Unrea Engine 4.27.1 project always build everything - unreal-engine4

I use ue4.27.1, by compiling engine source codes.
However, whenever I try to build sources after changing build configuration 'Develpment editor' to 'DebugGame editor' (or the opposite way) it compiles all 4240 modules.
It compiles more than 2700 modules when I press F5 to play it. It often happens but now this always happens.
"Invalidating makefile" or "create makefile(no makefile)" messages are always shown in the log.
I think this got worse when I created a new class for my project, but I'm not that sure about that.
If anyone got any ideas about this, please, please share your knowledge.
btw it didn't happened with 4.26.2 but happens with 4.27


Issue with errors in Unity on launch

I am having an issue in Unity where every time I launch the editor it asks me to enter in safe mode because there are a lot of errors and when I press ignore it launches and I can see in the console a lot of errors with the UI and I found out that I cant create UI elements directly in the hierarchy. I tried to update from 2020.3.13f1 to 2020.3.14f1 and for the first launch everything was fine, with no errors, and I could create UI elements but then when I restarted to make sure everything was actually fine, all the errors popped up again and I cant create UI. Why does this happen and does anyone have a fix because I can't find it anywhere online.
Try not to enter Safe Mode. Enter the editable project. There go to Assets-Reimport All.
It did it to me too, it's probably a Unity bug, this method fixes it. Practically it reimports the whole project by itself, avoiding that the bug gives you problems (such as those like UnityEngine.UI does not exist or Monobehavior does not exist, etc.)
Obviously you will not lose any assets and everything will be fine as before receiving the errors.
Have this issue with any template 2020+ versions
Always shows 2 empty errors on console at first run ,even on an empty project
Will try to install 2019 and hopefully work again
in my case some side app ran caused some error in the installation of Unity.
Nothing amid aboves helped.
Thus I decided to fully reinstall it from scratch to default one.
Now it worksok. But before that . To wipe out the Unity thorowly you need in:
uninstalling Unity and UnityHub in windows' settings
remove all related/remained folders in "C:\Program Files"
remove related/remained folders in "C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local "
in Register Editor go to clean unity like folders in "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE"
optionally, remove sample projects in "C:\Users\myname"
You're very likely simply opening the wrong folder, it's a common mistake
Or, you have possibly moved around the folders that you cannot move
Also - it's a nuisance but it's best to install the "hub"

Unity machine learning using internal brain for pre-trained networks results in crash

I try to get the machine learning project of Unity running. The project can be found here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents
Following all the necessary steps to set everything up, everything works fine until I try to use a pre-trained model in an internal brain, e.g in the 3D-Ball example. On pressing play in the editor, it says to have stopped working and the editor crashes. Same goes for a successfully compiled executable.
Since I can't find any crash logs, I absolutely don't know what's the cause to this. Anybody had the same issue and solved it, or any ideas on this?
I'll just add the steps I made to set my project up, in case somebody wants to reproduce or check for mistakes I made:
Download zipped project from github
Open project with Unity 2018.1.1f1
Add ENABLE_TENSORFLOW to predefined symbols
Download and install TensorflowSharp Plugin
In the 3DBall Scene select the brain and switch BrainType to Internal
Run in editor or compile and run, results both times in a crash
What's making me wonder is that I got it working just fine training an external brain in python using a compiled executable. So my thoughts were it should be much more easy to just forward pass a trained net, if it's working doing forward pass and back propagation. But it says though that external brain still is experimental, so not sure if that just will not work until some future patches.
So I tried using an internal brain in an older version of the githubs project, which then worked quite fine. Also I used an older version of the TensforflowSharp Plugin. I'll try to figure out, which version still works and gonna post my results here ;)
To conclude, the problem was actually the recent version of the TensorflowSharp Plugin. Using an older version, which I found somewhere worked fine. I don't have the link to that version anymore, but in case someone experiences the exact same problem, I could search for it or upload it somewhere.

