ErlIDE on Mac OS X Mavericks - eclipse

is there anyone successfully using ErlIDE / Eclipse on Mac OS X Mavericks?
I have successfully installed it on Windows but I usually work on a Mac.
I tried with Eclipse 3.7, 4.2.2, 4.4, with no luck.
The IDE goes 'not responding' after a few keystrokes on the source editor.
In the rare moments of awakens it has wonderful hot code update features which are really good especially for those accustomed to Eclipse in the Java world.
I tried to follow the suggestions here:
especially when it says:
"For Macs, an alternative solution is to rename your computer from
foo.whatever to just foo (or anyhting without any dots)."
If I do this, apparently I cannot start an erlang instance with long name as in
erl -name foo
with erl crashing loudly.
My currently installed Java version is 1.8.0.
Has anyone managed to have ErlIDE up and running smoothly on Mac?
Thanks in advance.

Not really an answer, but still you could find it useful
To be honest I don't know anyone using ErlIDE. Most of my colleagues use emacs (so do I), some use Vim, and lately quite few are using Erlang IntelliJ plugin.
IntelliJ IDEA is super great IDE, you can get it for free (full featured from Erlang's point of view), and plugin is actively developed.


DLL not found error using uFllex in Unity

I have bought, downloaded and then installed uFlex for Unity. The install seemed to go without any errors, but when I try to run any of the example scenes I get lots of errors. The first and most serious sounding of which is:
DllNotFoundException: flexRelease_x64
uFlex.FlexSolver.Start () (at Assets/uFlex/Scripts/Solver/FlexSolver.cs:102)
Also the scenes don't seem to run/work. Have tried googling to see if it's a common error but that didn't show up anything. Tried finding the missing DLL but not sure where to put it, or whether it's platform/version specific?
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this
Anyone else have similar issues?
Not sure if it's relevant but I'm running Unity Version 2017.2.ob11 Personal, and my OS is Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS. I have windows installed as well - is switching to running Unity under Windows likely to help?
It won't and shouldn't work on Linux at this point.
Read the requirement from the plugin page:
NVidia GPU with at least CUDA 3.0 compute capability
Windows 64 bit (Win 32bit experimental, Android and Linux support planned)
The support is currently for Windows. You get the exception because the dll for Linux has not been provided. It can't load Windows dll on Linux. If the native side (C++) of the plugin is open-source, you can compile it for Linux and include it in your project then it should work. Since it's not, your only option at this moment is to switch to Windows.

Eclipse, GCC, installing them twice?

I am thinking of installing Eclipse for developing STM32 programs (I have a question about this that I will post later). In the instructions it says I have to install:
the IDE for C/C++
GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins
GNU GCC ARM tool-chain
among other tools..
However, I am also thinking of installing e2studio for developing Renesas programs. You can see about this Here. There you can see that this is "based on Eclipse CDT" (what is the difference between this CDT and the IDE?) and that it also uses Plug-ins like GNU Tool & Support Here.
My question is, is this possible? Do I have to install them separately? (I guess so). Will the GNU tools will also be installed twice??
(I am using a windows10 machine)
Thanks in advance
CDT is dedicated to C/C++ programming. Actually I personally prefere to have separate eclipse installations for different families of uC. Why? Because it is much easier to manage updates and to keep my work in the correct order.
For STM32 I advice (I think, you are a novice user of Eclipse & ARM toolchains) to install OpenSTM32 (yo have a straightforward installer). It imports projects from CUBEFX & MX which gives you an easy way to import examples & initialisation code from Cube. I personally do not use HAL libraries but as I know I am a minority.
However, I am also thinking of installing e2studio for developing
Renesas programs. You can see about this Here. There you can see that
this is "based on Eclipse CDT" (what is the difference between this
CDT and the IDE?)
Eclipse CDT is an open-source general-purpose C and C++ IDE.
e2studio is one of several software packages that extend CDT with (most likely proprietary) plugins geared towards a more specific market (in this case, Renesas programs).
My question is, is this possible?
Do I have to install them separately? (I guess so).
Will the GNU tools will also be installed twice?? (I am using a windows10 machine)
You can certainly share a single installation of a toolchain between two installations of CDT, if both of them need the same toolchain (in terms of version and architecture). I don't know enough about STM32 and Renesas to tell you if they use the same toolchain.

