link an app with an already created page? - facebook

I just created an app on facebook in order to publish the content of my website in a fan page, but I created the fan page before the app, now I don't know how to link my new app to my prev page; I just have the option of create a new page.

Hi Fran kinldy follow the below steps to link your apps with Fb page.
Fill canvas url and other details in the app settings.
Make the app to live & copy the app id and change the below URL. appid&pages=1
Then check your FB Page.Your apps will be linked.


Can't Facebook App in new Meta branded page

I am trying to create a Facebook App so I can share to Facebook an image from a mobile.
I am following this guide:
The problem is that now if I click on
There are no apps to display here. Would you like to create a new app?
The only thing I am getting to is
Which is just a useless loop.

Is it possible to deeplink from a facebook post to an app and does it need to be approved by facebook?

I would like to have my app post to facebook and then when "friends" see the link, they can click on it and since it is a deeplink, clicking on it would take the user to the app store if the app isnt downloaded otherwise it would take them to the correct page of the app. Would this need approval from Facebook?
No approval needed, but in most cases this is currently not possible — Facebook has decided to block the functionality. The best option is to post a link pointing to a page on your website, and then open your app from there.
In other words, you can't open a link from the news feed and have it launch the app. However you can open a link to your website, and once the website is open you can launch your app successfully from there. This is the approach we currently use at

App Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page for my app, however it still says "Create Facebook Page" at the bottom of my Facebook App settings. If I click that can I connect my current page to my app page?
No it will not connect your current Fan/Product Page with your Application,
it will create a new, dedicated page for your Application.

How can I disable my App Profile Page

I am using Facebook Connect on an external website. I don't want to show an App Profile Page on Facebook for this app. The main reason is because I have a Fan Page of the same name on Facebook and I am trying to get "Likes" for the Fan Page.
But when you search for the Fan Page by name both the App Profile Page and the Fan Page show up in the search results. And there would be nothing of use to show on the App Profile Page since all I am using it for is Facebook Connect.
Is there a setting in the app setting to not show the profile page? Or better yet, to use the Fan Page as the app profile page?
There currently doesn't exist a way to disable your App Profile Page or associate your app to a Facebook Page. We are planning to enable this soon after f8.
Yeah, I hated this… so I tossed up a super simple redirect app. Toss this up as your default tab for the application and put the link to the page.
Also let me know if there's an error. :)
You can migrate app pages to regular fan pages now (go to your app page for instructions). App pages will be disabled by February.
Removing App Profile Pages By February 1, 2012, we are removing App
Profile Pages. You can migrate Likes and the Vanity URL of this Page
to an existing Facebook Page with the same name and of Product/App
Click here to migrate to an existing Facebook Page
Unfortunately not. We ended up asking all of our fans to move over to become fans of our application page and then deleted our fan page. The only thing you can do is set your app in sandbox mode but then obviously nobody except developers can access it.

facebook developer apps - cannot find page

when I try to create the "like" app for my website,it says that it cannot find the page.
I even copied and pasted my name to it. I want to be able to post from it and it will show up on my website. http:/ is what I am trying to get an app for
You can't create like buttons for user pages. You would have to convert your user profile to a fan page using Facebook's tool.