single sign on using facebook for iPhone application - iphone

I know that SSO is possible for web application, so I want to is there any possibility to implement single signon using facebook account for iPhone application i.e. if some one has account in the facebook he should be able to login in my iPhone application also using his facebook credentials.
If not facebook then which other social networking sites we can achieve SSO for iPhone application.

To get the facebook userid and other user information using new facebook graph APIs and this userid you can use to create new user in your server because this is a unique id for facebook users. You can get the sample code here.


Facebook Messenger Id

I am developing a flutter application where I want to use Facebook Messenger app for user to user chatting. I am using Facebook login+Firebase Authentication for authenticating my users. I am now rummaging through the Graph API to find a way to get the user's ID (not app-scoped, the universal one). I am going to use the Id to finally launch the messenger app as mentioned in the accepted answer of this question. So please help me find way to launch the messenger app with the link of the user's messenger ID.
If it is not possible with facebook messenger, please mention any third party popular chat application that will register + authenticate my users and help me with the chat.

Link facebook messenger with facebook login on app

I have a facebook messenger bot that sends a webhook to my web app. People can login to my app via facebook login.
The first user contact is normally with my facebook bot on which they can create a profile. When they make contact I take their facebook id, name, profile pic, etc.
Users can then login with facebook to my web app to enhance their profile.
My problem is facebook uses different scoped ids for messenger and their login.
How can I recognise if a user has already been on my facebook bot if they use my web app, and vice verca.
I think it has something to do with the business mapping api: but I'm struggling to understand how it works.
I am sending a get request using:
GET /me?fields=token_for_business
But the docs do not specify the full url to use. I'm also unsure if you can use this in developer mode.
facebook provides an id-matching api
for the app and pages owned by the same business manager. More informations:

Different FB ID on Web App and Mobile App for Facebook Login API

Is the fbid returned by Facebook Login API changes if 2 different Secret and App ID is used?
On my website the user gets to register himself using facebook details. I'm storing the fbid in the users table.
There's an iOS app for the site on which I allow the users to login using their facebook credentials. So I've coded an API which takes the fbid sent by the mobile app and checks if the fbid exits in the users table. If it's present then a token is sent to the mobile app with login successful message.
I've noticed that I get different fbid on web app and on mobile app for same facebook user.
I've created an APP on facebook using my facebook account and my friend who is developing the iOS app has created an APP on facebook from his own facebook account.
Example: I get fbid: 134200716970889 on web app and 140274429696834 on iOS app for a same facebook account.
Why do we get different fbid?
I'm using cakePHP for web app.
It is called "App Scoped ID", you get a seperate ID per App since v2.0 of the Graph API:
You can use the Business Mapping API to map User IDs between different Apps:

Facebook web app: How to store an ID for user recognition

My company is developing a web app, we are looking to integrate this to Facebook, basically our web app provide some reports. Now some of the clients want to show some information in Facebook. Even though, we dont have any experience developing for Facebook we opened a developer account and we selected build a web-app(We are thinking to embed our web-app in Facebook).
So our question is:
how we could store an ID of our client once he install the app in Facebook?
does Facebook store this ID and every time a visitor in our client's Facebook app enters to the app in Facebook, Facebook sends this ID to our website to recognize which client is it?
Thanks for any inside on it.
Your question is very broad. I would advise to start reading the documentation on Facebook Login to get an idea about how it works.
In general, when an user logs in using Facebook, you will receive an App Scoped User ID. That is an ID that is unique and identifies the user for your app (note: for the same user, each app gets a different ASUID). You can use this ID to keep track of all your users.

Login with Facebook integration without registering the website with facebook

I want to use "LOGIN with Facebook" function for the new website. I have created a page with a Facebook login.
When I am trying to get code from:
It is asking me to create an Application.
So my question is Can I use "Login with facebook" functionality without Facebook Application integration?
No, you can't. Even when you retrieve the code you need for the Login plugin, Facebook instructs you to substitute APP_ID for your own. You'll need an application if you want to retrieve data about that person when they login, for example
You'll have to authenticate your users with an app_id and app_secret to retrieve an access_token. That access_token is unique per user per application. More info on authentication is here.
Basically, every time you want to query Facebook's databases, with the Graph API or FQL, you do so on behalf of the user. Facebook links these calls to applications so that they will be able to know which application has what permissions and also what they are doing with them.
Click on over to and after you have verified your Facebook developer account you'll be able to create a new app