player animation starts from first bug - unreal-engine4

hello iam using a blendspace to make an animation the blend space repeats itself from the start as shown
and when i try to run the player animation bugs and starts from start as shown
what should i do?
link videos below
nothing i don't know what to do

The problem could be the way you imported animation. If you download animations from website like and you don't want it to loop, make sure you check "In place" option.


Idle/Walk/Run Animation in unreal engine 4.27

As you can see in the video, my running animation looks weird. My character runs forward alright, but the animation looks off (like it's constantly resetting).
I have tried everything (from using different run animations, to disabling root motion like some people have suggested), but nothing seems to work. Please help me solve this issue.
Here's the video
If you are using animations from mixamo you should select "In Place" option before downloading it.

Animation in Unity is repeated 2 times

I have an animation which plays when I activate trigger "shoot". When it activate, animation plays 2 times. If I change Transition duration, it either it is not played at all, or it is played twice.
Pls, help me. I work on Unity 2020.3.0f1. My english is not very well, sorry
UPD: OMG I find a path to fix it. You need to check is your animation running, and if it isnt - you can run it. Use GetCurrentClipInfo
Maybe your animation is on loop. Check that.

iPhone Pause CAAnimation from app enter background and retrieve

I've been reading functions of how to pause CAAnimation at:
And it works great! Apart from when I tap the home button to make the app to background(which I did use the same pause technique for applicationWillResignActive)
However, it happens that the animation seems completely erased rather than its nice pausing.
Any suggestion of how to solve this issue?
It sometimes also happens that the storyboard seems restart the entire app from beginning?
I've used the technique from that link to pause animations and it works perfectly.
However, based on a little testing, it looks to me like the system kills running CAAnimations when your app goes to the background. If you want to resume the animation where it left off, you would have to recreate the animation(s) and set the beginTime parameter to a value that offsets into the animation. I haven't done that, so I couldn't tell you exactly how to do it without doing some tinkering.

animation button moving in wheel like igun pro application for first screen iphone

I am newbie I stuck on one problem i want to make animation which have buttons and moving up and down as like wheel moving.You can see the application "iGun Pro" the same animation i want to make but i am not getting how to make this it's done in core animation or used open GL for the moving buttons.I am not interested now they given animation on text.So please help me if also try to give code or some reference example so i can understand batter.I am not getting how i will search on the web for this animation .Any help appreciated Thank You.
I am very sorry for my bad English.
Can you try this. The code is pasted here for moving a wheel up and down.
You can use the same logic to move the button too.
Link is here.

iphone MultiTasking?

Hello I'm trying to get the multitasking work properly, but unfortunately I'm kinda lost. My problem is when I re-enter the game, it takes several seconds for the game to come back and show the pause screen. My question is; is there any way to put some sort of loading screen until the game comes back, so I can at least indicate that its not frozen? I've never used Xcode directly. I'm using Unity 3d to build my game. I made a little bit of research and if I'm not mistaken I'm supposed to use "applicationDidEnterBackground" app delegate method. My question is How can I put a custom loading screen using that method in Xcode?
In -applicationDidEnterBackground:, you're given the opportunity to "clean up" the UI before the screenshot is taken. Apple says you should remove "sensitive data" (the screenshots might be persisted to "disk"?), but it also lets you do other things. In one app, we hide the label on a countdown timer so it doesn't appear to jump when you switch back to the app.
To change the "loading screen", simply display a full-screen view over the other views and remove it in -applicationWillEnterForeground:. Alternatively, pause the game in the first place!
(Really, you should be pausing the game in -applicationWillResignActive: which happens when the user double-taps home or the user receives a SMS/notification. I'm pretty sure it's called when the app is backgrounded, too.)