I need to add a border to slices in FusionCharts Pie3D chart.
FusionCharts API documentation states borderColor attribute should be added to set element in xml data, however it does not seem to have effect.
Here's a sample XML i am feeding the chart:
<set label="Light 1" value="47" isSliced="1" color="ff9999" borderColor="dd3300" />
<set label="Dark 1" value="53" isSliced="1" color="dd3300" borderColor="dd3300" />
<set label="Light 2" value="68" isSliced="1" color="ffee99" borderColor="ffcc22" />
<set label="Dark 2" value="30" isSliced="1" color="ffcc22" borderColor="ffcc22" />
<set label="Light 3" value="69" isSliced="1" color="99ffdd" borderColor="33cc66" />
<set label="Dark 3" value="31" isSliced="1" color="33cc66" borderColor="33cc66" />
<set label="Light 4" value="86" isSliced="1" color="cceeff" borderColor="00aaee" />
<set label="Dark 4" value="4" isSliced="1" color="00aaee" borderColor="00aaee" />
As You can see, the values come in pairs (although the chart is single series - there is no multi-series pie3d), so in order to make the pairs visually distinguishable, i'm setting same border colors on related pairs of slices...
Everything looks fine, except the slice borders do not appear at all...
FC version is FusionCharts XT v3.2.2
Provide plotborderthickness='1' in chart attributes as the plot borders have zero thickness by default for 3D charts. This is because under normal scenarios, 3D pie charts does not look that good when a border is applied.
Updated XML would look like
<set label="Light 1" value="47" isSliced="1" color="ff9999" borderColor="dd3300" />
<set label="Dark 1" value="53" isSliced="1" color="dd3300" borderColor="dd3300" />
<set label="Light 2" value="68" isSliced="1" color="ffee99" borderColor="ffcc22" />
<set label="Dark 2" value="30" isSliced="1" color="ffcc22" borderColor="ffcc22" />
<set label="Light 3" value="69" isSliced="1" color="99ffdd" borderColor="33cc66" />
<set label="Dark 3" value="31" isSliced="1" color="33cc66" borderColor="33cc66" />
<set label="Light 4" value="86" isSliced="1" color="cceeff" borderColor="00aaee" />
<set label="Dark 4" value="4" isSliced="1" color="00aaee" borderColor="00aaee" />
Hope this helps. :)
I have a HorizontalStackLayout with an image and a VerticalStackLayout containing a Label to hold my Subject. If I use a smaller device I would the Subject to be wrapped accoording to the width of the device and the Labels LineBreakMode. But this is not happend.
If I manually set the width of the VerticalStackLayout the Subject is wrapped but I want this to be automaticly done.
What have I missed or done wrong?
Using VS 2022 v17.3.0 Preview 4.0
My code look like this:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
xmlns:model ="clr-namespace:fotbollz.Model"
<x:Array Type="{x:Type model:NewsItem}">
<model:NewsItem Created="2022-07-27" Updated="2022-07-27 12:15"
Subject="ÖFK klar för Allsvenskan igen och man är jätteglada!"
Author="Firstname Lastname"
ClubLogo="https://fotbollz.se/_upload/teams/logo/ofk_logo.gif" />
<model:NewsItem Created="2022-07-27 14:02" Updated="2022-07-27 12:15" Subject="Min rubrik2" Author="Firstname Lastname" ClubLogo="https://fotbollz.se/_upload/teams/logo/ofk_logo.gif" />
<model:NewsItem Created="2022-07-27 12:03" Updated="2022-07-27 12:15" Subject="Ytterhogdal vinner igen!" Author="Firstname Lastname" ClubLogo="https://fotbollz.se/_upload/teams/logo/ytterhogdal_logo.gif" />
<model:NewsItem Created="2022-07-27 12:04" Updated="2022-07-27 12:15" Subject="Min rubrik4" Author="Firstname Lastname" ClubLogo="https://fotbollz.se/_upload/teams/logo/ifk_logo.gif" />
<model:NewsItem Created="2022-07-27 12:05" Updated="2022-07-27 12:15" Subject="Häggenås spelade oavgjort!" Author="Myggan Handler" ClubLogo="https://fotbollz.se/_upload/teams/logo/haggenas.png" />
<DataTemplate x:DataType="model:NewsItem">
<HorizontalStackLayout Padding="5">
<!-- This is the url to the club logo-->
<Image Source="{Binding ClubLogo}" HeightRequest="75" WidthRequest="75" Aspect="AspectFill" />
<!-- This is the Subject author and created date of the news
Problem: Why isn't the long text wrapped as described in LineBreakMode. If I set WidthRequest="275" then the text is wrapped.
