WinSCP time based file download - command-line

I would like to write WinSCP script to download a file that is placed onto the remote server every morning between 4-4:30am. Is there a way to do this with time-stamping?
I want to pseudocode:
get file.txt where timestap<1 hour from 4 am

First, I assume your file does not have fixed name (contrary to your question with fixed name file.txt). If not, please explain, why do you need timestamp-based solution.
Anyway, you can use a file mask with a time constraint:
get "*.txt>2014-07-19 4:00"
To dynamically inject today's date, use the %TIMESTAMP% syntax:
get "*.txt>%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss% 4:00"
Simply, the above means, get all files created later than 4:00 today (the %TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss% resolves to today's date in format yyyy-mm-ss, as needed for the time constraint).
When passing the get on WinSCP command-line in a batch file (using /command switch, as opposite to using /script switch to specify a separate script file), you have to double the % to avoid the batch-file trying to interpret the %TIMESTAMP%: /command ... "get ""*.txt>%%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-ss%% 4:00"""
Another solution is a static script that rely on a relative time: E.g. you know your script runs at 6am. So you let WinSCP download all files updated/created in the last 2 hours (6am – 4am):
get *.txt>2h
See also WinSCP article on downloading the most recent file.


using powershell to only read last 1month of folders. copy in 7 days worth of folders then using robocopy

apologies to start as im new to powershell and robocopy.
i have a robocopy command that pulls in any files within its many subfolders that are within a maxage of 7. however, the main folder has a huge amount of folders dating back years(and i only need last 7 days each week it runs) so its slow reading each file in each folder before it even copies using robocopy.
it looks like powershell commands may be a way for me to limit the search of files for my robocopy, would this be possible? currently robocopy search each files in each folder in my main folder, ideally i would want it to be smart enough to only search even a months worth of files and then copy over last 7 days. this would speed up the run time hugely.
if possible even further, i only want csv files in each of the folders in my main folder but current robocopy searches the other folders and its files as well which takes time. all the csv files are in a folder called "run" in each parent folder(parent folder is a unique number within the "mainfolder".
my robocopy command:
robocopy \\server\mainfolder \\server\new_main_folder /S /maxage:7 /r:0 /w:0
I was going to point to you either FastCopy or FreeFileSync, both handle long file name paths and work well for me. But found problems running FastCopy when trying to filter folders the way you described. I wasn't getting the results I expected, so that leaves FreeFileSync. There is a little bit of a learning curve with FreeFileSync, but really, the only problem/complaint I've had with it is the xml based batch script that you can use to automate the program kept changing formats and they haven't been providing a way to read the old xml batch scripts with the new version of the software. Maybe that has changed, I haven't looked into that lately.
Maybe other people have had better experience with RoboCopy, but I found it to take literally many multiples longer to do the same job as many other copy programs. I don't think FreeFileSync is as fast as FastCopy, but I've never seen it act as bad as what I experienced with RoboCopy.
The way FreeFileSync works is:
You define 1 or more source/destination pairs.
There is a global setting at the top to set the defaults for all copy pairs.
There are individual settings per each copy pair that when set override the global settings.
In the filter tab of the settings you can set "Time span:" to "Last x days:" and set it to the 7 days that you want.
You can change include from * to something like \run\*.csv. I didn't try that exact pattern, but the patterns I did try worked as expected (Unlike FastCopy).
The Synchronization tab is the tricky/fun one. You can do logs, versioning, tell the system to shutdown or restart when done, maintain a database for tracking moved files ("Detect moved files" checkbox), and all kinds of adjustments to how it behaves when files don't match.
When done, there is I believe at least 2 options for saving the configuration - though I've always just created the xml based batch script and called that from another scripting language or an icon on the desktop.

how to create a script that allows to use the path list as a reference for copying files in PowerShell in .bat script

I'm looking for a way to automate archiving where after I plug my two external drives I can copy all my resources. The problem is that I have different file structures on my laptop and on both external drives so I need to select specific folders to be copied. It means that I can't select one root folder and copy it straightforward. I tried to find a way to declare more than one path in the cp command and in the copy command, without success. An example path:
I want to select only the first 3 folders to copy them into external drive1 and external drive 2. The idea is to create a .bat file that will copy everything at once ( in the best case scenario it will be copied simultaneously on both external drives, so it will be much faster). Another problem is that there needs to be a bypass the ntfs long path limitations (max. 260 characters).
Flags that I want to use:
Copy the files and directories and all of their attributes,
including ownerships and permissions.
Recursively copy directories and their contents.
When copying files from one directory to another, only
copy files that either doesn't exist or are newer than the
existing corresponding files, in the destination
data verification (so it's certain that the copy was verified)
progression bar with time eta
Until now I was using Total Commander to do this but every day I need to pick only a few folders to be copied which takes time and is inefficient.
I have experience with Bash and PowerShell but I am not sure how to handle this topic.
Create a static batch file with robocopy commands. I think /copyall is the only switch you need to specify for all this. Other defaults should satisfy requirements.
I think your time will be better spent learning how to use either FastCopy or FreeFileSynce. I used FreeFileSync some years ago but got disgusted with the it's constantly changing format of its xml file used for starting a backup, so I switched to FastCopy. But it looks like FreeFileSync may be getting their act together and I aim to do some experiments over the summer to see if I want to switch back to it.
Both can handle the long filename format issues, both can be executed by a batch file, both seem to have a lot of quality, but FreeFileSync has more features - and more bloated because of the features. But speed wise, I think FastCopy is probably one of the better products out there and very streamline in use and design.

