Using HipHop VM on windows - facebook

I just read an article and learned about the HHVM which is built on the lines of JVM for Java. I went ahead and tried searching on the web, but found only articles about installing it on Ubuntu build 12 version.
I have been using a WAMP stack and would like to know if I can use the HHVM for any of my application. Also,I would like to understand if the HHVM can be integrated with our existing applications. Earlier an article suggested HipHop was what FB wrote to enhance their performance based on their requirements,and it may not suit yours. Is the same case with HHVM?

At present, HHVM does not support Windows. The HHVM team probably will not be adding Windows support in 2013, though they might pursue it at some point in the future. The team gladly accepts code contributions from developers who want to improve HHVM's support for different platforms at . You can also open a github issue at to ask about Windows support.

Just as an update, since this is still popular - there is an official compiling/installation guide here at their Wiki for windows.
Full installation run-through guide.


Kate External Tools plugin missing

I have installed Kate Editor (with KWrite, which installs some plugins) in Ubuntu 15.04, and I have just realized that the Kate External Tools plugin is missing since version 4.8.
I really need this plugin, and if anyone could show me where to find an older Kate version or even the plugin itself I would really appreciate that.
By the way, I have found in this webpage the plugin, but (my Linux level is average) I am not able to install it: even the first command gives a problem, and you have to click on "actions" in the left bar... If someone could show me how to build it, that would be really helpful...
Thanks in advance!!
A Kate developer here: Unfortunately, the External Tools plugin was never ported to newer versions of KDE and in particular Plasma 5. There were changes in the plugin architecture, and due to some bugs and no maintainer, this plugin got lost.
We would be very happy to accept this plugin again in Kate's git repository, making it an official part of Kate again. But someone needs to implement it or port it to Kate 5. You can find more information in this bug report.
Update 2019-01-31: I am currently working on bringing this back to Kate: It will take another 2-3 weeks, though.
Update 2019-09-21: It is back, and will be released with the KDE Applications Release 19.12. See:

How to install PgBouncer on Windows 7 (x64)

I am attempting to install PgBouncer on my computer with no success. In the installation page, im told that PgBouncer has two dependencies GNU Make 3.81+ and libevent 2.0. Never having used or heard of these two software before, Im completely lost.
I have read a little on both but have yet to find or fully understand what they actually do and how they will help me set up PgBouncer. From what I've read, PgBouncer does not come compiled for windows and I need the other two to compile it. I have searched for tutorials online but it seems that im falling into a black hole of misunderstanding.
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer or how these software work with one another. Thanks.
If anyone now searches the binaries because is offline now, check out my page under I have all the binaries from the Saito page but didn't yet succeed to build the project on my own. If anyone has ideas, don't hesitate to contact me here or on Github :)
EDIT: I'm now able to build pgbouncer for windows just having some issues with the pandoc thing (Follow I will provide binaries soon. The instructions are already online under the page listed above :)
Im looking for a simple explanation on how to install PgBouncer
A little late, but if you use the EDB installer for PostgreSQL, as linked on (, you can install Stack Builder. From inside Stack Builder, PgBouncer can be installed (EDB build).
Unfortunately, it's not the latest version. Now, PgBouncer 1.17.0 is available and Stack Builder provides 1.16.1.
Personally, I don't understand why the PgBouncer project doesn't just offer a Windows build. So everybody would be able to get the latest release.
I have not messed with pgbouncer in years but have had multiple comments on what I did to solve my problem.
In the link bellow is the pgbouncer build I last used on my project. From what I remember, all you would need to do is replace the users in the config/user.txt with yours and go into config/pgbouncer.ini and change the configuration to work with your set up. To start it, just run the run.bat file or pgbouncer.exe config/pgbouncer.iniin the cmd prompt. You want to download everything in the folder.

Ephesoft community misses CMIS plugin

So I have downloaded Ephesoft Community ( and successfully installed it on a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04.
The program itself functions like just fine. I can make document classifications and import/export all I want. The only point is that in my configuration I seem to be missing a lot of plugins. Plugins that should be there out-of-the-box as the documentation mentioned. The foremost missing is the CMIS plugin for both export and import. I have found numerous tutorials on how to communicate with Alfresco and others so that is now what I need. I would like to know what I am missing.
BTW: I am aware that the table on the download page states that they are not supported, but that doesn't make them missing, right?
I have also found the google code dcma-data-access link, but that does not seem to help either.
Through the live-chat with Ephesoft I found out that it is impossible to install any plugins for the Ephesoft Community version. Not supported literally means "can't be installed".
That pretty much answered my question.

Comprehensive installer solution for solution targetting multiple platforms

I am developing an Outlook plugin solution that involves the plugin itself and a windows application working in tandem.
The plugin targets multiple versions of Outlook - 2007, 2010 and 2013.
The windows app uses different libraries for x86 and 64 bit processors.
Of course there are dependencies of both the plugin and the app.
In addition to pure installation, I would like to make automatic updates possible. It could be something as simple as custom code in the windows app to check for updates in a predefined location. But I would like to know my options.
The solution I have in mind right now, and which I would like to ask the SO community to evaluate is as follows:
Separate Windows Setup Projects (producing MSI files) for each combination of application and configuration (This could be as many as 8 different msi files)
One common bootstrapper project, detecting current system configuration and installing prerequisites and selected msis.
MSIs would not have prerequisites embedded in them, only the uber-installer/bootstrapper would have those.
Am I missing something? Is this solution viable? Are there third party alternatives to Windows Setup Projects that would make my life easier? Full featured Install Shield maybe?
In case this actually is helpful for someone, the solution I went with is the incredibly customizable installer solution: InstallMate 7 by Tarma.
You can find out more from their website, but the features that got me are:
Built in support for x86 and x64
Customizable prerequisites
Stand-alone update tool also provided by Tarma, which simplifies
automatic updates a lot.
PRICE! Forget about spending 5K on similar features elsewhere.

Which is latest Business Desktop Deployment version?

I used Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) to build my project. Scripts are written in python. The BDD I am having doesn't support Visual Studio 2008.
Please tell me what is the latest version of BDD which supports VS2008
where I can get more info about Business Desktop Deployment?
BDD is a mini-methodology related to acceptance testing and TDD (it does stuff higher up, but this is probably what you're doing).
From your question, it looks like you've been writing BDD scenarios or unit examples in Python. Visual Studio isn't a great tool for writing Python in. If you want to carry on in Python, try Vim, or you might be able to get a Python plugin for Eclipse or IntelliJ.
If you want to use Visual Studio to program, use C# or F#. There are a couple of great BDD frameworks - SpecFlow or TickSpec - which can help you.
More information, including a list of tools, is available on the Wikipedia page on BDD.
Otherwise, please clarify your problem. It doesn't make huge sense in its current form!
Edit: Well, I learn something new every day. BDD also stands for "Business Desktop Deployment", and is a Microsoft product. Here's a page with an update suggesting you should use Microsoft Development Toolkit. Hope that points you in the right direction. I imagine the tool we've been using, click-once, does something similar.
You should probably know that few people seem to recognise BDD as meaning anything other than Behaviour Driven Development in software these days. I've heard Binary Decision Diagram as well; not often though. Good luck in your search.
There's an article here that might help you with Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) versions. It's dated March 2009 and says:
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 Update 1 replaces all prior versions of MDT and BDD. It provides additional support for new OS versions and deployment scenarios and is the upgrade path for users of earlier versions.
The article points to the MDT 2010 download page.