iPhone Pause CAAnimation from app enter background and retrieve - iphone

I've been reading functions of how to pause CAAnimation at:
And it works great! Apart from when I tap the home button to make the app to background(which I did use the same pause technique for applicationWillResignActive)
However, it happens that the animation seems completely erased rather than its nice pausing.
Any suggestion of how to solve this issue?
It sometimes also happens that the storyboard seems restart the entire app from beginning?

I've used the technique from that link to pause animations and it works perfectly.
However, based on a little testing, it looks to me like the system kills running CAAnimations when your app goes to the background. If you want to resume the animation where it left off, you would have to recreate the animation(s) and set the beginTime parameter to a value that offsets into the animation. I haven't done that, so I couldn't tell you exactly how to do it without doing some tinkering.


player animation starts from first bug

hello iam using a blendspace to make an animation the blend space repeats itself from the start as shown
and when i try to run the player animation bugs and starts from start as shown
what should i do?
link videos below
nothing i don't know what to do
The problem could be the way you imported animation. If you download animations from website like mixamo.com and you don't want it to loop, make sure you check "In place" option.

animateWithDuration stops animate

My code uses animateWithDuration in few places.
Everything works fine and the animation plays alright for a while, but - sometimes the screen suddenly freezes for half second and all the animation in all views stops play.
Means - the objects animation effected, but it ignores the duration or delay parameters.
I really guess it is up to some background processes, but I am really not sure about it.
In some places in code I use animateWithDuration inside methods that run under performSelectorOnMainThread, but it does not make a difference.
I'd be glad to hear ideas of why it happens and how to fix it.
Thanks in advance.

Objects not being released fast enough, causing an app relaunch crash

I have an app where I have 5 sets of animations that I'm storing in an array. The animations get picked to play randomly after a button touch. This is all working perfectly, however I noticed a bug when I quit the app and reopen immediately, I'll see my main view, then it'll jump to my second view that has the animation in it. (This shouldn't happen since you have to tap the main view in order for it to modally swap in the second view. If I interact with it everything works for a few seconds, then it closes with no crash log.
I finally realized that some of the objects must not be getting released fast enough, since if I close the app and wait three seconds, then reopen, everything executes fine.
I didn't want to put down code to show as this is more of a brainstorming question. I'd love any insight that could point me the right way. I changed a lot of my code to get rid of convenience methods and have all my variables defined and then released in my dealloc.
Is there a way to truly tell the app to kill everything on quit? It's not set to run in the background so this is a bit odd. Thanks for your help I'm still new to this and learning!
Alright, after working on this all weekend and doing more research comparing a barebones version of my app to my prerelease version, I traced memory leaks to the Flurry Analytics api that I am using. Apparently I was suffering from the same issue as the post here: App hangs on restart with latest Flurry SDK and ios4 . I resolved this by setting these optional methods to false, since they take extra time to send data after the app terminates, and depending on the connection it takes a few seconds.
optional session settings that can be changed after start session
+ (void)setSessionReportsOnCloseEnabled:(BOOL)sendSessionReportsOnClose; // default is YES
+ (void)setSessionReportsOnPauseEnabled:(BOOL)setSessionReportsOnPauseEnabled; // default is YES
Hope this helps anyone else who experienced something similar to me!
All apps can enter the background by default. Normally they do not do anything there, but they stay there in a frozen state and when you open them again, your program does not restart, it just picks up where it left off.
Anything that's set as an animation delegate might not get released, since it's retained for that purpose until the animation completes.
You can add an applicationDidEnterBackground: method to your app delegate to get informed when your app is going into the background, but exactly what you need to do depends on the design of your app. You can also add applicationWillEnterForeground: to do anything you need to do differently when restarting, as opposed to newly starting.
You might be able to force your animations to complete by starting a new animation with duration 0.0 (or very short if for some reason you can't do that).
If this happens only if your app goes to bkgnd and comes back AND you don't mind if the app restarts everytime it comes back then just put UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend in your app's plist. In all my cases where these and other bad things happen with apps going to and returning from bkgnd this helped.
While you might still see the app on the buttom when double tapping it is really stopped and will restart. Apps that show on the buttom do not always have to run or be stored in the bkgnd I learned.
ps. don't forget to set the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to YES

iphone MultiTasking?

Hello I'm trying to get the multitasking work properly, but unfortunately I'm kinda lost. My problem is when I re-enter the game, it takes several seconds for the game to come back and show the pause screen. My question is; is there any way to put some sort of loading screen until the game comes back, so I can at least indicate that its not frozen? I've never used Xcode directly. I'm using Unity 3d to build my game. I made a little bit of research and if I'm not mistaken I'm supposed to use "applicationDidEnterBackground" app delegate method. My question is How can I put a custom loading screen using that method in Xcode?
In -applicationDidEnterBackground:, you're given the opportunity to "clean up" the UI before the screenshot is taken. Apple says you should remove "sensitive data" (the screenshots might be persisted to "disk"?), but it also lets you do other things. In one app, we hide the label on a countdown timer so it doesn't appear to jump when you switch back to the app.
To change the "loading screen", simply display a full-screen view over the other views and remove it in -applicationWillEnterForeground:. Alternatively, pause the game in the first place!
(Really, you should be pausing the game in -applicationWillResignActive: which happens when the user double-taps home or the user receives a SMS/notification. I'm pretty sure it's called when the app is backgrounded, too.)

takePicture method in UIImagePickerController does not take a picture instantly every time

I have a camera application that uses my custom overlay on the UIImagePickerController object.
I am calling the takePicture method to take a picture when the user presses a button on my overlay view. Something like:
[imagePicker takePicture];
[self showProcessingIndicator];
The processing indicator is the usual spinning wheel that shows that a picture is being taken. I notice that often the camera does not take a picture immediately after the takePicture method is called, and the processing indicator is showing.
It seems that the camera tries to adjust its focus (if it is out of focus) and then takes a picture. This is probably the right thing to do. However, I have also noticed delay in taking a picture even when the camera is focused correctly and does not change its focus. This does not happen every time, and its hard to say when exactly it happens.
My question is: is there a way to force the camera to take a picture instantly, ignoring everything else? Also, is it possible that subsequent processing (showing the indicator view, for example) is causing the camera to respond slower on occasion?
I have also seen this and came to the conclusion that taking a picture is a reasonably resource-hungry operation in terms of talking to the camera device, allocating/moving memory, etc. While you can tune your application to not soak up any resources while this piece is running, you can't tell MobileMail, MobileiTunes, etc, to not check for email, etc, at that precise moment.
Is there any particular iOS version or device that this happens on more than others? Taking a picture on my iPhone 3G with iOS 4.0.x took up to 30 seconds, but is much improved on iPhone 4.
The activity indicator will soak up some resources, so this may be a candidate for removal and maybe just use sound instead. Test to be sure.