Django CMS plugin custom template - plugins

I'm using django-cms 2.2 and imagestore as gallery plugin. But I need to customize galley view. ImageStore uses imagestore_album.html template to render gallery, I created it and put into my tempaltes folder. how I can setup imagestore to use my template?

just added cms/plugins/imagestore_album.html and now plugin uses my template, it was too easy


tinymce adding a context form to a custom plugin in wordpress

So after a lot of trial and error I managed to make a simple tinyMCE plugin that suits a project I'm working on , the plugin at the moment adds or removes a html tag from the slection , but now I want to add a Context Form similar to the link Context Form tinyMCE comes with but there is no clear documentation to do this with the wordpress plugin inside the tinymce.PluginManager . Anyone know how to add this using the tinymce functionaities (in Wordpress).

How to add RTE (Rich Text Edit) for the text area in TYPO3 backend module extension template

I have a TYPO3 backend module extension. I want to replace the text area with RTE in the template.
Well, you can configure this with CKeditor plugin. You can follow the step below to make this happen,
1) You can add the JQuery plugin from TYPO3 core here:
2) Load the plugin in the backend module, you can use the below link as a reference.
See: Reference
3) Add custom JS file to write your custom JQuery script (Just like step 2)
4) In your custom JS, initialize CKEditor.
$( 'textarea.editor' ).ckeditor(); // this is your HTML field
See: Reference
Also, you can look at the official document for configuring this.
Hope this will help you!

Use local assets in SonarQube 6.3.1 custom plugin's web page

I would like to insert some pictures in my custom web page for SonarQube 6.3.1. I tried to put it in resources/static like javascript files and call it with <img src="image.png"></img>but it doesn't work.
I do not really understand how SonarQube manage custom pages within the static folder. I followed the official guide but I do not understand for example how to use external resources (images, html templates, etc.) in the js file of my page.
Thank you for your help,
I have finally found how to use my assets:
Put your assets in src/main/ressources/static, for example I added an image here src/main/ressources/static/images/loading.gif
Let myplugin my plugin's identifier
I am able to use my gif in src/main/ressources/static/page.js like this <img src="../../static/myplugin/static/images/loader.gif"></img>
Maybe it can help somebody...

How to add new button in tiny_mce from magento 2 module?

I have already made a wordpress plugin for tiny_mce editor via add_filter() function.
I included the js file of tiny_mce plugin. It works properly.
Now when same thing I am willing to develop for magento 2. I have create basic hello_world module with this tutorial:
Now from this module how I add my custom button in tiny_mce editor.
Advance thanks for reply.....
I've wrote a blog post about how to add a TinyMCE pluing to the Magento WYSIWYG Editor.
I've also created a demo module which should give you a direction how to do it for yourself.

Add link to text in neos beta 1.0.2

I am new to Typo3 neos.
I am using neos with version 1.0.2
When i try to add links to custom content types the link will not be proper
and it appears some thing like below.For external urls it works fine.
How can i add target blank for external urls and mailto link for emails?
Thank you in advance.
you need to apply a converter to your text that changes the internal presentation of the link to the real link. Examples are in:
Basically if your custom node type has a property "text", you do:
text.#process.convertUris = TYPO3.Neos:ConvertUris
in your TypoScript prototype.
I think mailto: should work by typing into the link box. Setting different targets is currently not supported out of the box, but could be done with a custom processor.