Found the NXT device but can not upload a program to NXT

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit). After installing leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3, I was able to flash the NXT device. However, when I tried to upload a program, it showed a message "Found NXT: NXT 0016530CDF15" and then just stuck there.
I also tried Eclipse with leJOS plugin, and got the same problem. It showed
Program has been linked successfully
Uploading ...
Found NXT: NXT 0016530CDF15
and it got stucked there.
Can anybody help me with this issue?
This site might be able to help, it provides the information to install and configure correctly all the software necessary for you to develop Java programs for the NXT, maybe by following this site it will hopefully fix the problem.
This tutorial will show you how to install and configure all the software necessary for you to develop Java programs for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Java is much more powerful and flexible than the original NXT-G software that LEGO provides. We will be using the Eclipse editor to write the actual Java code and to download this into the NXT. This combination enables you to conveniently write software and to quickly test it on the NXT. Of course there are many other Java editors, but we consider this combination to be particularly convenient. This tutorial focuses on the Windows XP platform, A Mac OS X tutorial is also available. We have two additional steps for Windows Vista. You will work through the following five steps - See more at:

where can I report/get response on eclipse crashes caused by 14.02-14.04 upgrade?

Yes, I know. I got no rep on this site. But I have to ask this.
I upgraded my laptop, my main dev machine, from 14.02 LTS to 14.04 LTS and the plugins I use with eclipse (3.7) completely broke. I use WOLips ( with eclipse. WOLips is for working with WebObjects applications.
I was getting two crashes. One would occur when editing a java file, when auto-suggest kicked in. I fixed this by adding "-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla" to the end of my eclipse.ini. I have no idea how I found that. It took a lot of random searching.
Now, I get an exception whenever I open a WOComponent:
Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Could not detect registered XULRunner to use]
Trying to define a XULRunnerPath just gives me even stranger errors.
I can file a bug with eclipse (which I did). I tried eclipse 4.2 and 4.4 and got other complicated integration issues. I can file a bug with mozilla (though I was not aware that they were involved). I can install a copy of xulrunner (outside of my copy of Firefox) and point to that (which I did). I can file a bug with ubuntu launchpad (which I did). None of these get you very much response.
So, I was going from one LTS to another LTS. 14.04 - 14.02 = 0.02. Not a huge deal, yes? Should I have expected problems? How can I file a bug with the people involved in just this upgrade and not the other twelve systems that this touches upon?
I had Apple laptops for a long time. I do not expect that amount of hand-holding. But I do wish someone would throw me a bone.
I can get work done if I go buy another hard disk, install 12.04 onto it and copy all of my data back. Is this really necessary? You know, I am willing to help integration testing of these releases. But the systems for finding the right place to put my oar in the water seem fairly impenetrable. Any suggestions? I do not mind working for a solution. If there is a solution.
Did you try Eclipse 4.4 and use the instructions on the wiki for compiling the new WOLips? the Eclipse 4.4 is acting just fine for me (but I'm on a Mac sorry :( )

Netbeans refuses to shutdown

An infuriating problem.
My Netbeans IDE 7.2 refuses to shutdown when I try to shutdown my machine.
I have got to use task manager to close the beast.
Its a windows 7 64 bit machine.
I have tried the usual Netbeans forums.
Any Ideas?
PS: I also use the well behaved Eclipse.
from what I'm seeing, you might have a corrupted install of netbeans cause usually it is light on a system. How long ago did you install it? Did you make any major changes before this all started, from evinvorment setting changes to major changes like how the thing complies etc...? I would say, the easiest bet is to back up the settings, if possible, and reinstall or do a repair install, if offered, of netbeans.
Upgraded to 7.3 and I no longer have a problem.
BTW Netbeans 7.3 is great for developing HTML 5 code.