Nutch and Solr in Eclipse in WINDOWS - eclipse

I want to use nutch and solr integrated in eclipse and my os is windows. I want to use binary files and dependencies with maven then develop code in eclipse. Is there any clear tutorial for doing this?
I have tried RunNutchInEclipse guide but it is so nasty! Any useful links or advices are welcome.

You have to follow RunNutchInEclipse guide. There are no other guides as far as I know. Even I tried initially to run on windows and I gave up later and started using on Ubuntu/Mac. There will be many issues which you will see even if you follow the guide. There is some problem with hadoop on windows. The hadoop version which comes with Nutch 1.3+ does not work on windows. So we need to change hadoop version to some older version. Or we should use Nutch 1.2. I remember seeing a tutorial in youtube. See if that helps. But that said it is definitely easier to use Nutch on Unix flavors.


sync elasticsearch and mongodb

Hi I am trying to transport data from mongodb to elasticsearch. I have done it by following this tutorial. It is working for elasticsearch version 1.X. But when I tried to do it with version 5.X. plug-ins can't be installed. Can someone help me to figure out a way to do it with version 5.X.
These are the two plugins.
$ES_HOME/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/1.6.0
plugin --install com.github.richardwilly98.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/2.0.9
In elastic 5.x+ the installation commands are different. The mapper attachment library you're trying to install has an example here
bin/plugin install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/3.1.2
The other library does not mention support of Elastic > 2.x, and its last commit was well before 5.x existed.
If you need to use that exact library, I don't believe you will be able to use anything > 2.x

Ephesoft community misses CMIS plugin

So I have downloaded Ephesoft Community ( and successfully installed it on a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04.
The program itself functions like just fine. I can make document classifications and import/export all I want. The only point is that in my configuration I seem to be missing a lot of plugins. Plugins that should be there out-of-the-box as the documentation mentioned. The foremost missing is the CMIS plugin for both export and import. I have found numerous tutorials on how to communicate with Alfresco and others so that is now what I need. I would like to know what I am missing.
BTW: I am aware that the table on the download page states that they are not supported, but that doesn't make them missing, right?
I have also found the google code dcma-data-access link, but that does not seem to help either.
Through the live-chat with Ephesoft I found out that it is impossible to install any plugins for the Ephesoft Community version. Not supported literally means "can't be installed".
That pretty much answered my question.

ErlIDE on Mac OS X Mavericks

is there anyone successfully using ErlIDE / Eclipse on Mac OS X Mavericks?
I have successfully installed it on Windows but I usually work on a Mac.
I tried with Eclipse 3.7, 4.2.2, 4.4, with no luck.
The IDE goes 'not responding' after a few keystrokes on the source editor.
In the rare moments of awakens it has wonderful hot code update features which are really good especially for those accustomed to Eclipse in the Java world.
I tried to follow the suggestions here:
especially when it says:
"For Macs, an alternative solution is to rename your computer from
foo.whatever to just foo (or anyhting without any dots)."
If I do this, apparently I cannot start an erlang instance with long name as in
erl -name foo
with erl crashing loudly.
My currently installed Java version is 1.8.0.
Has anyone managed to have ErlIDE up and running smoothly on Mac?
Thanks in advance.
Not really an answer, but still you could find it useful
To be honest I don't know anyone using ErlIDE. Most of my colleagues use emacs (so do I), some use Vim, and lately quite few are using Erlang IntelliJ plugin.
IntelliJ IDEA is super great IDE, you can get it for free (full featured from Erlang's point of view), and plugin is actively developed.

Using HipHop VM on windows

I just read an article and learned about the HHVM which is built on the lines of JVM for Java. I went ahead and tried searching on the web, but found only articles about installing it on Ubuntu build 12 version.
I have been using a WAMP stack and would like to know if I can use the HHVM for any of my application. Also,I would like to understand if the HHVM can be integrated with our existing applications. Earlier an article suggested HipHop was what FB wrote to enhance their performance based on their requirements,and it may not suit yours. Is the same case with HHVM?
At present, HHVM does not support Windows. The HHVM team probably will not be adding Windows support in 2013, though they might pursue it at some point in the future. The team gladly accepts code contributions from developers who want to improve HHVM's support for different platforms at . You can also open a github issue at to ask about Windows support.
Just as an update, since this is still popular - there is an official compiling/installation guide here at their Wiki for windows.
Full installation run-through guide.

Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3.0.3 + postgresql + windows vista

I would like to install Ruby1.9.2/Rails3.0.3 on my Windows Vista machine with PostgreSQL 9.0 as my database.
I have seen many different instructions on the web as to what works and what does not work.
Can anybody tell me which gem(s) I must install to get Ruby1.9.2/Rails 3.0.3 to drive PostgreSQL 9.0 on Windows Vista?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
I made a how-to for exactly this topic on:
Please let me know if it worked for you and tell me where you had problems so that I can improve this how-to.
Best regards
Here you can get the Ruby 1.9.2 installer
Just click on it and it does all the work, after that go for Rails
Rails is easy, just download and follow the site instructions
About PostGre, you are on your own because I never used it...
But if you follow the instructions on the Rails web site you should be fine, they point the right ways to connect to several DBs