Using Java.util.scanner with GWT - gwt

for some reason when I try to use scanner with gwt, i get the following error:
No source code is available for type java.util.Scanner; did you forget to inherit a required module?
I looked around and it seems the "No source code is available for type xxxx" errors are due to not having a Javascript equivalent type for the Java type.
Is scanner not able to be used with GWT?
Here is a snippet of my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public void submit(){
String text = editor.getEditor().getText();
Scanner input = new Scanner(text);
String line = input.nextLine();

java.util.Scanner is not part of the GWT JRE Emulation. If you need a detail overview of what is inside the emulation here is the link to the docs:

Your code (at least the one in the current version of your question) is probably[*] equivalent to
public void submit() {
String text = editor.getEditor().getText();
if ("".equals(text))
However, I have a feeling that this may not actually be what want to do (or is it?)
If you need to split strings on the client side, I usually recommend the Splitter class in Guava. Most of its methods are GwtCompatible, and (together with CharMatcher, Joiner, ...) it's great to use both on the client and server side of your Java code.
[*] assuming, that setDone and setCode are simple setters without side effects


Changing jasper report parameters in runtime

I know, but we really need it.
We have a clear division of labor.
They create templates, I fill them in runtime according to some rules.
Can't teach my business to insert something like this and be sure they really did it ok(so can't move any logic to templates):
$P{risk_types}.get($F{risk_type}) ?: "UNDEFINED"
Also can not fill from files hardcoded in some adapter hadwritten by god-knows-who and unchangeable in runtime. It's a web app. Best option is to find a way to replace that file source from adapter to a ByteArrayStream.
Need to substitute contents of parameters(also default ones) at runtime.
Like this unsolved thread.
Really hope not to work on xml level, but xml also can't solve my problem as far as I tried.
Thank you!
The easiest and cleanest way we did this(bypassing usage of tons of deprecated documentation and unfinished bugged undocumented static antipatterned new features):
Create context with repository extension
SimpleJasperReportsContext jasperReportsContext = new SimpleJasperReportsContext();
jasperReportsContext.setExtensions(RepositoryService.class, Collections.singletonList(new MyRepositoryService(jasperReportsContext, yourOptionalParams)));
Fill this way(after compile and other usual actions)
JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.getInstance(jasperReportsContext).fill(compiled, new HashMap<>());
Now your repository must extend default one to be hack-injected(cause of hodgie coded "isAssignableFrom") successfully
public class PrintFormsRepositoryService extends DefaultRepositoryService {
public InputStream getInputStream(RepositoryContext context, String uri) {
// return here your own good simple poj inputStream even from memory if you found source
// or pass to another repository service(default one probably)
return null;

How to find references to a Spring converter in Eclipse?

I'm working on a Java web app which utilises Spring's ConversionService API.
Converters look like this:
public class MyCustomConverter implements Converter<MySourceClass, MyTargetClass> {
public MyTargetClass convert(final MySourceClass source) {
// ...conversion code...
return myTargetClass;
and are registered in the application config, e.g:
public void addConverters() {
// ...others...
A conversion can then be applied like this:
MyTargetClass result = conversionService.convert(mySource, MyTarget.class);
The problem I'm having is finding usage within the code of a particular converter (such as the example directly above). Am using Eclipse IDE - could anyone suggest a way to do this?
If you want to see all the references made to the method ConversionService.convert, you can highlight the convert method and use the Eclipse short-cut Ctrl + Shift + G. This will search the method inside your entire workspace. To search only in the project, you can right-click on the method and select References > Project.
To restrict the references search with a specific method parameter, see this answer :

How to retrieve IProblem instances from current editor?

I'm writing an Eclipse plugin, and I'd like to retrieve all instances of IProblem associated with the currently open text editor. I've tried the following:
IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
IEditorPart editor = window.getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
if (!(editor instanceof AbstractTextEditor)) {
return null;
ITextEditor textEditor = (ITextEditor)editor;
IDocumentProvider docProv = textEditor.getDocumentProvider();
IDocument doc = docProv.getDocument(editor.getEditorInput());
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS4);
CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
return cu.getProblems();
However, when I run it against the following code in the editor:
public class TestClass implements Serializable {
It doesn't find any problems. I would expect it at least finds a MissingSerialVersion problem. Perhaps I'm parsing the file incorrectly, which might cause this issue. I feel like there should be a way to get the CompilationUnit from the editor directly?
If I add a syntax error to the source file and then invoke the plugin, it reports the syntax problem, but not the missing serial version UID. I suspect this is some kind of configuration issue where warnings aren't being reported.
2nd Update:
This isn't just restricted to the MissingSerialVersion problem. Anything that is a warning, and not an error, is not found by this method. If I change the problem that I want to see to an error in the compiler settings (or even by passing in additional options to the parser making it an error instead of a warning), I still get no joy from the getProblems() method with respect to warnings. (It shows actual errors just fine, e.g. if I put an unrecognized symbol in my source code).

