foursquare connect with facebook - facebook

is it possible to use the facebook connect on the foursquare connect? I mean on the connect page in foursquare you can connect via facebook, is it possible from a custom code in php?

so basically you want to login using your Facebook Credentials right?
This might help:
Connecting with FourSquare API V2 using PHP

If the user you want to connect to your app has a Facebook account linked to their Foursquare account, they will be able to login through Facebook. Assuming this user isn't logged in, they will be prompted to log in when trying to connect with your app. Our login screen allows them to login through Facebook:


How to integrate Facebook login in app

I am trying to create an app that requires user to login. There should two options in my app, either they enter new details or use Facebook login. I want users to login using Facebook. Is there any tutorial you can point me to?
Have you even tried simply googleing "windows phone facebook login"?
Official FB Resource:
Official MS Resource:
To get started quickly you should also take a lookt at the Azure Mobile Services. This can take care of authenticating users through MS Account, Facebook, Twitter etc.
You can use for windows phone.
You can also find tutoriel to implement a Facebook login

Check if user has Runkeeper using Facebook Connect

When a user signs up for Runkeeper using their Facebook User (Facebook Connect) they don't get a username.
So how can I use Facebook Connect to find out if a FB user has a Runkeeper account?

Login Foursquare Api using facebook credentials

I am having this problem while building one iPhone app that connects using Foursquare. Its works fine with me to connect by using foursquare credentials but now my client want facility to login foursquare using Facebook credentials just like foursquare is doing in their native iOS app as well as on Website.
For Login i am using foursquare v2 api with oAuth login.
Can any one help me out to solve this issue?
According to Foursquare developers, "You can't use facebook credentials to access foursquare, you'll need the user to specifically authenticate your application to access their foursquare information".
Edited because I typed Facebook when I meant Foursquare

How to get the logged in user's facebook ID?

I am using facebook connect to allow users to log-in to my site using facebook. I am using the server side authentication using OAuth in classic ASP, vbscript. I want to know if one of the following is possible:
1) Can I identify if the user has authorized my app without redirecting to the Auth dialog? ie, even before the user clicks the facebook login button to log-in to my site, is there a way I can find out if the user who is currently logged into facebook has authorized my app?
2) How can I get the facebook user Id of the user who is currently logged into facebook? This is outside the facebook authentication process. Does facebook offer some api which I can use to read the fb cookie that is set when a user logs into facebook and get the logged-in users's facebook user id?
1) Use FB.getLoginStatus from the JavaScript SDK.
2) If he’s not connected to your app yet, then not at all. Otherwise, see 1)

Is it possible to post to Facebook without using Facebook Connect dialogs?

I would like to post updates to Facebook from my iPhone application. I know that there is a Facebook Connect project, but it requires displaying dialogs for entering user's credentials, dialog for posting content, etc. I would like to be able to get the credentials from application settings and post whatever the user put into UITextView.
Is it possible? or am I stack with Facebook Connect?
You need to use Facebook Connect to authenticate and let the user set privacy settings for your app on their profile. You might technically be able to write all the authentication code yourself (see Facebook's Developers page about authentication) but why bother when the experts have done it for you?
You can then use the Facebook Connect API to do whatever you need to do with Facebook, assuming the user has give your app permission to do so.