Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Error - tsql

Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012')
When i run the above T-SQL statement in Management Studio, i get i get the following error:
"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
Is there away i can cast that value to a valid Date type successfully? I have such values in a nvarchar(255) column whose dataType i want to change to Date type in an SQL Server table but i have hit that error and i would like to first do a conversion in an Update statement on the table.

Specify what date format you are using:
Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012', 105)
105 means Italian date format with century (dd-mm-yyyy).

In general, I'd suspect usually there is data which can't be converted in a column, and would use a case statement checking it's convertable first:
SELECT CASE WHEN ISDATE(mycolumn)=1 THEN CONVERT(Date, mycolumn, [style]) END
FROM mytable
I believe Convert relies on the SQL Server date format setting. Please check your dateformat setting with DBCC USEROPTIONS.
I suspect if you set the dateformat to dmy it'll understand:
If even then it doesn't work, you can't find a style that matches your data, and if your data is in a consistant format, it's down to manual string manipulation to build it (don't do this if you can help it).

Try this....
Select CONVERT(Date,'5-13-2012')
Use 'mm-dd-yyyy' format.

CONVERT assumes that the original data can represent a date. One bad data item can throw the same conversion error mentioned here without pointing to the problem.
Using ISDATE helped me get around the bad data items.
WHERE ISDATE(FieldName) <> 0

You need to give the date format while conversion, this will resolve the error.
select convert(date, '13-5-2012' ,103)


BigQuery Date Conversion From String

I've looked everywhere and can't find this answer. It's a pretty simple query, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the date.
I have a date coming in as a string, but it's not being picked up. The date is being brought in as 20170601 but I need it to be in a date format to be picked up in Tableau. I'm using Standard SQL and have tried to PARSE_DATE("%x", date) as parsed, cast(date as date), etc. and I keep getting Error: Failed to parse input string "20170918" or some variation of that error.
parse_DATE("%x", date) AS parse
The table is within `
Please advise!!
You could try doing a regex replacement to build the date string which you require:
REGEXP_REPLACE('20170601', r"^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", "\\1/\\2/\\3")
This would output 2017/06/01, which perhaps is the format you require. Actually, I don't know what format Tableau is expecting, but YYYYMMDD is usually the correct order for a date, because it will sort correctly as text. You may use any replacement you want, using the above query as an example.

Converting string timestamp into date

I have dates in a postgres database. The problem is they are stored in a string field and have values similar to: "1187222400000" (which would correspond to 07.08.2007).
I would like to convert them into readable dates usind some SQL to_date() expression or something similar but can't come up with the correct syntax to make it work.
There really isn't enough information here for a conclusion, so I propose this 'scientific-wild-ass-guess' to resolve your puzzle. :)
It appears this number is UNIX 'epoch time' in milliseconds. I'll show this example as if your string field had the arbitrary name, 'epoch_milli'. In postgresql you can convert it to a time stamp using this statement:
SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + epoch_milli * INTERVAL '1 millisecond';
or using this built-in postgresql function:
SELECT to_timestamp(epoch_milli / 1000)
either of which, for the example '1187222400000', produces the result
"2007-08-15 17:00:00-07"
You can do some of your own sleuthing with quite a few values selected similarly to this:
SELECT to_timestamp(epoch_milli/1000)::DATE
FROM (VALUES (1187222400000),(1194122400000)) AS val(epoch_milli);
"Well, bollocks, man. I just want the date." Point taken.
Simply cast the timestamp to a date to discard the excess bits:
SELECT to_timestamp(epoch_milli / 1000)::DATE
Of course its possible that this value is a conversion or is relative to some other value, hence the request for a second example data point.

convert string date(yyyy/mm/dd) to date format in db2

I am saving the date as varchar in db2 with yyyy/mm/dd format i need to convert it to date datetype in the query how to achieve this?
I tried
'2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31';
query and got the below error
The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is
incorrect.. SQLCODE=-180, SQLSTATE=22007, DRIVER=3.68.61
can someone help me.
If your DB2 version is new enough, use to_date: select DATE(TO_DATE(CRDTR2, 'YYYY/MM/DD')) from ...
...because it doesn't recognize that format. I'd turn it into *ISO first, via REPLACE:
WHERE CRDTR2 BETWEEN '2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31'
Incidentally, there's a couple other things here.
You should be storing dates as an actual date type, which would make this a non-issue.
You shouldn't use BETWEEN, in preference for an exclusive upper-bound (< - the blog talks about SQL Server, but the problem is really due to representation. That, and most versions of DB2 allow you to specify fractional seconds in timestamps...).

T-SQL Conversion Failed when converting date/or time from character string

Perfmon isn't so kind with the way it creates the database when logging directly to SQL:
select top 1 Convert(datetime, CounterDateTime) from CounterData
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The value of that cell is "2012-01-25 14:12:10.802". What is the proper way to convert this to a datetime field during selection?
CONVERT(DATETIME, SUBSTRING(CounterDateTime, 1, 23), 102)
I figured out that the following works (instead of the CHAR(24) it is):
select top 1 Cast(Cast(CounterDateTime as CHAR(23)) as datetime) from CounterData
Hoping there is a better solution though.
No better answer but this makes the taste a trifle less bitter.
CAST(CAST(CounterData.CounterDateTime AS CHAR(NN)) AS DATETIME) AS CounterDateTime
Also truncates the value so that additional T-SQL DateTime truncation to the minute, hour, etc is not needed.

Best method for varchar date validation in Sybase (T-SQL)?

I have a stored procedure which takes as its parameter a varchar which needs to be cast as a datetime for later use:
SET #the_date = CAST(#date_string AS DATETIME)
I'm expecting the date string to be supplied in the format "DD-MON-YYYY", but in an effort to code defensively, if for some reason it can't be cast successfully, I want to default to the system date and continue. In PL/SQL I could use exception handling to achieve this and I could do this fairly easily with regular expressions too, but the limited pattern matching supported out of the box by Sybase doesn't let me do this and I can't rely on third party libraries or extensions. Is there a simple way of doing this in T-SQL?
NB: using Sybase ASE 12.5.3, there is no ISDATE function
I'm having a similar issue. You might be able to do something like this:
SET arithabort arith_overflow off
SET #the_date = CAST(#date_string AS DATETIME)
IF #the_date is NULL
set #the_date = getdate()
SET arithabort arith_overflow on
However, this doesn't work well in a select. It will work well in a cursor (boo) or in logic before / after a SQL batch.
My goodness, if the question was about Microsoft SQL Server then we'd have been in business!
Sybase, sadly, is a whole 'nother database these days, since about 1997, in fact, give or take a year.
If the input format simply has to be 'DD-MON-YYYY' and no exceptions, then I think a fair amount of validation was be achieved by slicing the input using SUBSTR(), after first doing some simple things, such as checking length.
I thought that recent releases of Sybase (SQL Anywhere 11, for example) have regular expression support, however, although it's been a while since I've had to suffer T-SQL. Some googling leaves me in rather more doubt.
Can't you do something like this:
SELECT #the_date = CASE #date_string
WHEN '[0-9][0-9]-[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
THEN CONVERT(datetime, #date_string)
Found this in the second result in Google when searching for "validate date string sql".
----Invalid date
SELECT ISDATE('30/2/2007')
RETURNS : 0 (Zero)
----Valid date
SELECT ISDATE('12/12/20007')
----Invalid DataType
RETURNS : 0 (Zero)
Make sure SQL Server knows the order of Days, Months and Years in your string by executing
Did you try convert instead of cast?
select convert( datetime , #date_string )