When writing Eclipse plugins, what is the correct way for checking if an IEditorPart is a Java editor?

I am writing Eclipse plugins for Java, and have the following problem:
Given an IEditorPart, I need to check if it is a java editor.
I could do (IEditor instanceof JavaEditor),
but JavaEditor is an org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditor,
which falls under the JDT's "internal" classes.
Is there a smarter and safer way to do this? I'm not sure why there is no non-internal interface for this.
You should test the id of the IEditorPart:
private boolean isJavaEditor(IWorkbenchPartReference ref) {
if (ref == null) {
return false; }
String JavaDoc id= ref.getId();
return JavaUI.ID_CF_EDITOR.equals(id) || JavaUI.ID_CU_EDITOR.equals(id);
Testing the instance was only needed in eclipse3.1.
alt text
JavaUI is the main access point to the Java user interface components. It allows you to programmatically open editors on Java elements, open a Java or Java Browsing perspective, and open package and type prompter dialogs.
JavaUI is the central access point for the Java UI plug-in (id "org.eclipse.jdt.ui")
You can see that kind of utility function ("isJavaEditor()") used for instance in ASTProvider.
The mechanism of identification here is indeed simple String comparison.
Anyway, you are wise to avoid cast comparison with internal class: it has been listed as one of the 10 common errors in plugins development ;) .
One strategy might be to use JavaUI.getEditorInputJavaElement(IEditorPart):
// given IEditorPart editor
IJavaElement elt = JavaUI.getEditorInputJavaElement(editor.getEditorInput());
if (elt != null) {
// editor is a Java editor
The method returns null if the editor input is not in fact a Java element.

