How to add new button in tiny_mce from magento 2 module? - plugins

I have already made a wordpress plugin for tiny_mce editor via add_filter() function.
I included the js file of tiny_mce plugin. It works properly.
Now when same thing I am willing to develop for magento 2. I have create basic hello_world module with this tutorial:
Now from this module how I add my custom button in tiny_mce editor.
Advance thanks for reply.....

I've wrote a blog post about how to add a TinyMCE pluing to the Magento WYSIWYG Editor.
I've also created a demo module which should give you a direction how to do it for yourself.


tinymce adding a context form to a custom plugin in wordpress

So after a lot of trial and error I managed to make a simple tinyMCE plugin that suits a project I'm working on , the plugin at the moment adds or removes a html tag from the slection , but now I want to add a Context Form similar to the link Context Form tinyMCE comes with but there is no clear documentation to do this with the wordpress plugin inside the tinymce.PluginManager . Anyone know how to add this using the tinymce functionaities (in Wordpress).

How to add RTE (Rich Text Edit) for the text area in TYPO3 backend module extension template

I have a TYPO3 backend module extension. I want to replace the text area with RTE in the template.
Well, you can configure this with CKeditor plugin. You can follow the step below to make this happen,
1) You can add the JQuery plugin from TYPO3 core here:
2) Load the plugin in the backend module, you can use the below link as a reference.
See: Reference
3) Add custom JS file to write your custom JQuery script (Just like step 2)
4) In your custom JS, initialize CKEditor.
$( 'textarea.editor' ).ckeditor(); // this is your HTML field
See: Reference
Also, you can look at the official document for configuring this.
Hope this will help you!

Comment form via composer for Laravel

How can I add simple comment form with a smile for my Laravel project via composer?
I would like to add it to my Laravel project like FCKEditor
I don't sure that I can find it via
I will use this code, it doesn't have smiles, but it look like good

Fluid with PhpStorm view helper can't be found

My PhpStorm IDE does not recognize the fluid view helper. Currently working with PhpStorm 2017.3.3
I installed the Fluid Plugin from sgalinski and added in the Schema and DTDs following xsd file and linked it to following URI
Does anyone know how I can fix this? It would be great when autocompletion would work for fluid html files
Try adding the Typo3 core as external library in your PhpStorm Projekt.
Have a look for these blog posts:
You may also check out the PhpStorm Plugins - there is one available for FLUID.

TYPO3 page only shows "HELLO WORLD!"

I started to learn how to use TYPO3 because I want to create a FAQ page. So I created a very simple page:
But if I view the page, then i only get "HELLO WORLD!". What am i doing wrong?
Did i missed some steps? Where can i get started the best way?
I use TYPO3 8.1.2 btw.
First of all: You have done nothing wrong.
TYPO3 has it's own configuration language: TypoScript.
You have to tell the system in TypoScript what should be rendered in the frontend. The default is a simple TypoScriptSnippet that only prints out the text HELLO WORLD.
I looks something like this:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = WELLO WORLD
You can find the configuration of your page in the Template module in the backend in the field "Setup". You can either change the TypoScript directly in there or use external files and include them.
You have to understand at least the basics of TypoScript and Templating in TYPO3 to make the content you create in the backend appear in the frontend. If you learn from sources in the internet, try to avoid the old ones.
If you need more help, please feel free to join the TYPO3 community at slack (, where you can ask any kind of TYPO3 related questions. We will happyly hep you to get started.
you just need to add template typescript code.
or other best way is the use the template by install the template from the pre distribution option.
Go to file extension and select from drop down "Get Preconfigured distribution" option and install from their list of available template.
After install successfully you can see page add/edit option have web icon, inside them you can create new page,
It will show page content on view.