Objective-C – Smart programming with dependencies - iphone

I have an iOS application that parses xml data from the web. I've setup it to parse some xml tags for me and then display some information in the application.
I do not own the xml data so it's not unlikely that the xml tags could change without my knowledge and then rendering my iOS application useless because I'm not able to parse the data with the wrong xml tags.
So instead of having the application crashing when (if) they change xml tags I was thinking of having the application send an e-mail in the background alerting that the xml tags have changed. Or something like that. Is that possible to do or is it even a smart solution to my problem?

Why don't you parse the XML file in your server side using any technology that you prefer, and provide your controlled XML file to your iOS application. That way you will have the full control over the XML tags that your application expects! If the other party changes the tags, you just re-write your server side program to handle the changes gracefully!


How can i browse file without uploading in GXT?

i'm beginner with GXT and i'm wondering if there is a way to parse a file and extract some informations without uploading it.
i created a formpanel that contains an uploadFile form but i don't know waht's next, how to get the complete path of the file so i can read/write with java io or how to retrieve the file or is there an alternatif solution, thank you.
Best Regards.
You can do it in some modern browsers using bleeding edge HTML5 apis for which you would need to use GWT JSNI code. There are no api's from GWT team as is.
HTML5 FileReader
FileReader includes four options for reading a file, asynchronously:
FileReader.readAsBinaryString(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as a binary string.
FileReader.readAsText(Blob|File, opt_encoding) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as a text string.
FileReader.readAsDataURL(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data encoded as a data URL.
FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as an ArrayBuffer object.
Example of GWT wrapper over these -
You can read about it more from here - How to retrieve file from GWT FileUpload component?
IMHO you cannot read it .
Due to security reasons javascript(gwt) doesn't have access to the system drives files.
see Opening a file in local file system in javascript
In order to get the file you need to make a server call.
Instead you can do your validation server side and throw proper messages to user.
P.S : i am not considering modern browser concept.What happens if someone opened in other than so called modern browsers?? Will the programm runs same?? Its always better to do server side validation..

Parsing an XML from an e-mail attachment

Is there a way to parse an XML which is attached to an e-mail directly from my app? I have implemented a parser which is reading it from the documents path, but would like to allow the user to be able to directly get it from an e-mail attachment too.
Assuming that you don't want to restrict it to jailbroken files, the easiest way is to register a filetype (Apple docs) with the extension of your data format, so XML if it is a generic XML or some other type if you want to make it specific to your application (and remember if you register XML you will get all XMLs, not just yours), then the user can click on the extension and get the 'Open in....' menu with your application shown in the list.
You need to impliment application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, but it is all in the docs.
A better option would be to give it a filetype that is not commonly used by anything else, so that yours is the only one in the list. I get 4 apps on my iPad for opening XML
There is no way to automatically do it.

How to extract data from a web site and format to raw text - iPhone Dev

I have been looking around for a while and not found anything useful, also not sure if I have worded the question in the clearest fashion so apologies
I have a section of an app I am building called 'Company News'. The company in question has a news page on their website which displays a title, an excerpt of text and a read more option.
At the minute in the iPhone application I just have a UIWebView which links to that URL, displays an error if no connection is available. However, if my user clicks a story to read the news obviously it opens up a new page, I want to avoid having to build in 'back' and 'forward' buttons and stay away from it looking like a browser within the app.
With that said, I am looking for a way to just extract that data from the website and just display it in my app as raw text. I am not particularly bothered about rich text formatting or anything fancy. I would just like the title and body of text.
Is this possible?
In essence, then, you are looking for an HTML parser.
Assuming the HTML you wish to parse has a predictable format, the approach I would take is to load the HTML via whatever URL loading system you want - e.g. NSURLConnection, ASIHTTPRequest, etc.
Then you will need to parse the raw HTML. I use XPath. It requires that you learn the syntax, but it should work.
For more details about how you might use XPath for parsing HTML, see the second response to this question. You will need to link to libxml2 in your project then use XPath to extract the nodes of interest.
Scraping web pages in this way is fragile, though, because it depends on the structure of a page you don't control and which could be changed unpredictably.

Launching a GWT module when clicking on an XML

I'm looking for a way to launch a GWT module when a user clicks on an XML file and have the module consume the xml data. Ideally I would like to render the XML in a rich manner and would prefer to use GWT controls instead of having to lay it out by hand via xslt + javascript.
I'm supposing one way would be to point the xml to a well known xslt that creates a simple html page that forces a redirect to the gwt module but how would I transfer the xml data to said module to allow for enhanced formatting?
Another way would be to have the process that produces the xml also include the bootstrap gwt module but it would be creating multiple bootstrap instances over time and pollute the user's directory.
The use case is that a user would run this app on their local machine which outputs an XML file. If they try and view the xml file in a browser, I'd like to have the GWT module take over and present the data accordingly. I would rather they not have to go to a page and upload the data manually.
Appreciate any ideas on the matter.
If it's something that runs on the user's machine, I would recommend to ship an executable, or generate a parallel HTML file to present the data. JavaScript run from file:/// will not be able to acces the filesystem.

Best Way to Parse HTML to XML

Essentially, I currently have an iPhone app that can query and parse an XML file on my server. Right now, I currently have to manually update and upload my XML file every morning so my users can have the updated information. I would like to automate this process, which would essentially entail parsing various websites (NYTimes, iAmBored.com, etc), outputting the relevant information from each of these websites to an XML file, and uploading that file to my server.
Does anyone know the best way to accomplish this (parsing HTML to an XML file). Since I am a beginner, I'm not sure what languages this requires or what is the best way to do this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You can try to translate HTML to XHTML (XHTML is based on XML so it's XML with some rules defined in a DTD).
You can also try to parse directly HTML with a SGML parser (As XHTML is based on XML, HTML is based on SGML).
The links are provided as inspiration.
If the content you need to scrape is in XHTML then you can easily use the XSLT language to transform original content in what you need inside the XML you provide to your users.
Otherwise any kind of scraping and XML producing solution will be fine, every programming language has its support to do such things.. but you could use XPath to select the elements you need from the page and then save them inside the output file.
Can you get what you need from the RSS/Atom feeds? That will simplify things greatly because they are XML rather than HTML and can be parsed by a standard XML parser. Of course, descriptions embedded inside RSS feeds will be HTML, so depending on your application, that may be when you need to parse HTML.
XSLT is a domain-specific programming language designed for processing XML, but you can also use any programming language that includes an XML parser for the task.
TagSoup - Just Keep On Truckin'
...a SAX-compliant parser written in Java
that, instead of parsing well-formed
or valid XML, parses HTML as it is
found in the wild: poor, nasty and
brutish, though quite often far from
TagSoup is designed for people
who have to process this stuff using
some semblance of a rational
application design.
By providing a SAX
interface, it allows standard XML
tools to be applied to even the worst
HTML. TagSoup also includes a
command-line processor that reads HTML
files and can generate either clean
HTML or well-formed XML that is a
close approximation to XHTML.
Also, Taggle, a TagSoup in C++, available now