QT5 mouse Plugin not loading with qtwebkit - plugins

I have cross compiled QT5 for MIPS based embedded platform. There is no pointer device. Hence created "Socket based" pointer device by modifying the evdevmouse plugin and it is working.
But when I try to run "QtWebkit", it never tries to search or load this plugin. I am not sure what is the difference. (It loads image/ eglfs etc other plugins except this).
Can any one suggest way to go around?
EDITED: QtWebkit is "QtTestBrowser" application.

"But when I try to run "QtWebkit", it never tries to search or load
this plugin"
Finally I found the reason.
Due to some changes which we had done in the application, there was small corruption in argv, and hence it was not finding “-plugin” properly.
I enabled the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS, and found that it was not trying to load that at all and then found the reason.


Unrea Engine 4.27.1 project always build everything

I use ue4.27.1, by compiling engine source codes.
However, whenever I try to build sources after changing build configuration 'Develpment editor' to 'DebugGame editor' (or the opposite way) it compiles all 4240 modules.
It compiles more than 2700 modules when I press F5 to play it. It often happens but now this always happens.
"Invalidating makefile" or "create makefile(no makefile)" messages are always shown in the log.
I think this got worse when I created a new class for my project, but I'm not that sure about that.
If anyone got any ideas about this, please, please share your knowledge.
btw it didn't happened with 4.26.2 but happens with 4.27

Waiting mouse cursor in my GWT application stays infinitely (only in Chrome, only in Production)

Could you please tell me why I have waiting mouse cursor in my gwt application as if page not fully loaded ? It doesn't happen on dev server. It only happens in production. Also it's happening in Chrome but doesn't in IE.
Link to my app is here.
I checked it again in Chrome, but for me no wait cursor is Displayed. But i think, your Google Chrome is trying to open the Google Translate Menu. For me it came quickly and the page loading stopped and the mouse was at normal position.
I prefer you try updating your chrome.
I have also checked the same in my co-workers Laptop and its working fine too.
If problem still persists, please use CCleaner Software and clear all Temporary files, Browser Cache, Recent files etc. Why because, GWT creates a lot of temporary files which may reduce your system performance. So after each cleaning, just restart the system also. I had few such resolutions recently.
I opened your link in Firefox and got the following error
ERROR: Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file. The compile
time user.agent value (safari) does not match the runtime user.agent
value (gecko1_8). Expect more errors
This is because, you have compiled your code for Webkit browsers only. If you have added a line as below in your gwt module xml file,
<define-property name="user.agent" values="ie6">
you may either remove it or you can add more browser support via this.

GWT: does code-splitting have any effect when in development mode

I've read in so many places that code-splitting can significantly speed up the initial loading time of a GWT application.
However, before we do the splitting, we would like to know whether the deferred download of codes also work when in development mode?
Currently our most painful point is that in development mode with debug mode, when we refresh the browser (to refresh the changes in client code) it will take 3.7 years for the app to reload.
In production mode the application will load in a matter of seconds.
Code splitting has absolutely no effect in Dev Mode, because your application is not compiled to JavaScript.
When GWT.isScript() is false (Dev Mode) RunAsyncCallback.onSuccess() method is run immediately. It is apparent if you inspect the source code of the GWT.runAsync() method.
EDIT: just a small thing to add as well: do NOT use Chrome with DevMode. Chrome still has an outstanding bug (the link escapes me right now) that makes the DevMode Plugin for Chrome run really slowly. Use Firefox, it is the fastest with the Dev Mode plugin.
As said before code splitting has absolutely no effect in Dev Mode.
Only thing that I could suggest you is to increase memory for jvm on start:
For example we use in our project:
-Xmx1024m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
Also upgrade your working hardware(CPU, memory), it's could help you to compile faster your java code on Dev mode.
If you want faster DevMode you should be more careful with how you write your application. User lazy loading where possible, split app into standalone modules.
E.g. let's say you have some app with 5000 classes. And usually a developer needs to change only some part of application, not all application (one page for example). So basically you need to make sure that to start one simple part of app, only classes needed by the app are loaded. E.g. instead of loading 5000 classes only 100 will be loaded. Also check for common errors like RPC Type Explosion, they affect devmode as well. And try GWT 2.4 it is much faster than previous versions (I mean DevMode).
In my (medium length) experience I noticed Internet Explorer 9 is also pretty fast in Dev Mode, and a lot more stable than Chrome. The GWT plug-in doesn't crash every other reload of the application.
You could give it a try, see if it works better for you.

NPRUNTIME plugin not loading in chrome,works fine with FF-3.6

I have modified my existing code to support npruntime to be used with FF-3.6 and above.
It loads and works perfectly fine with firefox 3.6 and above but chrome is not able to load the plugin (though its able to detect plugin) and gives "Missing Plugin" error.
anyone having clue about what can be the issue here ?
When you say that it can detect the plugin, do you mean it shows up in chrome://plugins? If so, is the MIME type you expect listed under its details?
The missing plugin error can show up if the plugin crashes during initialization, in addition to showing up if no plugin is found at all, so if everything looks right in chrome://plugins the next step would be to attach with a debugger during plugin initialization using the --plugin-startup-dialog flag.

J2ME: Prefetch error -5. MediaException

I get a MediaException (Prefetch error: -5) when executing the following code on a Nokia N73. It runs fine in the emulator and I have tried the same thing before on the same phone successfully. The only difference now is that I am using NetBeans to build and deploy rather than Eclipse.
inputPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=pcm&rate=4000&bits=16&channels=1");
I am wondering whether it is security related, as with Eclipse I always got a security prompt on the phone. With NetBeans I do not get any prompt, just the Exception.
-5 is Symbian error code KErrNotSupported.
The N73 is based on Symbian OS v9.1
Native (from Symbian C++) error codes are sometimes propagated into Java exceptions when the JSR-135 implementation couldn't find a nicer way to express the error.
Make sure that you do not have any other player references held. That is, you are not attempting to prefetch the second player object, while the first one is not yet released/closed. Also, esp on the Nokia, try releasing it on a separate thread, as closing/releasing the player on the same thread is know to cause some problems. Same with creating too.