<VerticalStackLayout Padding="5" HorizontalOptions="Center">
<Label Text="{Binding Subject}" FontSize="14" LineBreakMode="MiddleTruncation" MaxLines="1" FontAttributes="Bold" />
<Label FontSize="12" >
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} Av: {1}">
<Binding Path="Created" />
<Binding Path="Author" />
<Label Text="{Binding Ingress}" FontSize="18" />
The attached image shows the result: on the left is what I want and the picture on the right is what I get: What I want and what I get
I want to display a disabled suggestion item when user types something in input field.
The thing is that by default SAPUI5 hides all disabled suggestion items and I didn't find a way to convince the framework to reconsider its behavior.
Here is an example I created for your convenience: example
Here is the code of the example:
<Input showSuggestion="true" filterSuggests="false" autocomplete="false">
<core:Item text="item 1" key="1" enabled="true"/>
<core:Item text="item 2" key="2" enabled="false"/>
<core:Item text="item 3" key="3" enabled="true"/>
<core:Item text="item 4" key="4" enabled="true"/>
If you type "item" in the input field, you won't see item 2 in suggestions.
Is there a way to display item 2?
This can be achieved with a combination of custom data aggregation and CSS.
<core:Item text="item 2" key="2" >
<core:CustomData key="disable-suggestion-item" value="true" writeToDom="true"/>
opacity: 0.5;
pointer-events: none;
here is working solution
I'm having issues and questions regarding the workflow details form. From what I've understood so far, modifications can mainly be done by modifying share-config-custom.xml, by adding a form-tag looking something like this (tried a number of variations):
<form id="workflow-details">
<show id="cmpny:processId" />
<hide id="cmpny:title" />
<hide id="cmpny:description" />
<hide id="packageItems" />
<hide id="cmpny:reason"/>
<hide id="cmpny:review"/>
<hide id="cmpny:deadline" />
<hide id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome"/>
<set id="" appearance="title" label="Overview" />
<set id="main" appearance="title" label="Description" />
<field id="cmpny:processId" set="main" label="Process-ID"/>
I have mainly tried copying the working form from one of the tasks and modifying it, giving it its own config-tag or added it to one existing one under the task's forms-tag, but nothing seems to work - at all. Whatever I do, no changes appear.
My main expectation is to having at least something appear, but no visible changes can be detected. I found this post:
Alfresco: Hide "General Info" section in workflow-details form
where the person in question at least managed to achieve some differences this way. I also want to modify the general-info, but that is another matter for another day. For the moment, I want to be able to modify the form displayed.
Apart from this, I wonder - most instructions on how to achieve this is very sparse. Most just seem to say "add a form with id=workflow-details to a task config-tag", and the form should appear once that specific task has been completed.
My questions are the following:
Apart from using a form with id="workflow-details" and adding it to a task's config-tag, is there anything more to it, in order to make it work?
Is there a way to make the form in question appear no matter the latest task?
** EDIT **
This is the latest code, unfiltered and cut straight from share-config-custom.xml.
<config evaluator="task-type" condition="cmpny:workflowModel_acceptreject">
<form id="workflow-details">
<show id="cmpny:processId0" />
<show id="cmpny:title0" />
<show id="cmpny:description0" />
<show id="packageItems" />
<show id="cmpny:reason0"/>
<show id="cmpny:granskningsretur0"/>
<show id="cmpny:deadline0" />
<show id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome0"/>
<set id="" appearance="title" label="Översikt" />
<set id="main" appearance="title" label="Beskrivning" />
<set id="items" appearance="title" label="Information" />
<set id="other" appearance="title" label="Beslut" />
<field id="cmpny:processId0" set="main" label="Process-ID"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:title0" set="main" label="Uppgiftsrubrik"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:description0" set="main" label="Meddelande"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="packageItems" set="main" label="Bifogade Filer"/>
<field id="cmpny:reason0" set="main" label="Kommentar">
<control-param name="rows">4</control-param>
<control-param name="columns">8</control-param>
<control-param name="maxLength">5000</control-param>
<field id="cmpny:deadline0" set="items" label="Förfallodatum"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:granskningsretur0" set="items" label="Granskning begärd"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome0" label="Utfall" set="other">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/workflow/activiti-transitions.ftl" />
<show id="cmpny:processId0" />
<show id="cmpny:title0" />
<show id="cmpny:description0" />
<show id="packageItems" />
<show id="cmpny:reason0"/>
<show id="cmpny:granskningsretur0"/>
<show id="cmpny:deadline0" />
<show id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome0"/>
<set id="" appearance="title" label="Översikt" />
<set id="main" appearance="title" label="Beskrivning" />
<set id="items" appearance="title" label="Information" />
<set id="other" appearance="title" label="Beslut" />
<field id="cmpny:processId0" set="main" label="Process-ID"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:title0" set="main" label="Uppgiftsrubrik"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:description0" set="main" label="Meddelande"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="packageItems" set="main" label="Bifogade Filer"/>
<field id="cmpny:reason0" set="main" label="Kommentar">
<control-param name="rows">4</control-param>
<control-param name="columns">8</control-param>
<control-param name="maxLength">5000</control-param>
<field id="cmpny:deadline0" set="items" label="Förfallodatum"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:granskningsretur0" set="items" label="Granskning begärd"><control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/info.ftl"/></field>
<field id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome0" label="Utfall" set="other">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/workflow/activiti-transitions.ftl" />
Screenshot (Only one, but the workflow-details-tag literally makes ZERO difference - screenshots are identical down to the pixel).
