Why do app posts to Facebook not show as pasted via my app, despite OK OpenGraph response? - facebook

We have an app on Facebook called TouchActive
We provide ways for user to post content to Facebook, either from web (via AddThis) or native Android/iOS app.
When we post from say Android we identify the app and the post appears correctly, showing "... via TouchActive" all fine.
When we post from web, we post a URL that Facebook queries, and we provide an OpenGraph response from our server with all the og: meta tags, including the facebook app_id.
The content appears correctly (it's parsing the OG response OK), but it doesn't show as posted via our app, and the posts don't appear in our Insight statistics for the app.
We are assuming this can be done.
Anyone know what we could be doing wrong in our open graph response that causes this to not work?
I have tried the Facebook debug tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug and it shows the correctly parsed OG response and no errors, only a warning about og:url.
Is og:url recommended or a MUST for this to work?

Andrew: I am also using the same meta tag for my site and it works as expected and the post is attributed to my site. I guess u should specify the og:url meta-tag once and then check. As this url is used on the attributed app's anchor link on fb wall.
If still it has the same issue then we can dig it more to come to solution.

A user manually sharing a link to or liking a web page which has opengraph meta tags (including an App ID) is not the same as posting the content from the app - are you definitely posting the links using the app?
You must post via the API to get the post attributed to your app, regardless of which app is specified on the page's meta tag (which is done primarily for insights and administration purposes)


Share a URL that is shareable on Facebook on LinkedIn

I've worked on sharing dynamic content to be shareable on Facebook populating OpenGraph tags, I know LinkedIn uses OpenGraph tags.
To my surprise when I've tried sharing the same url on LinkedIn nothing shows up.
did anyone have such experience?
I've used https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/
But no luck, I get '503 Failure' exception.
Is this the new way to share something on LinkedIn? (Below url)
I've tried inspecting the url with https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/
Here in facebook I got response for all the og:tags
I've update the URL-rewrite on ISS to allow UserAgent: LinkedInBot, this change allowed to LinkedIn crawler retrieve the og tags to be populated for linked in crawler request.

Facebook Sharing plugin doesn’t detect the specified post URL

I use Facebook share button to share my article (Title, description and image) on Facebook using Open Graph Meta and other default Meta
And my articles are echoed in post.php page like (mywebsite.com/post.php?id=post_id) which contents differ through post_id.
Well, while sharing a post on fb, facing some problems.
1: fb share doesn't detect the image belonging to the article/current post that is shared. (Thought the image URL in my Open Graph Meta is correct) and after sharing it on Facebook the link doesn’t redirect to the exact URL (mywebsite.com/post.php?id=post_id).
2: the fb share button is in my post.php page which shares different posts but sharing is counted same for all posts.
The FB share button has got an attribute (data-href="url-to-share") which my one is (data-href="<?php echo'post.php?id=post_id';?>").
Anyone know what and where is wrong with my code/URL addressing?
If your meta tags shows correct data then must be fb issue. I faced similar problem before.
Try debug your url in the FB debugger( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ ). It helps.
Fb haven't grab your updated data because they have their own time/interval to grab new data from the website(if im not mistaken). Using the debugger u'll see how the share will look like and show missing details if any.

Can an in-app object only be posted through an opengraph action?

I have a page inside a facebook application that is an opengraph object, when I post a custom action on this object to facebook from my app it is posted right, but when I use a facebook social plugin such as like and like that object it is not posted as that object but instead the object of my facebook application is posted on the timeline... so my question here is Can an in-app object only be posted through an opengraph action?
Nope, new OpenGraph object will be created or data will be updated for existing one once Facebook linter crawl your page to get data this will happen in several cases:
OpenGraph action referencing object published
Like button clicked for specific URL
Link to your page shared on Facebook (in direct way or via any dialogs using link, etc).
Your Like button is probably linked not to your real application URL but to URL within Facebook resulting in different Pages parsed by Facebook on Like Button click and OpenGraph action publishing.
I assume that your like button pointing to Application Tab Canvas or Application Page since links to regular application's canvas parsed correctly by Facebook.
Seems like the issue with OpenGraph tags is related to the fact that your application returning 404 (Not Found status code) for URL you provided and only returns data for HTTP (but not HTTPS) requests. If error code is returned the cached data is preserved and will not be updated until correct status code returned.
Update 2:
As you've provided real URL it's became clear that you get details for your application instead of actual page because of redirect for all unauthorized users, which lead to inability to rich the real OpenGraph data by Facebook linter.
BTW, You should be aware that every OpenGraph object MUST have publicly accessible URL.

Feed dialog to event/fan page says "Sorry, something went wrong." after clicking share

Having some issues with the feed dialog when attempting to post to a event or fan page. In my application I am using the JS API and FB.ui using the method feed.
But for a demonstration you can do it using the feed url too for example:
After clicking share you get the:
Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
app_id = your app
to = a event / fan page
redirect_uri = a url you are allowed to redirect to
note that the app has publish_stream permissions. (it also has manage_pages for fan pages)
The app in question by the way is: http://apps.facebook.com/tndcountdown/
An Example taken straight from the documentation:
just replace to=287203454659917 with an event.. (make a test one like it did there)
A few issues I've run into will dialog is that Facebook tries to fill in any missing data. So if you don't provide a description and caption, Facebook will try to scrape the page to get that content. Depending on how the page responds to the "scraping" Facebook will error out. I always make sure I include at least a space for those fields.
It seems the feed url you provided is similar to what is in the documentation. But the demo in the documentation has extra parameters.
I'm about to add page support to my Facebook app, which does the same thing as yours.
As I posted here - Facebook Send Button - 'Sorry, something went wrong.'...
I had the same problem & worked out that this was due to linking to a Facebook page that did not have a vanity URL set up (i.e. http://www.facebook.com/CubicMushroom rather than http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=261963707177053). If you set up a vanity URL for the page it seems to work OK (providing you link to the vanity URL version of the page URL).
To claim a vanity URL, once you have a certain no of like (it used to be 25, but think it's a little lower now) visit https://www.facebook.com/username/

Problem with open graph when posting to facebook

I'm trying to integrate open graph in my website, so that I can post a link to my relevant facebook page and it will display the relevant information (title, description etc).
Yet, even though it worked for some time, now it only displays my domain name regardless of the link I post. No images, no descs, nothing.
I've created a test page to find out what's wrong, but I've come to a dead end.
The test page is W3C valid, the Facebook debugger is parsing all the information correctly, the preview before I post the link to facebook is correct, but when I hit post it displays nothing, just the url.
I've tried several actions such as different doctypes, commenting out the open graph metas, moving js after the metas, removing the meta content-type to no avail, but if you can help me post the test page correctly to facebook, I think I'll be able to find what's wrong with my site.
My website: http://www.accorda.info
The test page: http://www.accorda.info/test.html
My facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/accorda.info
Replace the meta tag or delete some. I don't understand… Facebook OpenGraph Debug tool show IMBb info for your page.
Remember, Facebook don't update page info real-time. New meta tags can be visible in 2 days.