Error Facebook Social Plugin on Adobe Muse - facebook

Is there any way to add a Facebook Social Plugin to an Adobe Muse website to show a Facebook Page's activity feed without having to log in to Facebook?? (It works for Twitter without having to log in so how can I make it work for Facebook?)

To be clear on what you're wanting to do:
Are you trying to use the Activity Feed widget that Facebook provides?
This will not show your Facebook Page activity feed, but will show the activity occurring in your site as described here: The activity feed displays stories when users interact with content on your site, such as like, watch, read, play or any custom action.
If what you're wanting is to display Wall Posts, you may need to do something more like this:


Facebook JS Share Dialog and Timeline select

I have created a button on a test website which gets the user to post a custom Open Graph story using the Facebook Javascript SDK. (*** is going to an event).
However, my users do not get the option to post this action to their Groups Timeline, or share on a friends timeline – see the below Facebook sharer dialog, (where you are always sharing a link – I don't think you can use Custom Open Graph actions with the Sharer).
I've looked all over the Docs and can't seem to find a way to make this functionality happen – trying to avoid users having to login to my site with Facebook/ generate a user access token.
Any solution?

Post content to Facebook Business Page - Timeline from external website?

Could somebody please provide a detailed step-by-step example on how to do the following?
I need to be able to post new content from our website directly to our Facebook Business Page - Timeline as the owner/administrator or via our Facebook App.
We have an extranet which supports multiple sites/domains, but would like the content from these various sites published automatically to our central Facebook Business page whenever we had content to our own sites.
We have like buttons on our pages, that allows users to like and post to their own walls, but we want to publish to our own business wall.
Is this possible?
Create an RSS-feed containing the posts you would like to share on your Facebook page.
Go to your Facebook page and use the top search box to search for 'RSS Graffiti'.
Follow the onscreen steps and you're done.

Site Embed Facebook Fan Page Feed WITH Fan Comments

I have a Facebook Fan Page. I could embed this feed into a site using Facebook's social activity plugin right now and we'd have nothing else to discuss. HOWEVER, when I do this, it only includes the content the PAGE posts, not the fan-submitted content. I'd like to have an embeddable stream of my actual page wall, which includes my content and fan-submitted content. Any ideas?
Per the documentation at, the social activity plugin is working as described. (of note,
The activity feed displays stories when users like content on your
site, when users share content from your site in Facebook or if they
comment on a page on your site in the Comments box.
If a user is logged into Facebook, the plugin will be personalized to
highlight content from their friends. If the user is logged out, the
activity feed will show recommendations from across your site, and
give the user the option to log in to Facebook.
To get the functionality you want, you will have write your own plugin.

How to display the APP on the Wall and News Feed

I created a Facebook APP which is being used for FB Connect Feature... everything is working fine.
But now I would like to display my APP on the Wall and News Feed, and also give the user the opportunity to share my APP.
How can I do this? I searched on Google and checked the Facebook API but couldn't make it.
Check out the Facebook Social Plugins...
Here you will find methods to embed share and like buttons on your site. When users interact with these social plugins, stories will be created on their feed and their friends will see this activity.

Can the Facebook like plugin share a link and join a page?

I am adding the Facebook like plugin onto my website, and from what I understand, when a user clicks 'like' the URL of the current page or a specified page is posted on their wall.
Is it possible to have them join a Facebook page at the same time?
The like button plugin is for adding external pages to the Social Graph. If you want to have users Like your actual Facebook page from your external Web site, then the plugin you're looking for is the Like Box. You can customise various elements of it to add/remove features such as a live feed of your page or a facepile of people who like you page etc.
I don't think that this is possible. Have a separate Like Plugin for your Facebook Page.
This is not possible. The Like feature you add to your website is for a specified URL for the user to Like. The Facebook Like is for the Facebook page only. You can't automatically get a webpage outside of Facebook to Like a Facebook page. If this was possible, it would be an abuse to their system.