including current date in printfile names

I am using a macro to obtain data from a website and save to a print file using the print function on the specific website page.
In the print window i can select "print to pdf" but do not know how to format the output filename to reflect the current date.
The macro will be run every month to save a snapshot of the website's data.
I have tried several suggestions from the forums but haven't found a solution that works.
Filename required is of the form "yyyymmdd_account_summary.pdf"
Using Kantu as the macro recorder in firefox 68 on fedora 29.
i tried setting the print file name to
$(date +"%y%m%d")_account_summary.pdf
but this only created a file named
$(date +"%y%m%d")_account_summary.pdf
no variables were substituted.
obviously i am doing something simple wrong but cannot see it.
Expected resulting filename
actual name that is created
$(date +"%y%m%d")_account_summary.pdf which is clearly wrong
We are not very familiar with Kantu but I suggest we do it in three steps.
Step 1. Let your macro runs periodically to a fixed file name (/tmp/my_temp_file.pdf).
Step 2. Write a script (bash or python) to monitor the file modify/overwrite timestamp and whenever it detects changes, copy the file (/tmp/my_temp_file.pdf) into "yyyymmdd_account_summary.pdf"
Step 3. Make a cronjob that invoke the script periodically.

How to add parameters to a running process or exe by default?

I'm trying to use a program called Texmod.exe to start another program (exe) with certain parameters.
Texmod is program that opens up another exe and extracts/replaces textures that are pulled up in the second program while it is running. I'm trying to start the second exe with the parameters: -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2. Starting the second exe with shortcuts/.bat that have these parameters in a command line DOES work. However, I would like to do this in conjunction with Texmod.
I'm using Texmod v0.9 b which doesn't support starting an exe with command line parameters. Newer versions, such as the open source reboot known as uMod, does support but it doesn't replace textures as well and crashes often compared to the original version.
Texmod.exe must start the second exe directly. Texmod can't select a shortcut to start the exe. I've tried making Texmod start another exe/.bat that then starts the second desired exe with parameters but this causes Texmod not to function.
Methods I have thought about but not sure if they work or even possible:
Somehow forcing all processes started by Texmod.exe to start with certain parameters
Somehow force the desired exe to always start with certain parameters regardless of start method (via Texmod, shortcuts, .bat, etc)
Add parameters to the process started by the desired exe after it is already running
Obviously I'm open to any ideas. Is what I'm asking even possible? Sorry if it seems unclear or I sound irrational; my knowledge on this is limited.
Edit: #Toby Speight I'm not sure what you mean by an example of the code I'm having trouble with as I'm just wondering if it's possible to perform the scenario I described. This is where I got the Texmod program from (it's the oldest release - Original TexMod 0.9 beta). I've searched the internet for possible solutions but I've found very few so some of the methods I've tried are:
Used Texmod.exe to start a desktop shortcut with target: "directory to exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2. The result was Texmod couldn't use the shortcut and just opened the exe without the parameters.
Used Texmod to start an exe named caller.exe which started the exe I desired using the method described here. In command.txt, described by the instructions, I put ""name of exe.exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2." The result was the exe started with the parameters but Texmod failed to modify the textures because it was modifying textures pulled up by caller.exe instead.
Used Texmod to open a .bat file with the lines: ""name of exe.exe" -AlwaysFocus -ControllerOffset=1 -SaveDataId=2." The result was the same as attempt described in #2.
Edit2: I also stumbled on this page where someone else claims they managed to achieve what sounds like the objective I desire. However, I do not know enough about code to understand it. If someone could look over this to see if it would work or see if they can modify it to fit the arguments that I desire.
You can use windows registry to force Windows run another app when specific .exe is called. Let me show an example: i'm trying to use TexMod with Remember Me.
Required setup:
Create a copy of game .exe, place it near original with different name, eg RememberMe_copy.exe
Go to windows registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
create new key named as original .exe, in my case it's RememberMe.exe. Registry key looks like a folder.
In this key, create new string value named Debugger with full path to copy of .exe with required commandline args. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Remember Me\Binaries\Win32\RememberMe_copy.exe" -ReadPoolSizeFromIni. Note the path to .exe is quoted, commandline arguments are not. String value has type REG_SZ.
Now when you try to run anything called RememberMe.exe, Windows will instead run the RememberMe_copy.exe with specified parameters (and something else but we don't care). This feature is left in Windows for debugging purposes.
Finally, open TexMod, select RememberMe.exe. It will think it's running original file, but instead Windows will silently run another file with another parameters. As there is nothing else in between, TexMod is happy.
Why can't we use single file? Well, Windows will run original .exe instead of original .exe, then instead of it will run original .exe... causing infinite loop.

Split Filename Up to Define Variables

I have a script I created to help with converting a video then uploading it to our website. Our videos all have a standard format for their filename to help with setting them up correctly (day, month, year; i.e. 09OCT2013.m4v). They get filed into directories from year to month to day (i.e. 2013/oct/09OCT2013/09OCT2013.m4v). Right now, my script opens by asking for user input for the year then month then the actual file name for the folder. What I want to do is take the file that has already been created, drop it into the script, then have the script take it apart and put it in the appropriate file (i.e. drop the file 12JUN2012.m4v into the script and the script automatically puts it into 2012/jun/12JUN2012/). Is there any possible way to do this in terminal? Please let me know if any part of my question is unclear.
Assuming that you're using bash:
for file in "$#"
mv "$file" "$yy/$mm/$file"
If the file needs to be moved further, or is supplied with more pathname, you can adjust the script, but the basic idea of splitting the last component of the file name up using the substring notation is good.