convert string date(yyyy/mm/dd) to date format in db2 - db2

I am saving the date as varchar in db2 with yyyy/mm/dd format i need to convert it to date datetype in the query how to achieve this?
I tried
'2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31';
query and got the below error
The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is
incorrect.. SQLCODE=-180, SQLSTATE=22007, DRIVER=3.68.61
can someone help me.

If your DB2 version is new enough, use to_date: select DATE(TO_DATE(CRDTR2, 'YYYY/MM/DD')) from ...

...because it doesn't recognize that format. I'd turn it into *ISO first, via REPLACE:
WHERE CRDTR2 BETWEEN '2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31'
Incidentally, there's a couple other things here.
You should be storing dates as an actual date type, which would make this a non-issue.
You shouldn't use BETWEEN, in preference for an exclusive upper-bound (< - the blog talks about SQL Server, but the problem is really due to representation. That, and most versions of DB2 allow you to specify fractional seconds in timestamps...).


BigQuery Date Conversion From String

I've looked everywhere and can't find this answer. It's a pretty simple query, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the date.
I have a date coming in as a string, but it's not being picked up. The date is being brought in as 20170601 but I need it to be in a date format to be picked up in Tableau. I'm using Standard SQL and have tried to PARSE_DATE("%x", date) as parsed, cast(date as date), etc. and I keep getting Error: Failed to parse input string "20170918" or some variation of that error.
parse_DATE("%x", date) AS parse
The table is within `
Please advise!!
You could try doing a regex replacement to build the date string which you require:
REGEXP_REPLACE('20170601', r"^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", "\\1/\\2/\\3")
This would output 2017/06/01, which perhaps is the format you require. Actually, I don't know what format Tableau is expecting, but YYYYMMDD is usually the correct order for a date, because it will sort correctly as text. You may use any replacement you want, using the above query as an example.

Date format in where clause match date format from table

I'm using previously written scripts that have the date format in the WHERE clause as 'DD-MMM-YY', however, in the table it is formatted as 'DD-MMM-YY HH.MM.SS.000000000 AM/PM. Does it matter that these formats do not match up? After comparing results it doesn't seem like any data is missing using non-matching formats. Wasn't sure if efficiency would be different if they matched or didn't match? Just let me know your thoughts and opinions. Thanks all!
Your where clause is fine. The table formatting is just a representation of the date. You can change this if it helps you view the results more easily (see link below), but it will make no difference to the efficiency of the query.
How can I set a custom date time format in Oracle SQL Developer?

Is ISO8601 the best date-format for PostgreSQL jsonb when i want to filter by the date?

I'm new to PostgreSQL and I have the following question:
I have a table with just an id-column and a data-column, which uses the jsonb-type. Inside the jsonb-object I have a datetime field. I read in various posts, that I should use the ISO-8601 dateformat to store in the DB.
I want to filter my table by date like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE data->'date' > '2016-01-01T00:00'
Is this really the best date-format for this purpose?
Thanks in advance :)
IMHO Your query should produce
ERROR: operator does not exist: jsonb > timestamp with time zone
If I get it right. In case you change -> to ->> it should get a text value instead of jsonb field (which is also not comparable to timestamp).
It should be smth like
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (data->>'date')::timestamptz > '2016-01-01T00:00' to work
The big advantage of that format is that string order corresponds to date order, so a comparison like the one you quote in your question would actually work as intended.
A second advantage is that a timestamp in that format can easily be converted to a PostgreSQL timestamp with time zone value, because the type input function understands this format.
I hope you are not dealing with dates “before Christ”, because it wouldn't work so easily with those.

Postgres timestamp to date

I am building a map in CartoDB which uses Postgres. I'm simply trying to display my dates as: 10-16-2014 but, haven't been able to because Postgres includes an unneeded timestamp in every date column.
Should I alter the column to remove the timestamp or, is it simply a matter of a (correct) SELECT query? I can SELECT records from a date range no problem with:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE myTableDate >= '2014-01-01' AND myTableDate < '2014-12-31'
However, my dates appear in my CartoDB maps as: 2014-10-16T00:00:00Z and I'm just trying to get the popups on my maps to read: 10-16-2014.
Any help would be appreciated - Thank you!
You are confusing storage with display.
Store a timestamp or date, depending on whethether you need time or not.
If you want formatted output, ask the database for formatted output with to_char, e.g.
SELECT col1, col2, to_char(col3, 'DD-MM-YY'), ... FROM ...;
See the PostgreSQL manual.
There is no way to set a user-specified date output format. Dates are always output in ISO format. If PostgreSQL let you specify other formats without changing the SQL query text it'd really confuse client drivers and applications that expect the date format the protocol specifies and get something entirely different.
You have two basic options.
1 Change the column from a timestamp to a date column.
2 Cast to date in your SQL query (i.e. mytimestamp::date works).
In general if this is a presentation issue, I don't usually think that is a good reason to muck around with the database structure. That's better handled by client-side processing or casting in an SQL query. On the other hand if the issue is a semantic one, then you may want to revisit your database structure.

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Error

Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012')
When i run the above T-SQL statement in Management Studio, i get i get the following error:
"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
Is there away i can cast that value to a valid Date type successfully? I have such values in a nvarchar(255) column whose dataType i want to change to Date type in an SQL Server table but i have hit that error and i would like to first do a conversion in an Update statement on the table.
Specify what date format you are using:
Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012', 105)
105 means Italian date format with century (dd-mm-yyyy).
In general, I'd suspect usually there is data which can't be converted in a column, and would use a case statement checking it's convertable first:
SELECT CASE WHEN ISDATE(mycolumn)=1 THEN CONVERT(Date, mycolumn, [style]) END
FROM mytable
I believe Convert relies on the SQL Server date format setting. Please check your dateformat setting with DBCC USEROPTIONS.
I suspect if you set the dateformat to dmy it'll understand:
If even then it doesn't work, you can't find a style that matches your data, and if your data is in a consistant format, it's down to manual string manipulation to build it (don't do this if you can help it).
Try this....
Select CONVERT(Date,'5-13-2012')
Use 'mm-dd-yyyy' format.
CONVERT assumes that the original data can represent a date. One bad data item can throw the same conversion error mentioned here without pointing to the problem.
Using ISDATE helped me get around the bad data items.
WHERE ISDATE(FieldName) <> 0
You need to give the date format while conversion, this will resolve the error.
select convert(date, '13-5-2012' ,103)