BigQuery Date Conversion From String - date

I've looked everywhere and can't find this answer. It's a pretty simple query, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the date.
I have a date coming in as a string, but it's not being picked up. The date is being brought in as 20170601 but I need it to be in a date format to be picked up in Tableau. I'm using Standard SQL and have tried to PARSE_DATE("%x", date) as parsed, cast(date as date), etc. and I keep getting Error: Failed to parse input string "20170918" or some variation of that error.
parse_DATE("%x", date) AS parse
The table is within `
Please advise!!

You could try doing a regex replacement to build the date string which you require:
REGEXP_REPLACE('20170601', r"^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", "\\1/\\2/\\3")
This would output 2017/06/01, which perhaps is the format you require. Actually, I don't know what format Tableau is expecting, but YYYYMMDD is usually the correct order for a date, because it will sort correctly as text. You may use any replacement you want, using the above query as an example.


Change date format with PostgreSQL (AWS Redshift) from 'M/D/YYYY' to 'DD/MM/YYYY' for Qlik Sense date picker extension

I am trying to change the format of a timestamp field to a date field in a certain format with AWS Redshift.
I googled a lot and the common "best practice" that I found was to cast the timestamp to a date and then use to_char to bring it into the right format. In the end I want to use the date field in a Qlik Sense dashboard where it is input for a date picker extension that apparently requires the format DD/MM/YYYY to work.
Current date format in the DB:
9/2/2019 6:38:00 AM (which I would describe as M/D/YYYY H:MM:SS ZZ)
Desired output:
DD/MM/YYYY, resulting in the value 02/09/2019
Current status:
to_char(cast(timestamp_field as date), 'DD/MM/YYYY') --> result: 02/09/2019
However, the date picker extension in Qlik Sense still does not work and I guess that's because the output is a string and not a date. Casting the string to a date returns in an error.
cast(to_char(cast(timestamp_field as date), 'DD/MM/YYYY') as date) as date_picker_date
Connector reply error: SQL##f - SqlState: 57014, ErrorCode: 30,
ErrorMsg: [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30) Error occurred while trying
to execute a query: [SQLState 57014] ERROR: Error converting text to
I am new to Redshift and would have expected to be able to cast to date with a format string as parameter, but apparently that's not a thing. Can someone enlighten me on how to solve this?
You can try with the timestamp at the beginning of the script of the QlikSense.
It will be at the start of the script. in the Main section as shown below:
SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
here SET is being used to define the time stamp in that application.
You can try changing here to your requirements.
Else 2 options 1 use a stamp which you have already used or create your own extension from the lib
Stamp use can be like this:
Load *,
Date(Date#(StringDate,'M/D/YY'),'DD/MMM/YY') as Date;
Output will be like this:
Stringdate Date
8/7/97 07/Aug/97
8/6/97 06/Aug/97

Tableau cannot recognize timestamp field in my log file

I am using Tableau 9.3 to do a preliminary data analysis on one of my log file, the log file is like below:
As you can see, there is a datetime for timestamp
In Tableau, initially it is recognized as a string like below:
That's fine, I want to make the field into datetime, and Tableau seems failed on it:
Why? How do I fix it?
Thank you very much.
UPDATED: after applying the formula suggested below, Tableau still cannot recognize the timestamp, here is the screenshot:
UPDATED AGAIN: after tested by nick, it is confirmed his first script is correct and working on his Tableau, why it fails on mine, I don't know, you are welcome to share any clue please, thank you.
Tableau implicit conversions are limited to more standard formats. You can still create a DATETIME field from your timestamp string using a calculated field with the following formula:
Using the above will transform a string like 01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 to a date and time of 7/1/1995 12:00:01 AM
Output using example data:
Sometimes the "date parse" function in Tableau doesn't quite do the job.
When this happens it is worth testing manual string manipulation with your timestamp field to put it into ISO-standard format and only then trying to convert it into a date. ISO format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (eg 2012-02-28 13:04:30). It is common to find that the original string has spurious characters or spaces that throw dateparse. But these are usually easy to manipulate away with suitable text manipulations. This can sometimes be longwinded, but it always works.
It turned out to be the region setting issue, it works after I switch it to USA

convert string date(yyyy/mm/dd) to date format in db2

I am saving the date as varchar in db2 with yyyy/mm/dd format i need to convert it to date datetype in the query how to achieve this?
I tried
'2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31';
query and got the below error
The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is
incorrect.. SQLCODE=-180, SQLSTATE=22007, DRIVER=3.68.61
can someone help me.
If your DB2 version is new enough, use to_date: select DATE(TO_DATE(CRDTR2, 'YYYY/MM/DD')) from ...
...because it doesn't recognize that format. I'd turn it into *ISO first, via REPLACE:
WHERE CRDTR2 BETWEEN '2015/03/01' AND '2015/03/31'
Incidentally, there's a couple other things here.
You should be storing dates as an actual date type, which would make this a non-issue.
You shouldn't use BETWEEN, in preference for an exclusive upper-bound (< - the blog talks about SQL Server, but the problem is really due to representation. That, and most versions of DB2 allow you to specify fractional seconds in timestamps...).

