Facebook open graph on a domain with url masking and wordpress - facebook

im using wordpress on my web site and im having problems posting articles on facebook.
for every article i post i always get the same og title and og url. this is cleary a url masking issue as my meta tags cannot change even if i settled them on wordpress header.php.
here is the website.
anyone can help me?
basically i want dynamic og title/url/description/image avoiding that the url cloaking always output the same meta tag
thanks guys!

There is couple of issue with your site:
Your site on http://carnagenews.com/ is just a top-level frame wrapping http://carnageweb.altervista.org/ which Facebook will not follow with linter and will not populate your OpenGraph data with correct details until OpenGraph meta exists at the URL specified by og:url meta tag.
Your real pages result in 404 response code for Facebook Linter (check for yourself using Debug Tool).


Share a URL that is shareable on Facebook on LinkedIn

I've worked on sharing dynamic content to be shareable on Facebook populating OpenGraph tags, I know LinkedIn uses OpenGraph tags.
To my surprise when I've tried sharing the same url on LinkedIn nothing shows up.
did anyone have such experience?
I've used https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/
But no luck, I get '503 Failure' exception.
Is this the new way to share something on LinkedIn? (Below url)
I've tried inspecting the url with https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/
Here in facebook I got response for all the og:tags
I've update the URL-rewrite on ISS to allow UserAgent: LinkedInBot, this change allowed to LinkedIn crawler retrieve the og tags to be populated for linked in crawler request.

All the images are not coming from blogger in Facebook post

I have a blogger post with multiple images. All the images are uploaded from local drive. My blog post
I have followed the article on https://www.addthis.com/academy/how-to-add-open-graph-tags-using-blogger/ to open graph related tags.
It just adds the schema definition at the beginning and then some og tags at the head section of the template. Have not added og:image tag to each image of the post.
Now when i share the post on facebook, i only get the first image as preview. Not able to get the other images. I might be missing something here.
I have even followed this https://gist.github.com/pathawks/1343315 but getting the same results
Best Regards,
This is happening because your blog is using a Blogger Dynamic Views template. Dynamic Views template load all the data via JavaScript (including the post HTML)
Currently, Facebook scraper doesn't run JavaScript code (Refer to Facebook scraper doesn't load dynamic meta-tags ) and only infers properties from the meta tags and HTML. In your blog's case, as the post HTML is loaded via JavaScript as well, therefore, Facebook scraper only depends on the meta tags for getting information about the page. You can see a live example of what the Facebook scraper see's when parsing one of your blog post - https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/echo/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcodifyit.blogspot.com%2F2015%2F08%2Fcreate-your-first-php-application-with.html
To resolve this problem, switching away from Dynamic Views template to normal Blogger template would be the best solution. If you are particuarly fond of the Dynamic Views design, you can still access it while using a normal Blogger template by accessing the URL - yourblog.blogspot.com/view - For a live example, check https://blogger.googleblog.com/view

Can you force Facebook to recognize correct image without og: tags?

I have a website where news articles get posted through CMS and there is no option to add Facebook META OG tags to <head>. I could only add them manually to <body> but that won't work I assume?
Is there another solution where you can tell Facebook which image should be picked when using like/share buttons?
This depends how you make the share. You can use the FB.Ui to request a "Post to a wall" where you can specify the specifics of what appears on the share.
If you are sharing the URL only it will read your meta tags as you state. I have not tried making that image the first within the HTML as this may also make that the default.
you can use this link to debug your meta tags and test your sharing if you are sharing a URL.

Why do app posts to Facebook not show as pasted via my app, despite OK OpenGraph response?

We have an app on Facebook called TouchActive
We provide ways for user to post content to Facebook, either from web (via AddThis) or native Android/iOS app.
When we post from say Android we identify the app and the post appears correctly, showing "... via TouchActive" all fine.
When we post from web, we post a URL that Facebook queries, and we provide an OpenGraph response from our server with all the og: meta tags, including the facebook app_id.
The content appears correctly (it's parsing the OG response OK), but it doesn't show as posted via our app, and the posts don't appear in our Insight statistics for the app.
We are assuming this can be done.
Anyone know what we could be doing wrong in our open graph response that causes this to not work?
I have tried the Facebook debug tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug and it shows the correctly parsed OG response and no errors, only a warning about og:url.
Is og:url recommended or a MUST for this to work?
Andrew: I am also using the same meta tag for my site and it works as expected and the post is attributed to my site. I guess u should specify the og:url meta-tag once and then check. As this url is used on the attributed app's anchor link on fb wall.
If still it has the same issue then we can dig it more to come to solution.
A user manually sharing a link to or liking a web page which has opengraph meta tags (including an App ID) is not the same as posting the content from the app - are you definitely posting the links using the app?
You must post via the API to get the post attributed to your app, regardless of which app is specified on the page's meta tag (which is done primarily for insights and administration purposes)

Meta tag og:title inside Facebook Application is ignored

I have a Facebook Application with an iframe based canvas that contains a like button (also iframe), in the head of my iframe i've specified the standard meta tags (og:title, og:url, og:site_name) and they seem to work fine (the information is displayed correctly in the profile wall) except for the title.
I've tested various links of the app with the Facebook URL Linter and the ug:title tag is ignored completly.
Have any of you had any trouble with the open graph tags inside facebook applications?
Any ideeas are apreciated, thanks.
I've tried every possible combination and suggestion in adding og meta tags to my page, but none of them worked. When testing URL with facebook URL Linter it always returned default values defined on application admin page. Like it doesn't see og meta tags. And what was more interesting is that when I look the page source, og meta tags existed but haven't been evaluated by facebook or linter.
Now, in my canvas page I defined login/authentication (and depending redirection etc) at the top, before html and og meta tags definition, and that was the main problem.
If you perform FB login redirection/authentication before providing og meta tags,
then FB crawlers/linter will not be able to detect your meta info and will try to auto-fill it.
I'm having the same problem in my app http://apps.facebook.com/tripline It seems that Facebook doesn't process links to pages inside apps the same way as pages they hit directly.
You can see the difference in the URL Linter:
The og:url on the canvas page: http://apps.facebook.com/tripline/trip.php?id=2015071615051003BEE6FBED6F531103 (og:title is ignored, get trip.php instead)
The url to the actual page loaded in the iframe: http://www.tripline.net/api/fbcanvas/trip.php?id=2015071615051003BEE6FBED6F531103#frame-top (og:title correct, but can't link to this because it's not in the frame)
The page on the main site: http://www.tripline.net/trip/The_Boston_Freedom_Trail-2015071615051003BEE6FBED6F531103 (og:title correct, if i can't figure things out, i'm just going to set the og:url on the canvas page to this)
Not really an answer, but at least you know you're not alone or crazy...which is worth something.