Yahoo PlaceFinder address quality - yahoo-api

From the Yahoo! PlaceFinder documentation, here are the values for the address quality (the accuracy of the data):
Value Description
99 Coordinate
90 POI
87 Address match with street match
86 Address mismatch with street match
85 Address match with street mismatch
84 Address mismatch with street mismatch
82 Intersection with street match
80 Intersection with street mismatch
My question is with the value 85. How can the address match while the street doesn't?

This will happen when you miss spell the streetname for example, in my case I 'forgot' a vowel in the streetname.
Placefinder gave me the correct coordinates back (the same when I entered the correct streetname) and added a quality of 85


How to understand the physical address in this example?

The image is relating to an example of translating in virtual memory. The address of phys. mem. starts from 0x000 ~ 0x0FC, then moves start 0x100 ~ 0x1FC and so on. Why don't it go like 0x000 ~ 0x0FF, and then 0x100 ~ 0x1FF etc. What are the two lowest bits stand for?
Thank you for your answers. This photo came from MIT open course, and they didn't reveal more details about the address. But I finally figured it out in the later example of the courses.
The two lowest bits can always be zero as the following example:
Supports that we have:
4GB of MM size.
64 lines of cache.
The address have 32 bits because of 4GB of MM.
The partial address defining the line have 6 bits because of 64 lines of cache.
And because the cache size is 2^6*4B
=> The tag have 24 bits (log2(4GB/2^8B))
=> The lowest bits have 2(32 - 24 - 6) bits.
Because there is only a word per block so that the lowest bits, which act as a data boundary(This is what the course said), are always 0.

Translating from logical to physical addresses

Assume a virtual memory configuration with a page frame of size 2K, virtual address of space of size 32K and physical address space of 16K. With a page mapping of your choice, determine the actual physical address corresponding to the virtual address 0573H.
I am new on this topic. please, anyone can explain the easy way to mapping from logical address to physical address?
Page size =2K=2^11
Virtual Address Space = 32K=2^15
Physical Address Space =16K=2^14
Here Virtual Address is :
0573H ==> 0000 0101 0111 0011
Page# = 0000 ==>0
Page offset = 101 0111 0011 ==> 573
By consulting page table we can get the frame number to which this page has been assigned to, and compute actual physical address as shown in this fig.

cluster external validation

I am using ELKI in order to perform location clustering with DBSCAN and OPTICS. My data set include 30 participants but it is not labeled but I do have pair of coordinates (e.g. home, work, etc) as each participant's frequent places.
I want to know that these pair of coordinates belong to which cluster (for each person). One of the way is to check each pair against each of the cluster manually using some minimum distance threshold.
What could be the better way to achieve this?
Can you format your input data as this:
123 456 work1
124 457 work1
789 123 home2
123 123 unknown
The labels should be non numeric, that's why I chose "work1", "work2" etc. for this example.
Then ELKI can automatically evaluate the result.

Average of multiple subjects

I have a table like this and I need average of each subjects of all students(here 2 only)
Student Subject Marks
John Maths 80
John Science 70
John Social 90
Raju Maths 90
Raju Science 80
Raju Social 70
o/p should like this
Subject Average
Maths 85
Science 75
Social 80
You may use below query:
select studentInfo.Subject, avg(studentInfo.marks) from studentInfo group by studentInfo.Subject
Please refer below link:
enter link description here

Virtual Address to Physical address

I'm writing an address translator for my operating system class. I know i'm reading in the virtual address correctly, and that the page number i get is correct (i access the right data) but when i try to figure out what the physical address is I get the wrong physical address.
2^8 entries in the page table
Page size = 2^8 bytes
Frame size = 2^8 bytes
256 frames
Physical memory = 65,536 bytes (256 frames × 256-byte frame size)
Here's a correct output:
Virtual address: 12107 Physical address: 2635 Value: -46
Here's what i'm getting:
Virtual address: 12107 Physical address: 12107 Value: -46
from my understanding the physical address is equal to (pageNumber * pageSize + pageOffset) everything i have read has said this.
When i get the page number from 12107, i get 47 (left most 8 bits)
When i get the offset from 12107, i get 75 (right most 8 bits)
(47 * 256 + 75) gets me 12107.
to get the correct output (physical address) the page number needs to be 10
(10 * 256 + 75) gets the correct output 2635.
I have poured over my book and have spent the last few days trying to find out where the heck i've gone wrong but i can't seem to figure it out.
I figured out what was happening, I had a misunderstanding in my implementation of page tables. I had a page table but no frame table it would be pointing to, the page table was actually completely bypassing that step, so in effect my physical and logical address were the same.
Once i implemented a frame table, and a proper method for populating the frame table i began generating the physical address correctly.