SAS proc sql - Convert ddmmmyyyy to week-yr and month-yr

I have imported some data into SAS from some Excel spreadsheets sent to me. When I view the output from the imported table, the date appears as "01APR2014" and maintains chronological order. When I view the column properties the type is "Date" and the length is 8. Both the format and informat are DATE9.
I need to be able to convert this date to week-year and month-year, but no matter what I try I always get Jan, 1960.
Using proc sql, I used the below to get the week-year,
"(put(datepart(a.fnlz_date),weeku3.))|| "-" ||(put(datepart(a.fnlz_date),year.)) as FNLZD_WK_YR,"
but all I got was "W00-1960". I've used the formula above successfully many times before with SAS datetime values.
For month-yr, using proc sql, I tried
"datepart(a.fnlz_date) as DT_FNLZD format=monyy.,"
but the only value returned is "JAN60".
I also tried using SUBSTR, but got an error saying it requires a character argument, so SAS must see it as a number at least.
My question; does anyone know a way to get the week-yr and/or month-yr from this format? If so, how? I'm not opposed to using a data step, but I haven't been able to get that to work either.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight provided.
datepart converts datetimes to dates. Not helpful here.
If you're just displaying this, then you have a few options, particularly for month. You can just change the format of the variable (This changes what's displayed, but not the underlying value; consider this a value label).
When you use this like this (again, it looks like you got most of the way there):
proc sql;
select datevar format=monyy5. from table;
Just don't include that datepart function call as that's not appropriate unless you have a datetime. (Date=# of days since 1/1/1960, Datetime = # of seconds since 1/1/1960:00:00:00).
That will display it with MONYY5. format, which would be MAY10 for May, 2010. You have some other format options, see the documentation on formats by category for more details.
I can't think of a Week format that matches what you want (there are week formats, like WEEKW., as you clearly found, but I don't know that they do exactly what you want. So, if you want to build one yourself, you can either build a custom picture format, or you can make a string.
Building a custom picture format isn't too hard; see the documentation on Picture formats or google SAS Date Picture Format.
proc format;
picture weekyear (default=8)
low-high = 'W%0U-%Y' (datatype=date) ;
Now you can use that as a normal format.
To get at the week/etc. to build values, you can also use functions week(), month(), etc., if that's easier.
Since the data was already in a date format, I only needed to drop the DATEPART function that only works with datetime values. So, for month-yr,
"a.fnlz_date as fnlz_mnth format=monyy.,"
gives me the results I'm looking for.

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Error

Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012')
When i run the above T-SQL statement in Management Studio, i get i get the following error:
"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
Is there away i can cast that value to a valid Date type successfully? I have such values in a nvarchar(255) column whose dataType i want to change to Date type in an SQL Server table but i have hit that error and i would like to first do a conversion in an Update statement on the table.
Specify what date format you are using:
Select CONVERT(Date, '13-5-2012', 105)
105 means Italian date format with century (dd-mm-yyyy).
In general, I'd suspect usually there is data which can't be converted in a column, and would use a case statement checking it's convertable first:
SELECT CASE WHEN ISDATE(mycolumn)=1 THEN CONVERT(Date, mycolumn, [style]) END
FROM mytable
I believe Convert relies on the SQL Server date format setting. Please check your dateformat setting with DBCC USEROPTIONS.
I suspect if you set the dateformat to dmy it'll understand:
If even then it doesn't work, you can't find a style that matches your data, and if your data is in a consistant format, it's down to manual string manipulation to build it (don't do this if you can help it).
Try this....
Select CONVERT(Date,'5-13-2012')
Use 'mm-dd-yyyy' format.
CONVERT assumes that the original data can represent a date. One bad data item can throw the same conversion error mentioned here without pointing to the problem.
Using ISDATE helped me get around the bad data items.
WHERE ISDATE(FieldName) <> 0
You need to give the date format while conversion, this will resolve the error.
select convert(date, '13-5-2012' ,103)