Reorder Umbraco to have Articles/Year/Month/Article map structure - content-management-system

I have a website that's been running for over a year. The overview is getting lost in the Articles doctype and I've been asked to change the file structure from Articles/Article to Articles/Year/Month/Article.
In short, the admin opens Umbraco and sees the Articles and clicks the arrow to see all the articles. It then takes a couple of minutes since the are all loaded. Instead I want a map structure that devides the articles into year and month published.
Since i'm talking about 5k articles, I can't really do this manually.
Any advice?

You could do 2 things:
Create a simple script which moves all articles into a year/month folder structure. Should be pretty simple to make.
Add a List View content type on your "Articles" template. It will give a searchable list with all 5K articles. It will prevent the loadtime in Umbraco UI. You can see how the list view works here:

You need to look at the UrlProvider and ContentFinder configuration in your umbraco instance.
Shouldn't require any manual editing of the articles provided they were posted on the days you would like them to display as.
Take a look at this:


Editing a custom object record in visualforce page

How can I achieve editing a custom object record by listing all the records and selecting a particular record in checkbox which will open popup window for editing purpose in visualforce ?
What have you tried already, do you have any code sample you're stuck with?
Be careful what you wish for, "all records" when it's tens of thousands of them will likely blow the page's viewstate. I mean solution might be as simple as making a page with <apex:enhancedList> in it...
Read up about StandardSetController.
It's old feature, it's battle-tested, there will be tons of examples how to use it like or
Looks like you need something very simple that just displays list of links & these links will have JavaScript ( function?) that creates a popup with record id passed.

Looking for an Extension of an extensive link list

For the construction of an extensive list of links, since the source page is a thematic portal, I am looking for a suitable EXT., Which also runs under TYPO3 7.6 LTS.
it if the list of links to a permits the use of categories and multiple categorization of links is possible would be nice. should Weiterrhin the links are described not only the destination address and an alias but here should still an outline of the target page (possibly with photo) be possible.
Additional functions such as proposing links by users, reporting broken links or even a User Voting would nice additional features.
There were times the Modern Linklist, but they were no longer being developed for TYPO3 <6.x.
Is there perhaps somewhere an alternative or as one might like to vorhnandenen solutions might realize? It would be nice of course, without any programming knowledge, since I'm not a programmer.
P.S .: It is not about building a spam list but high quality links with topics relating to the original page.
As this seems to be a straight forward usage you could try to build that extension by yourself with the ExtensionBuilder.
just build up the records neccessary for your data. and let the EB generate all usefull actions: list & show, even create, edit, delete in FE would be possible.
Afterwards you just need to edit the generated fluid templates.
these links may help:
EB manual
small remark: if you want the newest code state, use the EB from git instead of TER
I`m not aware of an existing extension for it but it could be a good project to learn extbase / fluid.
You should also take a look at
Fluid Content contains everything you need to create a list like that, you "just" have to combine the necessary bits and pieces.
You can do a lot with TYPO3 core functionality: there is a page type "external URL", pages can have categories by default, there are plenty of menu options (TypoScript HMENU, menu content elements, Fluid menu Viewhelpers). The Linkvalidator can periodically check all links and report broken links.
For suggestions you could add a form. Powermail for example can also store submitted info in database records, so your visitors could prepare page records (they are hidden until you make them visible).

Joomla articles by rating + rating plugin/component implementation

I dont want to waste lots of time on creating wrong functions
It's already done, but to understand better.. I tell you :) So first thing I made: I added extra articles which are shown in main article. So it's looks like this: main article and extra nine articles in which i want to add voting.
Eeach article(extra articles, not main article) must have rating like in youtube - like and dislike. I think of using this script ( so the first question is - how to create this voting and add to these articles ? Should i create this voting plugin or component ? Or i already can add code to article view and model ? Each article will have different articles in them, based on votings and (later maybe?) on tags.
I wouldn't try to hard code a voting script into the core Joomla content files nor should you need to create you own plugin for this. There are lots of voting plugins on JED which I think will suits you needs. You can find them here:
One of my favourite plugins is this:
Hope this helps.

Converting content pages to tt_news (Typo3)

On a website, I have a section where I put a new page every week. I'd like to convert this to a system using tt_news. How do you suggest me to import the pages (more than 100 pages) to tt_news? Can I do it using a simple SQL query, or should I write a custom PHP script to perform the importation? Is there already an extension that exists that could help me performing this task?
It doesn't really matter to me if I simply build news liked to existing pages, or if I transfer the content of the page to the content of the news. It would be great if I can convert the page title to the news publish date, but I could use the page publishing date as well.
What do you suggest for performing this task?
I would do it via SQL as you mentioned already. Could get tricky if you have multiple content-elements per page that needs to be merged into one tt_news-dataset.
You could also install an extension, that links tt_content-elements with tt_news-records. This way you only have to insert the tt_news-records by traversing the pages and link the content per page to the new tt_news-record. Here are some extension, that link tt_news with content-elements:
Here is also an extension that could be worth a look: content2news.
Hope this is useful to you.
Best regards,

How do websites change content daily?

I just started learning HTML and CSS, with no knowledge on other languages such as javascript, Php, and so forth. Websites like boast fresh content everyday, there has to be someway they are able to have new content everyday other then changing it by hand. Some Google searches came up with nothing but RSS feeds.
How is this done?
Thanks for the helpful answers, it answers half of my question, but does this also mean that the owner would have to manually add the webpage each day for new content, or say add in the content for a few days and have them displayed day after day automatically?
Most dynamic websites derive their page content from a database. Change the content in the database, and the content on the pages changes to follow suit.
Likely they have some form of content management system which allows non-technical users to update the site. In some systems, the content manager itself can get quite advanced. Here's a description of the latest version of the one used at the BBC, CPS, which drives the many BBC websites and more.
They most probably use a database where they store the content and the newest entries are retrieved from this database and displayed. This requires a server side language like PHP, Java, Python.
The HTML is generated dynamically.
The answers about databases combined with a server-side language like PHP are pretty good and very direct, but depending on how new you are to web development they might not be conceptual enough.
The first thing you need to understand is that a database is a collection of tables - each like any you might be familiar with in excel.
For example, one table in your database might be named "daily_links" and it might have two columns, one named "Date", and one named "Link". So every time you want to publish a new link, you just make a new row.
So now you are half way there.
Now what the server-side scripting language is able to do is to go to the database, look at your table "daily_links" and bring back each all the information that it found there.
From there it can do anything with that information like make a new anchor tag in html for each row it found, and give it an href of the data found in the column "Link".
That is rough idea in (very) general terms.
I hope that is easy to understand.