Launch my app using email attachement - iphone

I want to bind my app to some file extension so when I receive an email with an attached file with the correct extension, clicking on it will launch my app and pass it the attached file.
Is it possible ? How ?

As iPhone applications are not allowed to share files on the file system, what you're looking for is not immediately possible (not with the published APIs that I know of, anyway). You might still have a couple of options though.
Either way you'll have to use a custom URL scheme, which is associated with your app, and paste that into your email. This URL might point to some external location, which your app can download the file from.
Or it might contain the actual file contents if it's fairly small. URLs are 'just text' (some restrictions apply), so you're free to put any data you want to in it, as long as it is URL-encoded.
You still need to get the URL into the email though, which might or might not be as easy as attaching a file.

It's not possible to simply associate a file extension with an application on the iPhone.
You could create a custom URL scheme that would launch your app, but probably that won't help you.

This is actually possible, I'm working on this exact same problem and this great tutorial has really helped me.


Is it possible to attach a file to an ios calender event?

In Mac OS it is possible to attach files to a calender event and read that files on the iOS calender.
Question: Is it possible to attach a file to an iOS calender event using the Event Kit framework?
I could not find any hint in the Event Kit documentation
The short answer to your question is no - there is no way to attach a file to an iOS Calendar Event.
Why? Because there is no place to put a file. Looking at the EKEvent Class Reference turns up a short list of properties, none of which would work for our goal of adding a file to the event.
If we go up to the super class EKCalendarItem there are also no place to put a file.
However, what is it you are trying to do exactly?
If you want to attach a file on one device, say a photo of a cat, and then have that photo sync with the event to another device, you are out of luck. The documentation shows no place you could attach a binary blob to a calendar event.
However there are some other tricks you might want to try if you are ok only making it look like a file is attached:
EKCalendarItem has a notes property that stores an NSString. You could try something hacky like putting the file as binary data in a string format in there, but I wouldn't as thats silly and could break in all sorts of ways. If you are trying to just store plain text, though, that could work well.
If you want to link to the file using a URL you can put the URL in the notes property as another comment suggests, but I would suggest you use a different property - the URL property.
As for how you can give the impression there is a file attached to a calendar event (without actually being able to) I would suggest you look into the magic a good URL scheme can provide. I'm not sure what functionality you are looking for, but a URL scheme is an Apple approved way to tell your software to show a 'file' (Well, a view in your app that could be a file) by clicking a URL attached to a Calendar Event. You will still have to take care of getting the file onto the device, but that should get you closer to what you want. Good luck!
No, EventKit does not allow you to add an attachment to an EKEvent.
The only idea I can offer is to use the notes attribute to keep the file's url.
You can add an attachment like a photo in the OS X iCal application. When synced to you iPhone it will be visible in the iOS Calendar App.
Save it to Dropbox, copy the link and paste it to the URL box in Calendar Event. It's kind of wonky but it does work. Maybe Apple would do well to creat the functionality to link to photos, docs etc. It should be pretty straight forward.
I don't know if this was untrue at the time this was asked, but now... you certainly CAN add an attachment such as an image. AND...there are actually SEVERAL file types you can add!!
I wanted to add my mobile concert ticket & barcode image to the my iCal event so everything for the night would be consolidated.
Albeit this is more sort of a work around, because it's not done directly in your iOS iCal, but it's very much possible to do. (and all from your iOS device) You simply go about doing it through your iCloud within a browser.
Open in and enter your Apple ID and PW.
Double-click the event to open it (if it isn't open already).
Do any of the following: Click Add File next to “attachments,” locate the file on your computer, then click Choose. Drag the file into your event. ...
Click OK. A paper clip icon appears on the event to indicate there's an attachment.
It is possible attaching files to your calendar entries! There is a little application for iPhone and iPad you can use (

is it possible to download a file in my iphone throuh email

I am working on an application in which i write to an xml file and then send it through email and at the reciever end the receiver recives it in his/her inbox and download the file to the iphone and then open the same app on his phone and browse to this file and by clicking sync button the progra should parse the tags in the xml file.
Everything is cler but i am not sure whether we can download a file to our iphone and browse thru it our app.
Thanks, i appreciate. :)
No, I don't believe you can download a file from mail and pass it to your app to open and read. This would be for security reasons.
I think the only way to achieve this would be to not use an XML file, and instead construct a URL with parameters.
There are a few drawbacks here, though. Depending on how much data you need to pass, the url could get pretty large. You would have to take considerations to make sure that each parameter value is properly URL escaped. And you could have to write code to parse the data in the parameters.
This is how other apps pass data between apps, an example would be the iPhone's Phone app. You can make it call a number by using a tel:// URL.
You can register a URL scheme in your app and use it to pass data around.

Is it fine to put custom data in the apps Info.plist file?

For example, the website URL and other stuff that wants to be linked at runtime with the app? I find that info.plist is a good place for that. But maybe it is not allowed or causes trouble...?
I think it is fine, but the common practice is to create an extra plist for these custom stuff.

Streaming and playing an MP3 stream. .mp3 URL format

I used the sample code from it runs OK with default URL. But when I replace with my URL "", this app shows an message as "Audio not Found". But when I put my URL on Address Bar of Web Browser, I can download this .mp3 file.
really, I can't understand why it is?
pleased tell me!
Thank you very much
My guess would be that the app is designed to play a MP3 encoded audio stream with no limit in length (which is different from your ordinary music file). To set this up, you need a streaming server on the client side.
I think you can find out for sure by trying with a different radio station that transmits in MP3. If that works, it's most likely that your app doesn't like your file.
You should, as Vivek recommends, also try using a simpler download URL for your file, in case the App gets confused by the URL's length and/or structure.
As mentioned, this is due to the URL of the file. The AudioStreamer code specifically checks for the extension of the file and tries to figure out the audio type based on that. If you change that logic to handle your custom URLs, it will start working
So to point you in the right direction: open AudioStreamer.m and look for the references of
This function returns the type of file based on the extension. If you know the file type won't change (always mp3), the quick and dirty solution is to always assign mp3 type without any logic... like this:
err = AudioFileStreamOpen(self, MyPropertyListenerProc, MyPacketsProc, kAudioFileMP3Type, &audioFileStream);
Note: I've put kAudioFileMP3Type constant instead of calculated value
PS yes, it does work with static mp3 files, even though it's designed for streams and hence misses some of the functionality one would expect from a player that plays a static file on the server (caching, prefetching, proper seeking)
Thats because the default url directly points to a file in the webserver, whereas the the url you've mentioned is a HTTP (POST/GET) operation, which the application may not be designed to handle.
I suspect that your URL is one-time-use. When I try to visit it, I see 408 - Request Timeout.
Many links on mass file sharing websites are like this. If you could download the file directly, you wouldn't sit through a page of ads and premium account offers.
Try again with a file on a normal website, like this one.

Add files to the app on the run

I was wondering if I could add the files to the app resources from an external url. As in suppose I see a url which has a nice image. Can I download that from the website and add it as a resource and use it locally for later use ? I am sure there is way But Need some guidance on how to approach the problem and The set of Classes that could be used with explanantion.
You can't change anything in your app bundle after it has been signed. If you did, you'd make the signature invalid, and the iPhone would refuse to run your app. Your best bet is to add the files to the Documents or tmp folder. There really isn't much of a reason to have stuff in your own bundle - is there a reason you have to have those images there?