Login Foursquare Api using facebook credentials - iphone

I am having this problem while building one iPhone app that connects using Foursquare. Its works fine with me to connect by using foursquare credentials but now my client want facility to login foursquare using Facebook credentials just like foursquare is doing in their native iOS app as well as on Website.
For Login i am using foursquare v2 api with oAuth login.
Can any one help me out to solve this issue?

According to Foursquare developers, "You can't use facebook credentials to access foursquare, you'll need the user to specifically authenticate your application to access their foursquare information".
Edited because I typed Facebook when I meant Foursquare


Instagram API deprecation

I have an app that uses Instagram Login to use authenticate the users to the APP and the API which I using for this shown below
Is this API is going to deprecate should I move to Instagram basic display API for the same
Thanks in advance :)
Based on what is written here, you shouldn't use Instagram Basic Display API for authentication users to login to mobile app, but only to read and display data from Instagram. If your app uses API data to authenticate users, it will be rejected during App Review. You should use rather Facebook Login for authentication.

foursquare connect with facebook

is it possible to use the facebook connect on the foursquare connect? I mean on the connect page in foursquare you can connect via facebook, is it possible from a custom code in php?
so basically you want to login using your Facebook Credentials right?
This might help:
Connecting with FourSquare API V2 using PHP
If the user you want to connect to your app has a Facebook account linked to their Foursquare account, they will be able to login through Facebook. Assuming this user isn't logged in, they will be prompted to log in when trying to connect with your app. Our login screen allows them to login through Facebook: http://cl.ly/image/3h3o2n1e1m1c

connecting to Facebook via custom UI through using the xauth

I am working on a mac application which involves Facebook support so that they can share to Facebook via our app.
For this, I am using Facebook Graph API's which internally uses oAuth protocol to access user resources. In this process, it uses webview to enter users credentials(username and password) which provides the "Access_token".
But my requirement of the application is that it should not use webview to enter user credentials rather it should use other view controller to provide user credentials. So I need to go for xAuth protocol as in twitter uses.
Can anyone help me in this issue? If facebook supports xAuth, please make suggestions.
Facebook doesn't offer "desktop" application authentication support as detailed here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/
What you would have to do, is get them to authorize your app on a website, then use the access token for the desktop app and that is if your app is connected to some kind of server.
Otherwise you will have to follow their suggestion of embedding a browser and reading the access token once it is received.

single sign on using facebook for iPhone application

I know that SSO is possible for web application, so I want to is there any possibility to implement single signon using facebook account for iPhone application i.e. if some one has account in the facebook he should be able to login in my iPhone application also using his facebook credentials.
If not facebook then which other social networking sites we can achieve SSO for iPhone application.
To get the facebook userid and other user information using new facebook graph APIs and this userid you can use to create new user in your server because this is a unique id for facebook users. You can get the sample code here.

Can JanRain support logging in by Multiple Websites, and support Facebook Connect at the same time?

We are using Echo (aboutecho.com) so that users can add comments by logging in through Google, Yahoo, AOL, and OpenID. Echo does this by using JanRain.
All is well except Facebook is missing, but to add Facebook login, we need to change the Facebook app's Base URL to oursite.rpxnow.com (rpxnow is JanRain's website)
It works except, is it true that the website's existing method of using Facebook Connect to log user's in will stop working? Because the existing Facebook login need to match our domain, such as www.oursite.com, as registered in the Facebook app setting, but JanRain also wants to change that to oursite.rpxnow.com? Since Facebook can only accept one domain, it will choke on one or the other? thanks.
If you are using Janrain Social Login(Engage) then you will be replacing the Facebook Connect method with the Janrain authentication method.
When you use Janrain Social Login you will get back a Janrain Social Login oAuth token. This token can be used to retrieve the user's normalized payload of data from the successful authentication event through thisAPI endpoint: (https://{your-engage-domain.com}/api/v2/auth_info). There are code samples for this on the Janrain website.
This payload will contain the oAuth token for the user's Facebook authentication that you can use to perform additional calls against the Facebook API.
Janrain Social Login also supports this API Call: (https://{your-engage-domain.com}/api/v2/add_or_update_access_token) which allows you to use a token generated using Facebook Connect (assuming you are using the same Facebook Application ID for both Facebook Connect and the Janrain Social Login) and add or update the Facebook token stored by Janrain's server.