to the desired "Selected Lines" behavior?
[Edit 1 hour later]: I am now almost convinced the issue has to do with the Ubuntu version somehow. I'm running 18.04 on my Laptop (same as my work computer) and I just upgraded CDT & Eclipse Platform to latest stable versions (9.7 and 4.11/2019-03, respectively), which I have everywhere else. The new "wrong" behavior didn't appear. I will also start a thread on the Eclipse forums or perhaps even open a bug report. I don't want to reinstall the whole system or downgrade it (slim chance of success) just to get this back; if it's an Eclipse bug, I'd rather work on fixing it.
[Edit 2 days later] The bug did not manifest on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.10. I still have no idea what was different on the 'culprit' machine. I ended up wiping the drive and reinstalling 18.04 on the same machine and the problem went away.

Improve Eclipse look and feel on Fedora

I am using Eclipse Neon on Fedora 24. The look and feel is not as great as Eclipse on Windows - for example, it takes a long time for the mouse pointer to become draggable when on the border of two windows. What are some potential solutions to improve this.
A few things to consider:
Sometimes certain plugins cause glitches. For example I know Javascript plugin interferes with C development sometimes. Try a fresh upstream Eclipse with a fresh workspace, ex try the latest 'maintenance' eclipse:
These often have the latest fixes.
If you've turned on the black theame, you could try the regular white theame as currently there are some u.i issues specific to the dark theme. ex:
499515: [Gtk3][Dark] Click on package explorer only works on second click when dark theme is enabled
Some Window managers (ex i3) tend to introduce visual glitches in Eclipse. Try alternative window managers or the standard 'gnome' to see if there is a difference.
If you're running wayland, currently Eclipse is a little unstable on wayland, but port is in progress: 496923: [Wayland] Improve support for Wayland in 4.7
You should also consider submitting a bug with more specific details of your setup, (help -> about -> installation details -> Configuration, copy and attach). To do so, go here:
Select "SWT" from Component.
If all else fails, I often hang out on freenode#swt, feel free to ping me there. (lufimtse)
Try this
and I modified my /usr/share/applications/elipse.desktop exec parameter, like this
Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 eclipse
my eclipse.desktop =>
[Desktop Entry]
Name= Eclipse
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
**Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 eclipse**

Eclipse Juno for OS X Content Assist menu item selection from keyboard

Something has changed from Indigo to Juno which has made me much less efficient:
Content Assist menus items can't be cycled through using the "Line Down" shortcut anymore
Is there anything I can do to bring back the working behaviour?
OSX Mountain Lion (v10.8.3)
Eclipse (v4.2.2, Build: M20130204-1200)
Command: "Line Down", bound to: CTRL-N, when: In Windows
Shortcut to invoke Content Assist: OPTION-/, when: In Dialogs and Windows
The exact same configuration, changing only Eclipse to Indigo (Version: 3.7.2; Build id: M20120208-0800) works perfectly. I have lots of muscle memory to undo if I can't fix this.. :(!
I want to set up a bounty for a solution to this but it says I have to wait 2 days before doing so..
Reference links:
Navigating the Content Assist List in Eclipse
One thing you can do is go to
And from there you can change the binding of the commands you want to use. They are all there from copy and paste to running tests and refactoring. So if you assign several Ctrl+N you will get a list with all the commands you bound to and can click on the one you want.
Is this kinda what you had in mind?

ALT+CMD+R stopped working

I am using Mac and Eclipse. I used to use ALT+CMD+R for name refactoring. Unfortunatelly this key stopped working and using this key I write ® (only in Eclipse). ALT+CMD+R is still correctly defined in Keys section of Eclipse preferences. What could cause this strange behaviour?
Perhaps there is a conflict with other keybindings. Open up the binding view and in a unbinded command press ALT+CMD+R. Check the conflicts section. If you can just see the "Rename-Refactoring /In Windows" you are fine.
Else search for "refactor" and then in the bind section of "Renaming-Refactoring" when "In Windows" clear everything and then press ALT+CMD+R. Check for conflicts, clear them if any and then save.
Voila! you should be ready.
try unbinding the key. Close the eclipse and bind it again. Or try to bind it with different key. Is all other shortcut keys work?
I had the same issue and unbinding/rebinding did not work. However, uninstalling Aptana plugin fixed this issue right away.
I've known Eclipse to occasionally lose key bindings. Often undefining the binding and then reapplying it is enough to fix them. In the worst case, you can export your key bindings, restore the default settings, and then import your bindings. (Or, if you're using the defaults, just restore them and skip the import/export.)
The Aptana Studio plugin may be the problem.
This problem started occurring for me after I installed Aptana Studio to try it out. I tried clearing and resetting the keybinding, and restarting Eclipse to no avail. Uninstalling Aptana Studio fixed the problem.