silverstripe backend linebreaks in content do not show up in frontend - content-management-system

I have a textareaField in Silverstripe Backend in Edit Page View... The text to insert contains linebreaks. If I save the Page the text shows correctly with linebreaks in the textareaField. The linebreaks are for sure saved correctly to the database. But how do I display the text correctly in the frontend? It´s always outputted without linebreaks in a single line.
I tried already $Text.RAW, $Text.XML,... nothing works.
Thanks for the help,
Kind regards,

Assuming that you are using 3.0 this is a bug. You can see it here
A work around is to write your own function calling nl2br on your text field.
Here is an example:
public function NiceDescription () {
return (nl2br (Convert::raw2xml ($this->Description), true));
You can replace "Description" with the name of your text property.
Then in your template file if you need to display the description field you will call the function:

to visually render the newlines in html, you need to convert them to <BR> tags.


Sharepoint Rest Api Search query, getting a field with rich text

I am trying to get a field with a rich text but it is striping all the html in the search query. Is there a way to get the html rather than the rich text?
<d:Value xml:space="preserve"> See THIS Form​ . ​ </d:Value>
Answer is the Rich text field with a link in it, When I do a GET (_api/web/lists/getbytitle), it comes back with a link in that field.
Basically, I want to avoid having to call search then call a GET to replace the values.
I solved this by looking through the search properties and using the ID in the path to use a GET List
then replacing the column in search with the rich text with the one from the GET.
I only need 3 results or so, so this was not a problem for me.
It looks like in the search query, doesnt give back any html tags for the rich text column.

Modify all text output by TYPO3

I would like to create a "cleanup" extension that replaces various characters (quotes by guillemets) in all kinds of textfields in TYPO3.
I thought about extending <f:format.html> or parseFunc, but I don't know where to "plug in" so I get to replace output content easily before it's cached.
Any ideas, can you give me an example?
If you don't mind regexing, try this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_fe.php']['cleanUpQuotes'][] = \NAMESPACE\Your\Extension::class;
Insert it into ext_localconf.php and this part is done.
The next step is the class itself:
public function cleanUpQuotes(TypoScriptFrontendController $parentObject)
$parentObject->content = DO_YOUR_THING_HERE
There also is another possibility which could replace any strings in the whole page - as it operates on the rendered page (and not only on single fields).
You even can use regular expressions.
Look at my answer -> here

Word add-in js getHtml() function not return all fully style

I write word add-in in JS using this API:
When I use function body.getHtml() I get almost everything , but some style is missing ,for example table of content is not with style, and when I use body.insertHtml() all style of table of content is not exist.
I success to get all style with body.getOoxml() function but it's very very long when I compare it to the html and this is bug problem for me .
What could I do?
Thank you
The issue here is that when you create a TOC what really happens in the doc is that we insert a special type of content control wrapping the TOC and we don't roundtrip it in docx-html conversions. In fact, if you save your TOCed document as HTML you will see that the style is lost in the resulting html. FWIW the links on the resulting HTML are functional.
That said, your only option as of now is to go OOXML.

Disable escape in Zend Form Element Submit

I can't disable escaping in a Zend_Form_Element_Submit, so when the label has special characters it won't display it's value..
This is my actual Zend Form piece of code:
$this->submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$this->submit->setLabel('Iniciar Sesión');
I've tried $this->submit->getDecorator('Label')->setOption('escape', false); but I obtain an "non-object" error (maybe submit isn't using the "Label" Decorator)..
I've also tried as suggested $this->submit->setAttrib('escape', false); but no text will be shown either.. Any idea? Thanks
Should be as simple as doing this:
$element->addDecorator('Label', аrray('escape'=>false));
Or see setEscape().
Regarding failure to retrieve named decorator... Try getDecorators() Do you see 'label' in the results?
There is no Label decorator for submit form element by default (this is why you get the error).
The $this->submit->setLabel('Iniciar Sesión'); value goes to Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit, which always does escaping and uses the label as a value.
The helper used by the Submit element escapes by default. Unlike with the label decorator, submit labels are included in a HTML attribute so they need to be escaped.
Your label - Iniciar Sesión - is a perfectly valid UTF-8 string, so the escaped version of it will be the same. If your label is not appearing then something else is going wrong. I'd guess that your page is being served using a charset that doesn't match what Zend View is using (UTF-8 by default).
View the page source to see what actually gets output - that might give you some more clues. Alternatively if the page this form is on is public, if you can provide a URL we might be able to spot the issue.
I ran into a similar issue. In my instance, I added both a label and a description to a text field element. This line of code allowed me to turn off the html escaping for the description attached to that field element:
$form->getElement('txtUPC')->getDecorator('description')->setOption('escape', false);
In my testing, the setEscape() was not recognized by the form elements or their decorators.

Word 2010 Show Table only in footer of last page

I've a template for word. In header and footer I've got logos of my company. The data of word is generating automatically from ERP program (that works great).
I only want to show some table with data on last page. I've tried this this method But it only works for text. When I'm updating the field the table and it's content disappear.
Anyone knows how to apply this method on table? It must to be automatic.
The same method works for block level content such as paragraphs or tables. Simply follow the same steps but instead of typing "Initials" insert your table there. Make sure to use speechmarks in the conditional e.g it should look like this { IF {PAGE} = {NUMPAGES} "" "(table)" }