TFS 2010 Custom Build Process - How to remove CR and LF from WriteBuildMessage stdOutput? - workflow-activity

I have an InvokeProcess activity that I am trying to grab the output from (for example):
'sc.exe query w3svc'.
which queries as to whether the IIS service is installed or not.
I am using an Assign activity to try and capture the stdOutput into a variable so I can use it in the next step. The problem is it only captures the first line. The output from this command contains crlfs which I think it the problem. I have tried various ways to remove them but to no avail.
Any ideas on this one?

What I ended up doing was:
1) Moved my command into a batch file and tuned it to return just a more specific result, for example:
sc.exe query w3svc | find /c /i "w3svc"
which returns a 0 or a 1
2) Moved the batch file into source control.
3) Added a DownloadFiles activity to my template and I download the batch right before I need to use it.
4) In the subsequent InvokeProcess I add an Assign to capture the stdOutput and then check that in an If activity after that.
Hope this helps someone as I know there isn't a whole lot on this stuff out there.


WinDbg scripting - how to delete a file?

I'm working with an existing framework of WinDbg scripts that go through a series of test scripts Test1.txt, Test2.txt, etc., which are generated by C++ code and which output results.
For example a chunk of one of the test scripts would be,
.if (($spat(#"${var}","18300.000000")==1))
.logappend C:\Tests\TestResults.txt
.printf "TestNumber=\t1\tExpected=\t18300.000000\tActual=\t%.6f\t******PASSED******\n",poi(poi(#$t2+#$t6)+0x10)
I'm trying to add functionality that will create a file whose name displays the current # of the test being run, so that users can see their progress without needing to open a file.
My thought process was that I would set up the script generator, so that at the start of Test #N, it would add a line to the script to create a file 'currentlyRunningTestN.txt', and at the end of Test #N, it would add a line to the script to delete that file. However, I don't see any delete function in the WinDbg meta command glossary:, or in the list of supported C functions like printf. Am I just missing something, or is deleting files not supported by WinDbg (or equivalently renaming files, which would also serve my purpose?) If deleting/renaming don't work, is there another way to achieve the functionality I'm looking for?
With the .shell command, you can execute any DOS-like command. Although I never tried deleting a file, it should be possible.
As you may have noticed, WinDbg scripting does not always work on first attempt, please make sure your scripting will not result in a big data loss on your customer's PC whilst deleting files.

How to pass value to an exe and then the next button should be executed by powershell?

I have the code below which executes an exe file and then i want the path which is assigned to a variable to be copied into the text box of that exe and once it gets copied then the next button in the exe should get clicked\executed automatically by powershell.
& "D:\SOFTWARE\notepad ++.exe"
$Path="C:\Program Files"
Basically i will be using this code for some other exe file but process would be same. So is there any way by which i can do this by using powershell?
Consider the snapshot below of the UI of application installed. If i want to pass the product key which i have declared in a variable inside the powershell after passing it to the application and then i want its Get Product Details button to be hit\Run.
What you actually want is pass the variables into the msi by running it quietly without UI. Try the following first (assuming your exe is actually just an MSI wrapper)
msiexec.exe /i $PathToExe /q /l*vx log.txt
This should quietly launch the msi and produce a log.txt file. Wait a few moments for it to complete since it is installing in the background. Then check if it correctly installed. Then check the log file to see all the variables that were set at the end. Guessing by their names or values, you could then pass them in the next time simply by adding variablename=variablevalue to the command line call. You might need to experiment and learn a bit about MSI and msiexec as part of this.
If talk about invoking UI actions in general, then you would need to look at the AutomationElement class but it can get very complex here on...
You should look at using SendKeys.

How to add parameters to a running process or exe by default?