Perhaps at least worth mentioning is that I've also meddled some with the webscript, but I've checked that it isn't the cause.
Screenshot link here, can't add it directly apparently
I've tried multiple combinations, putting it in different tasks, shaving the parameters down to a bare minimum - nothing works. To just make it clear - ANY difference is what I'm aiming for at the moment - just getting anything to stick.
** EDIT 2 **
Clarified screenshot here.
Second, enhanced screenshot
This is the way you can add items in workflow details page
<show id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" />
<set id="docSubDetails" label="Document Details"
or Hide
<hide id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" />
Full code
<config evaluator="task-type" condition="someWorkflow:peerReviewerTask">
<show id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" />
<show id="someWorkflow:documentLocation" />
<show id="someWorkflow:documentName" />
<show id="someWorkflow:author" />
<show id="bpm:assignees" />
<show id="bpm:comment" />
<show id="someWorkflow:peerReviewTaskOutcome" />
<set id="docSubDetails" label="Document Details" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docAuthor" appearance="title" label="" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:documentLocation" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:documentName" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:author" set="docAuthor" label="Author" read-only="true"/>
<field id="bpm:assignees" set="docAuthor" label="QC Reviewer(s)" read-only="true"/>
<form id="workflow-details">
<show id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" />
<show id="someWorkflow:documentLocation" />
<show id="someWorkflow:documentName" />
<show id="someWorkflow:author" />
<show id="bpm:assignees" />
<show id="bpm:comment" />
<show id="someWorkflow:peerReviewTaskOutcome" />
<set id="docSubDetails" label="Document Details" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docAuthor" appearance="title" label="" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:VersionNumber" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:documentLocation" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:documentName" set="docSubDetails" read-only="true"/>
<field id="someWorkflow:author" set="docAuthor" label="Author" read-only="true"/>
<field id="bpm:assignees" set="docAuthor" label="QC Reviewer(s)" read-only="true"/>
Workflow summary displays workflow / task details from start-task details only. So I have shared workflow model and share configuration also.
Workflow Model
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<model xmlns='http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0' name='workflowns:model'>
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0" prefix="d"/>
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0" prefix="sys"/>
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0" prefix="cm"/>
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/site/1.0" prefix="st"/>
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/bpm/1.0" prefix="bpm" />
<namespace uri="workflowns.model" prefix="workflowns"/>
<type name="workflowns:Form0">
<title>Initiator Task</title>
Share Custom Configuration
<!-- Workflow details page-->
<config evaluator="task-type" condition="workflowns:startTask">
<show id="workflowns:documentname" />
<show id="workflowns:documentversion" />
<show id="workflowns:pathorlinktothedocument" />
<show id="workflowns:customerno" />
<show id="workflowns:projectno" />
<show id="workflowns:author" />
<show id="workflowns:reviewer" />
<show id="workflowns:approver" />
<show id="workflowns:finalapprover" />
<show id="workflowns:initiatorcomment" />
<show id="bpm:taskId" />
<show id="bpm:status" />
<set id="docDetails" appearance="title" label="Document Details"/>
<set id="docSubDetails" label="" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docAuthor" appearance="title" label="Author" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docReviewer" appearance="title" label="Reviewers" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docApprover" appearance="title" label="Approvers" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<set id="docFinalapprover" appearance="title" label="Final Approvers" template="/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl"/>
<field id="workflowns:documentname" set="docDetails" label="Document Name">
<field id="workflowns:documentversion" set="docDetails" label="Document Version">
<field id="workflowns:pathorlinktothedocument" set="docDetails" label="Path or Link to the document">
<field id="workflowns:customerno" set="docSubDetails" label="Customer Number">
<field id="workflowns:projectno" set="docSubDetails" label="Project Number">
<field id="workflowns:author" set="docAuthor" label="Author">
<field id="workflowns:reviewer" set="docReviewer" label="Reviewer">
<field id="workflowns:approver" set="docApprover" label="Approver">
<field id="workflowns:finalapprover" set="docFinalapprover" label="Final Approver">
Hope this helps you.