Suggestions for implementation of a command line interface

I am redesigning a command line application and am looking for a way to make its use more intuitive. Are there any conventions for the format of parameters passed into a command line application? Or any other method that people have found useful?
I see a lot of Windows command line specifics, but if your program is intended for Linux, I find the GNU command line standard to be the most intuitive. Basically, it uses double hyphens for the long form of a command (e.g., --help) and a single hyphen for the short version (e.g., -h). You can also "stack" the short versions together (e.g., tar -zxvf filename) and mix 'n match long and short to your heart's content.
The GNU site also lists standard option names.
The getopt library greatly simplifies parsing these commands. If C's not your bag, Python has a similar library, as does Perl.
If you are using C# try Mono.GetOptions, it's a very powerful and simple-to-use command-line argument parser. It works in Mono environments and with Microsoft .NET Framework.
EDIT: Here are a few features
Each param has 2 CLI representations (1 character and string, e.g. -a or --add)
Default values
Strongly typed
Automagically produces an help screen with instructions
Automagically produces a version and copyright screen
One thing I like about certain CLI is the usage of shortcuts.
I.e, all the following lines are doing the same thing
myCli.exe describe someThing
myCli.exe descr someThing
myCli.exe desc someThing
That way, the user may not have to type the all command every time.
A good and helpful reference:
Library available via NuGet:
Latest stable: Install-Package CommandLineParser.
Latest release: Install-Package CommandLineParser -pre.
One line parsing using default singleton: CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(...).
One line help screen generator: HelpText.AutoBuild(...).
Map command line arguments to IList<string>, arrays, enum or standard scalar types.
Plug-In friendly architecture as explained here.
Define verb commands as git commit -a.
Create parser instance using lambda expressions.
// Define a class to receive parsed values
class Options {
[Option('r', "read", Required = true,
HelpText = "Input file to be processed.")]
public string InputFile { get; set; }
[Option('v', "verbose", DefaultValue = true,
HelpText = "Prints all messages to standard output.")]
public bool Verbose { get; set; }
public IParserState LastParserState { get; set; }
public string GetUsage() {
return HelpText.AutoBuild(this,
(HelpText current) => HelpText.DefaultParsingErrorsHandler(this, current));
// Consume them
static void Main(string[] args) {
var options = new Options();
if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) {
// Values are available here
if (options.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("Filename: {0}", options.InputFile);
Best thing to do is don't assume anything if you can. When the operator types in your application name for execution and does not have any parameters either hit them with a USAGE block or in the alternative open a Windows Form and allow them to enter everything you need.
USAGE FOO -{Option}{Value}
-A Do A stuff
-B Do B stuff
Parameter delimiting I place under the heading of a religious topic: hyphens(dashes), double hyphens, slashes, nothing, positional, etc.
You didn't indicate your platform, but for the next comment I will assume Windows and .net
You can create a console based application in .net and allow it to interact with the Desktop using Forms just by choosing the console based project then adding the Windows.Forms, System.Drawing, etc DLLs.
We do this all the time. This assures that no one takes a turn down a dark alley.
Command line conventions vary from OS to OS, but the convention that's probably gotten both the most use, and the most public scrutiny is the one supported by the GNU getopt package. See for more info.
It allows you to mix single letter commands, such as -nr, with longer, self-documenting options, such as --numeric --reverse. Be nice, and implement a --help (-?) option and then your users will be able to figure out all they need to know.
Here's a CodeProject article that might help you out...
C#/.NET Command Line Arguments Parser
IF VB is your flavor, here's a separate article (with a bit more guidance related content) to check out...
Parse and Validate Command Line Parameters with VB.NET
Complementing #vonc's answer, don't accept ambiguous abbreviations. Eg:
myCli.exe describe someThing
myCli.exe destroy someThing
myCli.exe des someThing ???
In fact, in that case, I probably wouldn't accept an abbreviation for "destroy"...
I always add a /? parameter to get help and I always try to have a default (i.e. most common scenario) implementation.
Otherwise I tend to use the "/x" for switches and "/x:value" for switches that require values to be passed. Makes it pretty easy to parse the parameters using regular expressions.
I developed this framework, maybe it helps:
The SysCommand is a powerful cross-platform framework, to develop Console Applications in .NET. Is simple, type-safe, and with great influences of the MVC pattern.
namespace Example.Initialization.Simple
using SysCommand.ConsoleApp;
public class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)
return App.RunApplication();
// Classes inheriting from `Command` will be automatically found by the system
// and its public properties and methods will be available for use.
public class MyCommand : Command
public void Main(string arg1, int? arg2 = null)
if (arg1 != null)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("Main arg1='{0}'", arg1));
if (arg2 != null)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("Main arg2='{0}'", arg2));
public void MyAction(bool a)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("MyAction a='{0}'", a));
// auto-generate help
$ my-app.exe help
// method "Main" typed
$ my-app.exe --arg1 value --arg2 1000
// or without "--arg2"
$ my-app.exe --arg1 value
// actions support
$ my-app.exe my-action -a
-operation [parameters] -command [your command] -anotherthings [otherparams]....
For example,
YourApp.exe -file %YourProject.prj% -Secure true
If you use one of the standard tools for generating command line interfaces, like getopts, then you'll conform automatically.
The conventions that you use for you application would depend on
1) What type of application it is.
2) What operating system you are using.
This is definitely true. I'm not certain about dos-prompt conventions, but on unix-like systems the general conventions are roughly:
1) Formatting is
appName parameters
2) Single character parameters (such as 'x') are passed as -x
3) Multi character parameters (such as 'add-keys') are passed as --add-keys
The conventions that you use for you application would depend on
1) What type of application it is.
2) What operating system you are using. Linux? Windows? They both have different conventions.
What I would suggest is look at other command line interfaces for other commands on your system, paying special attention to the parameters passed. Having incorrect parameters should give the user solution directed error message. An easy to find help screen can aid in usability as well.
Without know what exactly your application will do, it's hard to give specific examples.
If you're using Perl, my CLI::Application framework might be just what you need. It lets you build applications with a SVN/CVS/GIT like user interface easily ("your-command -o --long-opt some-action-to-execute some parameters").
I've created a .Net C# library that includes a command-line parser. You just need to create a class that inherits from the CmdLineObject class, call Initialize, and it will automatically populate the properties. It can handle conversions to different types (uses an advanced conversion library also included in the project), arrays, command-line aliases, click-once arguments, etc. It even automatically creates command-line help (/?).
If you are interested, the URL to the project is It is currently only available as source code.
I've just released an even better command line parser.
It's on nuget Install-Package coptions
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using coptions;
[ApplicationInfo(Help = "This program does something useful.")]
public class Options
[Flag('s', "silent", Help = "Produce no output.")]
public bool Silent;
[Option('n', "name", "NAME", Help = "Name of user.")]
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
throw new InvalidOptionValueException("Name must not be blank");
_name = value;
private string _name;
[Option("size", Help = "Size to output.")]
public int Size = 3;
[Option('i', "ignore", "FILENAME", Help = "Files to ignore.")]
public List<string> Ignore;
[Flag('v', "verbose", Help = "Increase the amount of output.")]
public int Verbose = 1;
[Value("OUT", Help = "Output file.")]
public string OutputFile;
[Value("INPUT", Help = "Input files.")]
public List<string> InputFiles;
namespace coptions.ReadmeExample
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
Options opt = CliParser.Parse<Options>(args);
return 0;
catch (CliParserExit)
// --help
return 0;
} catch (Exception e)
// unknown options etc...
Console.Error.WriteLine("Fatal Error: " + e.Message);
return 1;
Supports automatic --help generation, verbs, e.g. commmand.exe