Unlisted facebook connect app - facebook

How do I make my facebook connect app unlisted? I don't want people to be able to search facebook for an app and find my facebook connect app. But I don't want to use sandbox mode as anybody that comes to my site needs to be able to use the facebook connect app.


Windows Phone Negative App getting Credentials from All ready Installed Facebook App in WP

I need a Help From You.
I Developing App with Login Credentials of Facebook. Im working with facebook authentication and it's working Properly.
But we want More Easy way.
If already Windows Phone Facebook App is Installed in my Phone, my App must take the Credentials from that FB App to My App.
Can Any One Help Me How can i do this.
Basically, you could refer to below links to achieve your goal.

Possible to use the native facebook app to log into a mobile html5 app? On the iPhone

I'm trying to have my html5 site open the native iPhone Facebook app to authenticate users.
The site currently uses OAuth 2 on the server side - so it redirects everyone to the web version of Facebook. This is a problem because I dont want to force people to log in on a tiny keyboard.
Can you get the html5 app to open in Safari and authenticate through the native FB app?
If this is not possible with Facebook is it possible with Twitter apps? What is the experience like on android?
I do know that you can authenticate between a native iPhone app and the native Facebook app.
Yes you can do this just use the boilerplate code in facebook developers section of the site and following the guide exactly... I have tried this and it worked for me you just need to find a way to connect your oAuth to this...

How to go to my new Facebook App

I'm testing out writing mobile web app that connects to Facebook.
I follow this guide here and created a app on facebook, and uploaded the code to my own server.
But then, I got to the point where it tells me to search for my own app in facebook.com. My app won't show up, and I found out they won't until you have some users and then it'll be indexed.
So how do I get to my app?
You might have your app settings (on the advanced screen: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APPID/advanced) set to either sandbox mode enabled or Social discover disabled.

iPhone app using facebook connect login to authenticate with web server possible?

I'm developing an iPhone app that will need a login system in order for users to post content to a server. I'd really like to use facebook connect for this as it's a very community driven app. Is it possible for me to securely authenticate with the web server without the user having to create a username and password specifically for my app?
One idea I've had is using my app's FBConnect secret key as a password for an HTTPS connection? The app would be able to tell if a user is logged in, and only connect to the server if so. This would also stop any other connections from hackers etc I assume?
Although not just restricted to Facebook, Janrain provide a great solution to login from various openid methods including facebook connect. I believe there is a free product for non-commercial use. There is a demo iPhone app on the app store to show you how it works etc.
Why not just use the Facebook iOS SDK?

How to use facebook connect in an iphone app

I have looked at the facebook iphone api and watched the tutorial they offer but an not sure if one needs to have a facebook app as well to be able to connect an iphone app to facebook.
I would like to allow my users to be able to share things on their profile. e.g. set their status from within my iphone app.
How is this done?
Try the Facebook iPhone SDK
You need to register your application to use the API.
Authentication Docs