i have combination chart with bars and lines plotted. however, i want to have their 0 values on the same line. is there an attribute that can help me achieve this goal.
below is my chart sample xml data.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><chart bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" caption="User Evaluation Analysis" captionAlignment="left" divlinedashed="1" palette="0" pyaxisname="Criteria Weight" showValues="0" showborder="1" syaxisname="Evaluation" syaxisvaluesdecimals="2" useRoundEdges="1" xaxisname="Criteria">
<category label="Vehicles"/>
<category label="Airplanes"/>
<category label="Ships"/>
<category label="Trains"/>
<category label="Rocket"/>
<dataset seriesname="User Weight Contribution">
<set value="0.2093311962921"/>
<set value="0.30883988679389"/>
<set value="0.44694038419866"/>
<set value="0.034888532715349"/>
<set value="0.0"/>
<dataset parentyaxis="S" renderas="Line" seriesname="Dump">
<set value="0.6279935888763"/>
<set value="0.30883988679389"/>
<set value="0.3864534993399736"/>
<set value="-0.104665598146047"/>
<set value="-0.0"/>
<dataset parentyaxis="S" renderas="Line" seriesname="A-Plus">
<set value="-0.2093311962921"/>
<set value="-0.30883988679389"/>
<set value="-1.34082115259598"/>
<set value="0.104665598146047"/>
<set value="0.0"/>
<dataset parentyaxis="S" renderas="Line" seriesname="B-Minus">
<set value="-0.2093311962921"/>
<set value="0.9265196603816701"/>
<set value="1.34082115259598"/>
<set value="0.034888532715349"/>
<set value="0.0"/>
<dataset parentyaxis="S" renderas="Line" seriesname="Creep">
<set value="-0.2093311962921"/>
<set value="-0.9265196603816701"/>
<set value="-0.3864534993399736"/>
<set value="-0.034888532715349"/>
<set value="-0.0"/>
Try setting the attribute "syncAxisLimits" as 1 in the chart element.
Setting this attribute to 1 lets you synchronize the limits of both the primary and secondary axes.
In the share-config-custom.xml i've defined the following:
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="zk:document">
<show id="cm:name" />
<show id="cm:description" force="true" />
<show id="zk:nummer" />
<show id="zk:registratieDatum" />
<show id="zk:zaakType" />
<show id="zk:documentType" />
<show id="zk:vertrouwelijkheid" />
<show id="zk:richting" />
<show id="zk:subject" />
<show id="zk:object" />
<show id="zk:perceel" />
<show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
The form shows fine in View and Edit(full metadata edit), but in simple edit mode (on docLibrary --> edit metadata) I'm getting too many fields.
I want only to show a couple of fields in simple mode and the full stack in full mode.
How can I achieve this? e.g. like the cm:content in simple mode only name, title & description and in Full mode the full stack.
Very simple to reproduce this:
- Start Alfresco
- Add a content
- click on edit-metadata (in docLib), you will see a simple edit form
- click on the upper-right corner, you will see a full edit form
My question:
- How can I configure the simple edit form?
Have a look at the original share form config: tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-form-config.xml
There you can see that the simple metadata dialog has a separate form definition. It can be set by using the form id="doclib-simple-metadata" in addition to the normal form that you already have defined.
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="zk:document">
<form>.... your full form here....</form>
<form id="doclib-simple-metadata">
<show id="cm:name" />
<show id="cm:title" force="true" />
<show id="cm:description" force="true" />
<!-- tags and categories -->
<show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
<show id="cm:categories" />
you need to add another formid (doclib-simple-metadata):
<form id="doclib-simple-metadata">
<show id="cm:name" />
<show id="cm:title" force="true" />
<show id="cm:description" force="true" />
<!-- tags and categories -->
<show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
<show id="cm:categories" />
<edit-form template="../documentlibrary/forms/doclib-simple-metadata.ftl" />
<field id="cm:title">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
<field id="cm:description">
<control-param name="activateLinks">true</control-param>
<field id="cm:taggable">
<control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
<control-param name="params">aspect=cm:taggable</control-param>
<control-param name="createNewItemUri">/api/tag/workspace/SpacesStore</control-param>
<control-param name="createNewItemIcon">tag</control-param>
<field id="cm:categories">
<control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
Cheers, jan (#alfrescian)