Can the Facebook like plugin share a link and join a page? - facebook

I am adding the Facebook like plugin onto my website, and from what I understand, when a user clicks 'like' the URL of the current page or a specified page is posted on their wall.
Is it possible to have them join a Facebook page at the same time?

The like button plugin is for adding external pages to the Social Graph. If you want to have users Like your actual Facebook page from your external Web site, then the plugin you're looking for is the Like Box. You can customise various elements of it to add/remove features such as a live feed of your page or a facepile of people who like you page etc.

I don't think that this is possible. Have a separate Like Plugin for your Facebook Page.

This is not possible. The Like feature you add to your website is for a specified URL for the user to Like. The Facebook Like is for the Facebook page only. You can't automatically get a webpage outside of Facebook to Like a Facebook page. If this was possible, it would be an abuse to their system.


How make my Facebook PAGE feed appear on my personal website?

I have a Facebook "fan page" for my acting career (I mean a page that I created within my personal FB account) I want to make the feed from this page appear on my personal website as a "news feed" for publicity reasons. My website developer tool has a "custom HTML" option that has allowed me to make my Twitter feed appear on the webpage, but I want to use my Facebook page instead.
What you are searching for is the Like Box which has option to display your Page's stream on your website. Features about the like box (Quoting from documentation)
See how many people like the Page, and which of their friends like it, too.
Read recent posts from the Page.
Like the Page with one click, without needing to visit the Page.
Like box is a widget shown in an iframe. For users who want a full fledged solution that works on any device -
Famax is a plugin that will pull out your page posts, what people are posting on your page, your page albums etc.

Post content to Facebook Business Page - Timeline from external website?

Could somebody please provide a detailed step-by-step example on how to do the following?
I need to be able to post new content from our website directly to our Facebook Business Page - Timeline as the owner/administrator or via our Facebook App.
We have an extranet which supports multiple sites/domains, but would like the content from these various sites published automatically to our central Facebook Business page whenever we had content to our own sites.
We have like buttons on our pages, that allows users to like and post to their own walls, but we want to publish to our own business wall.
Is this possible?
Create an RSS-feed containing the posts you would like to share on your Facebook page.
Go to your Facebook page and use the top search box to search for 'RSS Graffiti'.
Follow the onscreen steps and you're done.

What is my Facebook URL for a like box?

I am really trying to understand how to add a like box to my website I was able to copy the code for the Facebook platform and paste it into my website programmer, but that was not what I wanted that like box was for people to like Facebook platform. I want a platform for my website which is
I tried to change the url and the Facebook Page URL but this is what pop up:
[Could not retrieve id for the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in.]
Can you please help me out
You need to look at the tools within the facebook developer API where it gives pre-defined plugins for things like like buttons.
You provide the link to your page/group etc, and facebook with generate the scipt code to insert into your website.
As described in the docs,
The Like Box is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.
You need a Facebook fan page not a website to use the Like Box. Consider using the Recent Activity or Recommendations Plugin

Facebook Like Button On My Website To Like A Facebook Page, Not My Website

I have a Facebook like button on my website, however as it works currently it only lets users like the page that they are currently on. Is it possible to make the button like our Facebook page instead of our website?
Go to the developers page which provides Social Plugin. There, just add at the "URL to Like" of the button, the address of your facebook page. E.g.
This way, once the users push the like button, your facebook page will get automatically a like and they will also follow the updates of the facebook page
You can use the badge creator to create a badge for your page that a user can interact with for "like" purposes.
you could try this page this might work better for you, they can like the facebook page direct on your site
This is because you haven't put your right page url in facebook like box generator. Go to you facebook page and copy the link from there. Now use this to generate facebook like box. You can also get help from this

Is there anyway to Like a Facebook Page from within the website, or with the API?

I'm just wondering if there is anyway to have the like-page correspond to the Facebook Page rather than the website. My organization mirrors it's efforts inside of Facebook, and so I don't see any reason to even make Facebook aware of the website.
The Facebook Like Plugin make it very simple to Like your Facebook Page from almost anywhere:
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your
Facebook page in the href parameter
of the button.