Meta tag og:title inside Facebook Application is ignored - facebook

I have a Facebook Application with an iframe based canvas that contains a like button (also iframe), in the head of my iframe i've specified the standard meta tags (og:title, og:url, og:site_name) and they seem to work fine (the information is displayed correctly in the profile wall) except for the title.
I've tested various links of the app with the Facebook URL Linter and the ug:title tag is ignored completly.
Have any of you had any trouble with the open graph tags inside facebook applications?
Any ideeas are apreciated, thanks.

I've tried every possible combination and suggestion in adding og meta tags to my page, but none of them worked. When testing URL with facebook URL Linter it always returned default values defined on application admin page. Like it doesn't see og meta tags. And what was more interesting is that when I look the page source, og meta tags existed but haven't been evaluated by facebook or linter.
Now, in my canvas page I defined login/authentication (and depending redirection etc) at the top, before html and og meta tags definition, and that was the main problem.
If you perform FB login redirection/authentication before providing og meta tags,
then FB crawlers/linter will not be able to detect your meta info and will try to auto-fill it.

I'm having the same problem in my app It seems that Facebook doesn't process links to pages inside apps the same way as pages they hit directly.
You can see the difference in the URL Linter:
The og:url on the canvas page: (og:title is ignored, get trip.php instead)
The url to the actual page loaded in the iframe: (og:title correct, but can't link to this because it's not in the frame)
The page on the main site: (og:title correct, if i can't figure things out, i'm just going to set the og:url on the canvas page to this)
Not really an answer, but at least you know you're not alone or crazy...which is worth something.


How to customise Facebook shares

I've successfully added a Share button to my website using the following code:
It produces a popup with a link to the og:url along with the title of the linked page and a picture from it, which I can then post, and it shows up on my Facebook.
I am having 3 issues with this:
I've update the og:url and data-href after page load, using jquery, but the new values get ignored when I Share.
the og:title, og:description, and og:image don't appear to be used at all.
Sometimes I'd like to Share some custom text (and images if possible) without any url.
I'm aware that Facebook provide other tools/APIs that provide more versatility but it seems that would mean my site would have to go through a review process, and I'd have to code for security. This is not an option and I want to stick to the popup method.
Hope someone can help. Many thanks.
If the tags do not change when posting, refresh (and test) the tags in the debugger:
Dynamically created Open Graph tags (with JavaScript) will be ignored, the tags have to be in the original page source.

Why does FB sharer use only the OG meta tag details on the home page?

I have a project, coded on codeigniter, which is basically a collection of posts by different users. While adding the fb share button and clicking on it, The image, title and description content is taken from the header of the home page and not of the page(view) where the share button is placed?
As mentioned here, The issue was that only those users could view the page who are signed in, and therefore even fb wasn't able to scrape the info from there.
EDIT: Whats important here is how FB scrapes the info. Apparantly the link you provide inside data-href if parsed by FB and they capture the og meta tags from the header on that page. However if you restrict those pages to logged in users, FB is also unable to parse the page and thus it reverts to the base URL's meta tags.

Facebook sharer is not working as expcted

I have inserted the OG meta tags in my pages and also have provided a simple link to help users share the contents on the Facebook using the[the-urlencoded-link-to-my-page]
link. But I have two problems:
When attempting to share the content for the first time, the
Facebook sharer page only displays a preview box which only contains
the name of the site, and makes me use the Facebook's Object
Debugger to
fetch the meta tags. How can I automate this process?
And secondly, while the Object Debugger report says that it has
found the og:url, og:type, og:title, og:locale,
og:image:width, og:image:height, og:image and the
og:description raw tags on the page, but the image doesn't get
displayed in neither the preview box of the page nor on the shared
status. What I have missed? What's wrong?
To make things clear, sharing on google+ works perfectly (the image gets displayed, the title and the descriptions are in place.)
Thanks in advance :)

Can you force Facebook to recognize correct image without og: tags?

I have a website where news articles get posted through CMS and there is no option to add Facebook META OG tags to <head>. I could only add them manually to <body> but that won't work I assume?
Is there another solution where you can tell Facebook which image should be picked when using like/share buttons?
This depends how you make the share. You can use the FB.Ui to request a "Post to a wall" where you can specify the specifics of what appears on the share.
If you are sharing the URL only it will read your meta tags as you state. I have not tried making that image the first within the HTML as this may also make that the default.
you can use this link to debug your meta tags and test your sharing if you are sharing a URL.

Can you change the photo in the Facebook share button popup window?

I have a Facebook Like/Share button on a webpage. When you click the Share button, a window pops up allowing you to share a message about the site. There's a photo in the popup as well, which is derived from the webpage the button is on.
The problem is, that webpage shows a composite photo, an image on top of another image, and instead of showing the whole composite, the popup shows one piece of it.
Is there a way to use a different image entirely on the Facebook popup window, some specific image that's not present on the webpage? I had thought the og:image meta tag would do the trick, but it doesn't seem to work.
Got it. My problem is that the info I need from the Facebook Developer pages is either incomplete or not presented in a way I can understand. So for the benefit of others in my boat:
It's not enough to add the Like/Share button javascript code and div tag (where you want the button to appear). You also need to add a group of meta tags in the <head> section of your html page. (Note that in the Facebook Developers "Like Tag" page, the phrase "meta tag" does not appear.) The meta tag format is this: <meta property="og:type" content="website">
There is apparently a lag between your adding these meta tags and Facebook finding them. Some have said this is because of the way Facebook caches its content. In any case, you can bypass this lag by using the Facebook Debugger You enter the URL of the page with the buttons, and it tells you what's missing from your code--and at the same time it now recognizes any new additions, like new meta tags.
It turned out I needed meta tags for og:url, og:title, og:image, og:site_name, og:type, and og:description. I also discovered that the og:image tag needs an absolute url.
I found out about a lot of this not from Facebook but from here:
The Debugger is now telling me I still need fb:admins and fb:app_id tags. To get those I apparently have to create a Facebook App, which I'd rather not do. I hope it's not necessary.
Now that I've added these meta tags and run my page through the Debugger, I'm now getting the image I want showing in the Share window.