Xcode is marking all symbols as 'undeclared type' yet they are visible and the project compiles fine

Just to get some context here is a screenshot, though you probably gathered this from the title:
Xcode is marking all symbols as undeclared, usually this would be because it doesn't exist or isn't imported, but in this case it was working fine 20 minutes ago and weirdly the project compiles and runs with no problems.
When I compile the errors go away but there is no syntax highlighting, as soon as I start to edit the file the errors all come back. I can work if I remember the exact signatures for anything that I need to use but with the lack of code completion and errors this is very hard.
Notably this is only a problem in a few source files, its not even the whole project. Nothing has changed that I am aware of that could cause this.
Before anyone suggests it, I have tried cleaning, deleting derived data/build folder, restarting Xcode etc...
My colleague is seeing the exact same issue on his machine.
So I managed to fix the offending source files, I just compared their attributes to those of a working source file and it turns out that the problem files included the tests project in their target membership and the working file did not. I'm not sure why this is causing the issue as other projects use automated testing without a problem. Nonetheless this solved it for me, at least until I start writing test cases...

Launching a Project in Eclipse

I am trying to run my projects in Eclipse, whenever I used to run any program a window appear and it shows that project is launching and building.
This never happened before. In fact, it was working very okay an hour before but now, even for old created project it showing this and not moving ahead.
Is this a general thing happened in eclipse as I haven't seen this before.
I want to get out of this to move ahead and to run the project.
The Launcher looks like this :
The progress Bar is also not moving ahead if it's building the project.
It's definitely normal to see; there's times I'll see it two or three times in a day. It shows up if the launching process is waiting on anything or is expected to take more than a couple seconds.
In your case, it seems to be stuck on "Building workspace," which happens when you open Eclipse. The more projects you have in Eclipse and the more sections of workspace you have (groups of tabs), the longer it takes to build your workspace. So I'm going to wager a guess that you tried to launch a project within the first minute or two of Eclipse being open. Am I right?
If that's the case, just wait a bit, and watch the lower right corner (where it says "Launching Clock" in your screenshot). When it shows it's stopped trying to do start-up tasks, you should be good to go.
If Eclsipse had been open for a while, then perhaps Eclipse is busy with other junk and calling it "Building workspace." Maybe it's having a hard time understanding what to do with one of your projects, so check for compiler errors. You can also try to "clean" your projects (Project -> Clean).
If that also fails...hmmm...I'm sure there's other options before you get to this point, but you might need to re-install Eclipse. I suppose there's a chance that in the deep dark corners of Eclipse, a file was corrupted, causing Eclipse to hang on a task that requires a missing/bad file. But before you go this far, make you get second or third opinions, because I might be missing some simpler cause of your Eclipse hanging than what I've listed already.
I found the solution.
I don't know what was the error and why it was displaying the Launcher window and stuck there. But, I forcefully stopped eclipse using Task Manager and then restarted it.
When restarted it took few minutes (more than usual time) and I was done with it. now it's working okay.
Re-installation of Eclipse also worked but i tried this before re-installing or upgrading.

MY XCode datatips are not showing up

I've got a little problem and I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I've used XCode pretty regularly for a while now and have made plenty of use of the Debugger datatips. All of the sudden today on a new project that I am working on, they are not there. The setting is toggled on under the Run->Debugger Display->Datatips menu, but they just aren't showing up for this project. If I go into any of my other projects or make another new project they show up fine.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I have two solutions for when I get random weirdness with a specific Xcode project:
quit Xcode, trash the "build" folder for the project, open up the project again and re-build (harmless, just costs you a rebuild)
quit Xcode, delete foo.xcodeproj/username.mode1v3 and foo.xcodeproj/username.pbxuser (relatively harmless - you lose personal settings such as debugger breakpoints and custom executable settings - the files get re-created with default settings)
I know it's just voodoo but these seem to fix a lot of random problems.