I'm trying to use a program called Texmod.exe to start another program (exe) with certain parameters.
Texmod is program that opens up another exe and extracts/replaces textures that are pulled up in the second program while it is running. I'm trying to start the second exe with the parameters: -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2. Starting the second exe with shortcuts/.bat that have these parameters in a command line DOES work. However, I would like to do this in conjunction with Texmod.
I'm using Texmod v0.9 b which doesn't support starting an exe with command line parameters. Newer versions, such as the open source reboot known as uMod, does support but it doesn't replace textures as well and crashes often compared to the original version.
Texmod.exe must start the second exe directly. Texmod can't select a shortcut to start the exe. I've tried making Texmod start another exe/.bat that then starts the second desired exe with parameters but this causes Texmod not to function.
Methods I have thought about but not sure if they work or even possible:
Somehow forcing all processes started by Texmod.exe to start with certain parameters
Somehow force the desired exe to always start with certain parameters regardless of start method (via Texmod, shortcuts, .bat, etc)
Add parameters to the process started by the desired exe after it is already running
Obviously I'm open to any ideas. Is what I'm asking even possible? Sorry if it seems unclear or I sound irrational; my knowledge on this is limited.
Edit: #Toby Speight I'm not sure what you mean by an example of the code I'm having trouble with as I'm just wondering if it's possible to perform the scenario I described. This is where I got the Texmod program from (it's the oldest release - Original TexMod 0.9 beta). I've searched the internet for possible solutions but I've found very few so some of the methods I've tried are:
Used Texmod.exe to start a desktop shortcut with target: "directory to exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2. The result was Texmod couldn't use the shortcut and just opened the exe without the parameters.
Used Texmod to start an exe named caller.exe which started the exe I desired using the method described here. In command.txt, described by the instructions, I put ""name of exe.exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2." The result was the exe started with the parameters but Texmod failed to modify the textures because it was modifying textures pulled up by caller.exe instead.
Used Texmod to open a .bat file with the lines: ""name of exe.exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2." The result was the same as attempt described in #2.
Edit2: I also stumbled on this page where someone else claims they managed to achieve what sounds like the objective I desire. However, I do not know enough about code to understand it. If someone could look over this to see if it would work or see if they can modify it to fit the arguments that I desire.
You can use windows registry to force Windows run another app when specific .exe is called. Let me show an example: i'm trying to use TexMod with Remember Me.
Required setup:
Create a copy of game .exe, place it near original with different name, eg RememberMe_copy.exe
Go to windows registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
create new key named as original .exe, in my case it's RememberMe.exe. Registry key looks like a folder.
In this key, create new string value named Debugger with full path to copy of .exe with required commandline args. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Remember Me\Binaries\Win32\RememberMe_copy.exe" -ReadPoolSizeFromIni. Note the path to .exe is quoted, commandline arguments are not. String value has type REG_SZ.
Now when you try to run anything called RememberMe.exe, Windows will instead run the RememberMe_copy.exe with specified parameters (and something else but we don't care). This feature is left in Windows for debugging purposes.
Finally, open TexMod, select RememberMe.exe. It will think it's running original file, but instead Windows will silently run another file with another parameters. As there is nothing else in between, TexMod is happy.
Why can't we use single file? Well, Windows will run original .exe instead of original .exe, then instead of it will run original .exe... causing infinite loop.

WinSCP time based file download

I would like to write WinSCP script to download a file that is placed onto the remote server every morning between 4-4:30am. Is there a way to do this with time-stamping?
I want to pseudocode:
get file.txt where timestap<1 hour from 4 am
First, I assume your file does not have fixed name (contrary to your question with fixed name file.txt). If not, please explain, why do you need timestamp-based solution.
Anyway, you can use a file mask with a time constraint:
get "*.txt>2014-07-19 4:00"
To dynamically inject today's date, use the %TIMESTAMP% syntax:
get "*.txt>%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss% 4:00"
Simply, the above means, get all files created later than 4:00 today (the %TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss% resolves to today's date in format yyyy-mm-ss, as needed for the time constraint).
When passing the get on WinSCP command-line in a batch file (using /command switch, as opposite to using /script switch to specify a separate script file), you have to double the % to avoid the batch-file trying to interpret the %TIMESTAMP%: /command ... "get ""*.txt>%%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss%% 4:00"""
Another solution is a static script that rely on a relative time: E.g. you know your script runs at 6am. So you let WinSCP download all files updated/created in the last 2 hours (6am – 4am):
get *.txt>2h
See also WinSCP article on downloading the most recent file.

Please help me with a Power shell Script which rearranges Paths

I have both Sybase and MSFT SQL Servers installed. There is a time when Sybase interferes with MS SQL because they have they have some overlapping commands.
So, I need two scripts:
A) When runs, script A backs up the current path, grabs all paths that contain sybase or SYBASE or SyBASE (you get the point) in them and move them all at the very end of the path, while preserving the order.
B) When it runs, script B restores the path from back-up.
Both script a and script b should affect the path immediately. So, if a.bat that calls patha.ps1, pathb.ps1 looks like so:
#REM Old path here
call patha.ps1
#REM At this point the effective path should be different.
call pathb.ps1
#REM Effective old path again
Please let me know if this does not make sense. I am not sure if call command is the best one to use.
I have never used P.S. before. I can try to formulate the same thing in Python (I know S.O. users tend to ask for "What have you tried so far"). Well, at this point I am VERY slow at writing anything in Power Shell language.
Please help.
First of all: call will be of no use here as you are apparently writing a batch file and PowerShell scripts have no association to run them by default. call is for batch files or subroutines.
Secondly, any PowerShell script you call from a batch file cannot change environment variables of the caller's environment. That's a fundamental property of how processes behave and since you are calling another process, this is never going to work.
I'm not so sure why you are even using a batch file here in the first place if you have PowerShell. You might just as well solve this in PowerShell completely.
However, what I get from your problem is that the best way to resolve this is probably the following: Create two batch files that each set the PATH appropriately. You can probably leave out both the MSSQL and Sybase paths from your usual PATH and add them solely in the batch files. Then create shortcuts to
cmd /k set_mssql_path.cmd
cmd /k set_sybase_path.cmd
each of which now is a shortcut to a shell to work with the appropriate database's tools. This is how the Visual Studio Command Prompt works and it's probably the cleanest solution you have. You can use the color and prompt commands in those batches to make the two different shells distinct so you always know what environment you have. For example the following two lines will color the console white on blue and set a prompt indicating MSSQL:
color 1f
prompt MSSQL$S$P$G
This can be quite handy, actually.
Generally, trying to rearrange the PATH environment variable isn't exactly easy. While you could trivially split at a ; this will fail for paths that itself contain a semicolon (and which need to be quoted then). Even in PowerShell this will take a while to get right so I think creating shortcuts specific to the tools is probably the nicest way to deal with this.