Embed website as Facebook App - facebook

I'm basically trying to put all the functionality of this website: http://greenthumbweather.com/
into Facebook via the "website" platform.
I've started the app process in facebook and I entered the URL as website platform (attached image).
However, when I go to preview the "app", I just get a link to my website in the top right (attached image).
Do I have to recreate the entire functionality of the website within Facebook? Or can I just port the functionality into a Facebook app? I really would like users to be able to visit the website within Facebook, where it would grab their location information and customize my website based on their latitude/longitude.
Thanks for any help!

You can just port your website to facebook app but i think that depend on your desired output. Your website can also be ported to a canvas app.


Can we place webpage functionality URL in the Facebook Web Games Page URL.?

I am trying to create a functionality and load on Facebook, the page will be load as "apps.facebook.com/appname". Can we use "Facebook Web Games" to load our application on Facebook.
In earlier days i have placed the webpage URL in the Facebook Canvas URL. But this feature doesn't exist on Facebook.
Anyone help me with this?
Can we use "Facebook Web Games" to load our application on Facebook.
Facebook Web Games is what used to be called the Canvas platform.
Facebook just renamed it, after they decided to use the “Canvas” name for their new advertising format.
So yes, you just put the URL of the page you want to display under apps.facebook.com/appname in the Facebook Web Games settings.
(This is not limited to games, despite the naming. If you want to show other content that way, that is fine as well.)

Deep linking not working from the Facebook timeline

I am trying to enable deep linking from custom open graph stories. I have gone through the instructions listed
Deep linking works fine when I click from the Facebook timeline to the actual story post page and then click the object button. If I click the object button on the timeline itself, the url is NOT handled and instead is open directly in the Facebook webview.
This may be because I don't have a web platform added on my App Dashboard.
Facebook documentation reads
Deep linking in Open Graph stories If you're deep linking from an Open
Graph story published from your app, you will need to go through one
more step.
If you HAVEN'T already added a website for this app, in the App
Dashboard, inside your app's settings, click on ''Add platform'', and
select ''Website''. Then in any of the fields (either ''Site URL'' or
''Mobile site URL''), fill in your subdomain. It doesn't matter if you
don't have a website that you're integrating with Facebook, this will
register this subdomain for use with your native app.
However, when I try to add a the url in app settings (the screenshots match those in the documentation), my open graph submission is rejected by Facebook with the note:
Your app does not qualify for the submitted platform. In the app
settings tab, please remove platforms without Facebook integration.
Canvas or page tab apps cannot redirect users, and websites must
properly integrate Facebook login.
Anybody been through this before and can lend some guidance? I am very much confused by the documentation.
The deep-linking started working on its own about a week later without any changes on my part.

Setup a Visit Website and Send to Mobile link on facebook app

I cannot find any information on this in the developers guide. I'm setting up a facebook app so users can connect and publish content to their feed. I want to create a page that looks like this: https://www.facebook.com/appcenter/houzzapp
On the right side you will see the two blue buttons, one that says Visit Website, the other Send to Mobile. These are the functions that I want as far as the facebook app is concerened. Does anyone know how to do this or can point me to some documentation or a tutorial?
This is Facebook's App Center.
In order to get your App on Facebook's App Center you have to go through a Approval which you can review/edit and submit via Your App -> App Details.
Once all necessary Fields and Pictures are uploaded, you can Submit App Detail Page.
Pointing out the Specific questions about Facebook's App Center:
Visit Website button: Will use the link you entered in your Basic Settings under Website with Facebook Login
Mobile Web: Will use the mobile version url you entered in your Basic Settings under Mobile Web

How to get app title/link directed over to a website?

You know the publishing apps on Facebook: "Published via ____".
I've see a few times where when you click on the app name, it goes directly to the provider's website? (For example, if I clicked on it, it would direct to www.mywebsite.com)
For the life of me, I can't figure out how they make that work. Can't find a setting in the developer app.
Any ideas?
This is just done via a facebook page or application. If you create the facebook application, and post content via the application, it will automatically show the "Published via ..." at the bottom.
What it does is redirect you to the application page (so FB can track the number of clicks) then it will auto redirect to the website url page specified in the application settings.
Here is a tutorial

How to add Iframe to my Facebook page

I am developing facebook application.I want to add iframe to my facebook page.I don't have any idea ,how to do it.I know we can not create a page using graph api or any api in facebook.
All the information you need is here - found by a quick google search:
You'll need your own hosting server which have HTTPS, and create your page with the language that they support and place the link points directly to the folder to facebook app setting. make sure your width does not go beyonds 520px for facebook custom tab page. if apps u can go up to 760px.
Hope that helps