Joomla articles by rating + rating plugin/component implementation - plugins

I dont want to waste lots of time on creating wrong functions
It's already done, but to understand better.. I tell you :) So first thing I made: I added extra articles which are shown in main article. So it's looks like this: main article and extra nine articles in which i want to add voting.
Eeach article(extra articles, not main article) must have rating like in youtube - like and dislike. I think of using this script ( so the first question is - how to create this voting and add to these articles ? Should i create this voting plugin or component ? Or i already can add code to article view and model ? Each article will have different articles in them, based on votings and (later maybe?) on tags.

I wouldn't try to hard code a voting script into the core Joomla content files nor should you need to create you own plugin for this. There are lots of voting plugins on JED which I think will suits you needs. You can find them here:
One of my favourite plugins is this:
Hope this helps.


Reorder Umbraco to have Articles/Year/Month/Article map structure

I have a website that's been running for over a year. The overview is getting lost in the Articles doctype and I've been asked to change the file structure from Articles/Article to Articles/Year/Month/Article.
In short, the admin opens Umbraco and sees the Articles and clicks the arrow to see all the articles. It then takes a couple of minutes since the are all loaded. Instead I want a map structure that devides the articles into year and month published.
Since i'm talking about 5k articles, I can't really do this manually.
Any advice?
You could do 2 things:
Create a simple script which moves all articles into a year/month folder structure. Should be pretty simple to make.
Add a List View content type on your "Articles" template. It will give a searchable list with all 5K articles. It will prevent the loadtime in Umbraco UI. You can see how the list view works here:
You need to look at the UrlProvider and ContentFinder configuration in your umbraco instance.
Shouldn't require any manual editing of the articles provided they were posted on the days you would like them to display as.
Take a look at this:

Ghost: Display Posts From Multiple Tags On One Page

I'm developing a website for a magazine using Ghost ( and would like to have pages that display posts from two related tags. Eg. "Science and Environment". I understand that when using a static page you do not have access to posts so I cannot for example do this. This would however be the ideal solution.
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#has tag="science, environment"}}
do thing
I have had a look on the Trello roadmap ( but couldn't spot anything there. I would appreciate any help on a workaround.
This is possible but a bit tricky
You should install self-hosted Ghost . There is a lot of step-by-step manuals how to do this on Amazon, DigitalOcean, Heroku, etc.
You should create your own custom Handlebars helper for your purposes.
Create myhelpers.js in the Ghost project root and put your own helper code here. For example: {{bytag}} helper which selects posts by one tag. You can extend this to query posts by more than one tag.
At the beginning of config.js place require('./myhelpers')();
to activate your custom helper.
Restart Ghost

Common features of a robust CMS

This is not a direct code question, however, I think it may be useful. After google-ing for a while, I can't find a definitive answer....
A while back, I built a rudimentary CMS for shcool. Image upload, gallery, text, a basic captcha, etc. Basically a blog that you could upload images to. My quesiton is this:
Could any of you clever ducks tell me what features a robust, solid, home-made CMS should contain? I don't want to make a super fancy pants sort of site, but I do want to flesh it out a little. My current job is in Sharepoint design, and I don't want to lose any of the PHP skills that course taught me.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Well.. The best product is a product that reaches the requirements of the customer.
But I would say:
Dynamic menu
Dynamic pages
Different type of pages - front page, posts, lists, media, gallery
Secure back end
Dynamic user configuration
A install script
Template editor, where you can define modules
Maybe a offline post editor, with a up-loader (Drag a .doc file in a folder, and the file is automatically added as a post on the page)

Enhanced Table extension for TYPO3

I'm fairly new to TYPO3 and as far as I can see it's pretty poorly maintained as far as documentation goes. Some of the tutorials and documentation are almost a decade old and I was wondering if anyone here knows of any useful extensions that could enhance the standard content tables in the backend.
I have some tables that contain a bunch of links with images. A sort of categories gallery with thumbnails if you will.
The point being that at some point this gets passed on to a client who won't know what to do with HTML markup and i was wondering if anyone knew of 1) a good WYSIWYG table editor extension and 2) a categories gallery plugin with the option to add thumbnails to each category.
Look for some of the more recent plugins. I don't usually go back more than a year or two when searching for an extension.
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking to do, but did you know you can arrange the standard image elements in different ways, linking each image to a different page, kind of like what can be seen at:

typo3 - building a simple functionality

I am building a fairly simple website based on typo3. I'm new to the CMS but I've read almost everything I could find about it - tutorials, wikis, documentation. I'm stuck with designing a functionality for the administrator to be able to create records with predefined attributes (category, date, info, image, ...) and those records to be listed in a table on the front end with a "View detailed" link on each row. Will I need to develop a complete extension for this? From where the administrator will enter these records? How can I iterate them on the front end?
I apologize in advance if my question is too broad.
The Kickstarter extension provides a full stop solution for your needs. There is a good set of, if slightly outdated, screencasts explaining how to use this extension to create your custom record types and associated front-end views.