Parsing an XML from an e-mail attachment - iphone

Is there a way to parse an XML which is attached to an e-mail directly from my app? I have implemented a parser which is reading it from the documents path, but would like to allow the user to be able to directly get it from an e-mail attachment too.

Assuming that you don't want to restrict it to jailbroken files, the easiest way is to register a filetype (Apple docs) with the extension of your data format, so XML if it is a generic XML or some other type if you want to make it specific to your application (and remember if you register XML you will get all XMLs, not just yours), then the user can click on the extension and get the 'Open in....' menu with your application shown in the list.
You need to impliment application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, but it is all in the docs.
A better option would be to give it a filetype that is not commonly used by anything else, so that yours is the only one in the list. I get 4 apps on my iPad for opening XML
There is no way to automatically do it.


Recognize my mime type without file extensions on iOS

I am writing an application that needs to recognize my custom mime type so that when such file is downloaded from a server my application will be launched. I read the great article of Brad on how to write a mime type recognizer under iOS at How do I associate file types with an iPhone application? and it works well if and only if the extensions of the file is also specified in the UTExportedTypeDeclarations / UTTypeTagSpecification section of my plist and the server serves the files with the same extension. If the server serves the file with a different extension or if no extensions are specified in the plist but the mime-type is matching, the following happens:
The browser (or the application that received the file) shows the correct icon of my file type with the correct [Open in myApplication] button but clicking on the button does nothing, my application is not launched and if it is running, no application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: message is sent.
Is there any way to write a file type recognizer based only on the mime-type, without a specific file extension?
this has been answered, you'd want to use NSURLRequest, this will allow you to get to the mimeType which you can use to determine the file extension as needed. the full code and additional hints and tips are available at this post:

Objective-C – Smart programming with dependencies

I have an iOS application that parses xml data from the web. I've setup it to parse some xml tags for me and then display some information in the application.
I do not own the xml data so it's not unlikely that the xml tags could change without my knowledge and then rendering my iOS application useless because I'm not able to parse the data with the wrong xml tags.
So instead of having the application crashing when (if) they change xml tags I was thinking of having the application send an e-mail in the background alerting that the xml tags have changed. Or something like that. Is that possible to do or is it even a smart solution to my problem?
Why don't you parse the XML file in your server side using any technology that you prefer, and provide your controlled XML file to your iOS application. That way you will have the full control over the XML tags that your application expects! If the other party changes the tags, you just re-write your server side program to handle the changes gracefully!

is it possible to download a file in my iphone throuh email

I am working on an application in which i write to an xml file and then send it through email and at the reciever end the receiver recives it in his/her inbox and download the file to the iphone and then open the same app on his phone and browse to this file and by clicking sync button the progra should parse the tags in the xml file.
Everything is cler but i am not sure whether we can download a file to our iphone and browse thru it our app.
Thanks, i appreciate. :)
No, I don't believe you can download a file from mail and pass it to your app to open and read. This would be for security reasons.
I think the only way to achieve this would be to not use an XML file, and instead construct a URL with parameters.
There are a few drawbacks here, though. Depending on how much data you need to pass, the url could get pretty large. You would have to take considerations to make sure that each parameter value is properly URL escaped. And you could have to write code to parse the data in the parameters.
This is how other apps pass data between apps, an example would be the iPhone's Phone app. You can make it call a number by using a tel:// URL.
You can register a URL scheme in your app and use it to pass data around.

(Iphone) associate an App to some file extension to open email attachments in Mail app

I found that some application, like "GoodReader" or "Docs to Go", once installed can be activated using the "Open in" function when opening an email attachment in the Mail App. How to add this function to have my App to be associated to some kind of documents (like pdf) ?
The idea is to have an easy way to get mail attachments to be used directly inside an app.
Edit: I found this document and think it fits my question:
Document Support
An application can now register the file types it supports with the system and receive notifications when a file of the given type needs to be opened. It does this by including the CFBundleDocumentTypes key in its Info.plist file. An application that registers one or more file types may also be expected to open files of those types at some point later. It does this by implementing the
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:method in its application delegate and look for a file
in the UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey key of the provided dictionary.
Complementing the ability to open files of known types is the addition of the
UIDocumentInteractionControllerclass in the UIKit framework. This class provides a user-based
interaction model for managing files that your application does not know how to open. The document
interaction controller provides options for previewing the contents of a file in place or opening it in another
application. Document interaction controllers are particularly useful for email applications or applications
that may download files from the network.
take a look at Custom URL Schemes and UIDocumentInteractionController. If you are looking to add the "open in" menu, the second link is what you need. If you are looking to register as a "PDF reader" this link (scroll to section about registering your app for certain types) should work iPad Programming Guide

Launch my app using email attachement

I want to bind my app to some file extension so when I receive an email with an attached file with the correct extension, clicking on it will launch my app and pass it the attached file.
Is it possible ? How ?
As iPhone applications are not allowed to share files on the file system, what you're looking for is not immediately possible (not with the published APIs that I know of, anyway). You might still have a couple of options though.
Either way you'll have to use a custom URL scheme, which is associated with your app, and paste that into your email. This URL might point to some external location, which your app can download the file from.
Or it might contain the actual file contents if it's fairly small. URLs are 'just text' (some restrictions apply), so you're free to put any data you want to in it, as long as it is URL-encoded.
You still need to get the URL into the email though, which might or might not be as easy as attaching a file.
It's not possible to simply associate a file extension with an application on the iPhone.
You could create a custom URL scheme that would launch your app, but probably that won't help you.
This is actually possible, I'm working on this exact same problem and this great tutorial has really helped me.