How to display the APP on the Wall and News Feed - facebook

I created a Facebook APP which is being used for FB Connect Feature... everything is working fine.
But now I would like to display my APP on the Wall and News Feed, and also give the user the opportunity to share my APP.
How can I do this? I searched on Google and checked the Facebook API but couldn't make it.

Check out the Facebook Social Plugins...
Here you will find methods to embed share and like buttons on your site. When users interact with these social plugins, stories will be created on their feed and their friends will see this activity.


Can Facebook's Unity plugin be used to post to a product page?

I'd like to add Facebook sharing to a Unity app. The basic idea is to:
Create a Facebook page for the app.
Enable the users of the app to post screenshots from inside the app onto the apps facebook page.
The idea behind it is to have access to all posted screenshots by collecting them on the apps facebook page. Can this be done using Facebooks Unity plugin?
If yes:
Does the user first need to "befriend" (join) the apps Facebook page?
Does the app need to go through Facebooks review process?
If a user posts a screenhot to the apps page, is the screenshot then also visible on the users facebook feed or only on the apps facebook page?
Considering the nature of the questions it's obvious that I ain't a Facebook user. So your help is very appreciated.
Thank you.

How to integrate Facebook app with Facebook group?

We have a website (a wiki) and a Facebook group. I created an app to let people log into the website with their Facebook ID and that works just fine. We'd like to have activity from the website show up in the Facebook group, though, or otherwise be posted to a person's timeline (Joe edited this website page, etc.). How do we go about doing that? What do we need to change to get the desired functionality? How can we more closely integrate our Facebook group and our website, perhaps by using the app we have (or any other way)?

Code for inviting friends

I need a code for inviting friends to a fanpage.
This is linking to the website. Is it possible to link to my fb fanpage?
Actually if you read the whole documents, that Request feature is for Facebook Application only. But here's a work around :
Create a Facebook Application
Have a great content where everyone wants to have
Put a Like Gate before they can access your great content
You can still use the App Request for your app while the user likes your page

Error Facebook Social Plugin on Adobe Muse

Is there any way to add a Facebook Social Plugin to an Adobe Muse website to show a Facebook Page's activity feed without having to log in to Facebook?? (It works for Twitter without having to log in so how can I make it work for Facebook?)
To be clear on what you're wanting to do:
Are you trying to use the Activity Feed widget that Facebook provides?
This will not show your Facebook Page activity feed, but will show the activity occurring in your site as described here: The activity feed displays stories when users interact with content on your site, such as like, watch, read, play or any custom action.
If what you're wanting is to display Wall Posts, you may need to do something more like this:

Retrieve users friends for tagging

How does one retrieve a users friends using facebook connect so that a user can tag their friends in a post?
I am using sharekit to post images to a users wall, but I want to also add the option where a user can tag friends in an image before posting.
How does one allow tagging in an iOS app?
I believe that Facebook Connect is too lightweight for that; it is designed for fairly simple interactions hosted on 3rd party (non-Facebook) site. I think you will have to build a Facebook App to do what you describe.