tinymce adding a context form to a custom plugin in wordpress - tinymce

So after a lot of trial and error I managed to make a simple tinyMCE plugin that suits a project I'm working on , the plugin at the moment adds or removes a html tag from the slection , but now I want to add a Context Form similar to the link Context Form tinyMCE comes with but there is no clear documentation to do this with the wordpress plugin inside the tinymce.PluginManager . Anyone know how to add this using the tinymce functionaities (in Wordpress).


How to add RTE (Rich Text Edit) for the text area in TYPO3 backend module extension template

I have a TYPO3 backend module extension. I want to replace the text area with RTE in the template.
Well, you can configure this with CKeditor plugin. You can follow the step below to make this happen,
1) You can add the JQuery plugin from TYPO3 core here:
2) Load the plugin in the backend module, you can use the below link as a reference.
See: Reference
3) Add custom JS file to write your custom JQuery script (Just like step 2)
4) In your custom JS, initialize CKEditor.
$( 'textarea.editor' ).ckeditor(); // this is your HTML field
See: Reference
Also, you can look at the official document for configuring this.
Hope this will help you!

How to add new button in tiny_mce from magento 2 module?

I have already made a wordpress plugin for tiny_mce editor via add_filter() function.
I included the js file of tiny_mce plugin. It works properly.
Now when same thing I am willing to develop for magento 2. I have create basic hello_world module with this tutorial:
Now from this module how I add my custom button in tiny_mce editor.
Advance thanks for reply.....
I've wrote a blog post about how to add a TinyMCE pluing to the Magento WYSIWYG Editor.
I've also created a demo module which should give you a direction how to do it for yourself.

TYPO3: Custom options for "insert plugin" in backend

I am learning TYPO3 and extensions, for now, I've created a test extension about image uploading, handling and showing.
I have done the Backend for upload a new image, show a list, and edit image properties (once selected). This part is already implemented and working.
Now I am missing the "include" part, I mean, to insert an image in page via Insert Plugin on BackEnd.
My problem: When I select insert plugin, and I manually select my registered plugin, I want to render there a fluid template with options, image list, and so.
These options are for the user to select an image, a size, and so, for it to be shown in selected page.
I don't know which method have typo3 for showing templates in that part, so I am requesting a hint from where to config a template to be used there by TYPO3.
Note: This is not about asking implementations, just a hint to start and implement it myself.
You should not code that on your own.
I guess you are looking for TCA. In special for your Plugin you are looking for "flexforms". I guess this wiki page can help you get started with some examples.

Wordpress Cusutom Page, With PHP,js html and css

How can I implement a full html,php,js and css page into a wordpress page?
I have a app.php that has a text box, when You press enter it displays the text with a php echo. With the users profile picture from Facebook.
How Can I inset/implement that into a WordPress page?
HTML/PHP: The simplest way may just be to create an extra template in your theme. You can view WordPress template hierarchy here: Template Hierarchy
JS/CSS: If the JavaScript and CSS makes the most sense to be embedded (it usually does!), you can use hooks and actions in a simple plugin (or potentially your functions.php page) to include the JavaScript and CSS you need.
Note: I have not personally used functions.php (found in your theme files) to call these sorts of hooks, but I assume it would work just fine.
If you are using a theme that constantly receives updates, it is worth building a plugin to do the job. If not, it's easiest to just modify the theme.
There are two options as far as I know. First one is that you embed the code directly into your posts, and install the plugin called PHP execution. Second, try to create your own page template, and place your own code in the template. then you can create a page in the dashboard and select the template.

Using TinyMCE Advanced with plugin's textarea - Wordpress

I'm developing a custom plugin in Wordpress. I also have the TinyMCE Advanced Wordpress plugin activated and working.
I created a normal HTML textarea, and converted it into a TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor, using the class="theEditor" attribute. The problem is, it's Wordpress' own TinyMCE implementation, and NOT the TinyMCE Advanced plugin's implementation, which means I miss out on all its features, including the (most important for my purposes) "stop removing <p> and <br> tags" option.
How do I make the textarea trigger TinyMCE Advanced?
You should have a look at these two articles:
And check the the_editor (/wp-includes/general-template.php -> line 1771) and the wp_tiny_mce (/wp-admin/includes/post.php -> line 1377) functions too.
Updated the links
These links are dead, but can be reached in the internet archive here:
allcreative.net page
keighl.com page