NPRUNTIME plugin not loading in chrome,works fine with FF-3.6 - plugins

I have modified my existing code to support npruntime to be used with FF-3.6 and above.
It loads and works perfectly fine with firefox 3.6 and above but chrome is not able to load the plugin (though its able to detect plugin) and gives "Missing Plugin" error.
anyone having clue about what can be the issue here ?

When you say that it can detect the plugin, do you mean it shows up in chrome://plugins? If so, is the MIME type you expect listed under its details?
The missing plugin error can show up if the plugin crashes during initialization, in addition to showing up if no plugin is found at all, so if everything looks right in chrome://plugins the next step would be to attach with a debugger during plugin initialization using the --plugin-startup-dialog flag.


Aurelia/Babel 6 sourcemaps shown as html

I have an aurelia application updated to the latest beta, 1.0.0-beta.1.2.1 at the time of this writing. This version of aurelia already uses Babel 6, and my application is based on the based on the ASP.NET 5 ES2016 navigation skeleton.
"All of a sudden", whenever I try to open my untranspiled javascript source files in Chrome (Version 49.0.2623.110 m (64-bit)) Developer tools, for instance main.js, all I get to see is the html of Index.cshtml.
It doesn't matter which javascript file I try to open, it always shows the html of Index.cshtml instead of javascript.
The transpiled files are displayed correctly in Chrome Dev Tools.
I've had this before but it usually meant I had a binding or templating error somewhere, but in this case the application works perfectly, so it probably has to do with the sourcemaps... Or does it?
My questions are:
What is the best way to track down a subtle binding or templating
error in Aurelia? Everything I've tried to do in my applcation works
fine, but I don't want to rule out this being my own fault just yet.
In case it's not my fault, has anybody come across this before? What
is the reason the sourcemaps are not working; is it Aurelia? is it
Babel 6? Is it Chrome?
It doesn't seem to be a Chrome issue; the same problem occurs in Edge.
Update 2
By turning off Enable javascript sourcemaps on Chrome Developer Tools I can debug de transpiled code.
The transpilation gulp tasks I'm using are copy/pasted from the version mentioned above.
Has anybody else come across this issue?
Ok, I think I've found the problem.
I changed includeContent to true for sourcemaps.write in the build-system gulp task defined in build\tasks\build.js, so that line 23 of that file looks as follows:
.pipe(sourcemaps.write({ includeContent: true}))
This comes set to false in the navigation skeleton, so more people should have this same issue. Anyhow, this seems to have solved the problem.
I also removed the sourceRoot: "/src" parameter in that call, as it is only necessary when includeContent is false.

SoapUI Eclipse Plugin Freezes

I'm using soapUI eclipse plugin.
I open soapUI Navigator and create a new project. On the new project screen, I choose the location of the wsdl to generate test cases from.
After I click 'OK', the plugin starts loading the definitions. This is when it freezes.
I wasn't able to find any thing on the internet besides this 3 year old bug (which is the exact same issue I'm having, you can also see the screen shot of it):
Does any one know any information regarding what causes it, is there a way around, etc.
I'm inside a corporate network, can access internet fine, but there are firewall restrictions etc.
I use eclipse Soupui plugin version 4.0.1 and it works fine.

QT5 mouse Plugin not loading with qtwebkit

I have cross compiled QT5 for MIPS based embedded platform. There is no pointer device. Hence created "Socket based" pointer device by modifying the evdevmouse plugin and it is working.
But when I try to run "QtWebkit", it never tries to search or load this plugin. I am not sure what is the difference. (It loads image/ eglfs etc other plugins except this).
Can any one suggest way to go around?
EDITED: QtWebkit is "QtTestBrowser" application.
"But when I try to run "QtWebkit", it never tries to search or load
this plugin"
Finally I found the reason.
Due to some changes which we had done in the application, there was small corruption in argv, and hence it was not finding “-plugin” properly.
I enabled the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS, and found that it was not trying to load that at all and then found the reason.

Debugging amf remote calls (from flex 4) in PHP Eclipse

I have installed and setup xdebug to debug php application. However I was wonder is it possible to debug the remote calls? I am using amfphp, I want to put break points and debug the code when the flex application calls the service. Is it possible? how to do it? Or Is there any way to simulate remote call called from flex 4 withing eclipse?
Thanks in Advance
I have used xdebug pugin for firefox and chrome extension but both seems not working after I have installed them. Basically there is no hint/clue/document explaining how to use them, sadly. Can any one help?
Ok, I have downloaded for firefox and I had no clue on how to use it but I realized that I have removed the plugin bar which I usually disable/hide. I enabled that plug-in bar and it started appearing on the bottom of the browser and now i am able to debug :)
Any way I have found chrome extension as well but i yet to figure out how to enable that, because it says the extension button will appear in the context and I have no clue when that comes. May be when I set chrome as default browser and it will pick up when flex launches the app. let me see

Chrome plugin process - npapi plugin

I'm writing an npapi plugin in Qt. My plugin works perfectly on firefox and opera. The problem in chrome i guess is regarding the "process-per-plugin" setup. What happens is, when i first open a page, the plugin is injected and all works as per expected. But when i navigate from that page to another one, in the new page, the plugin seems to get injected but even its constructor isnt called.
To examine the issue, I tried killing my plugin process via the chrome task manager before i navigate to the new page. When i do this, the plugin works as expected in the 2nd page too. I'm unable to comprehend what is happening here. Any help would be appreciated.
The creation and destruction of browser plugin depends on the browser. So if your constructor is not being called means that your plugin has not been destroyed. So you have to handle your object construction and destruction in plugin's window attached and window detached events.