Ghost: Display Posts From Multiple Tags On One Page - content-management-system

I'm developing a website for a magazine using Ghost ( and would like to have pages that display posts from two related tags. Eg. "Science and Environment". I understand that when using a static page you do not have access to posts so I cannot for example do this. This would however be the ideal solution.
{{#foreach posts}}
{{#has tag="science, environment"}}
do thing
I have had a look on the Trello roadmap ( but couldn't spot anything there. I would appreciate any help on a workaround.

This is possible but a bit tricky
You should install self-hosted Ghost . There is a lot of step-by-step manuals how to do this on Amazon, DigitalOcean, Heroku, etc.
You should create your own custom Handlebars helper for your purposes.
Create myhelpers.js in the Ghost project root and put your own helper code here. For example: {{bytag}} helper which selects posts by one tag. You can extend this to query posts by more than one tag.
At the beginning of config.js place require('./myhelpers')();
to activate your custom helper.
Restart Ghost


Looking for an Extension of an extensive link list

For the construction of an extensive list of links, since the source page is a thematic portal, I am looking for a suitable EXT., Which also runs under TYPO3 7.6 LTS.
it if the list of links to a permits the use of categories and multiple categorization of links is possible would be nice. should Weiterrhin the links are described not only the destination address and an alias but here should still an outline of the target page (possibly with photo) be possible.
Additional functions such as proposing links by users, reporting broken links or even a User Voting would nice additional features.
There were times the Modern Linklist, but they were no longer being developed for TYPO3 <6.x.
Is there perhaps somewhere an alternative or as one might like to vorhnandenen solutions might realize? It would be nice of course, without any programming knowledge, since I'm not a programmer.
P.S .: It is not about building a spam list but high quality links with topics relating to the original page.
As this seems to be a straight forward usage you could try to build that extension by yourself with the ExtensionBuilder.
just build up the records neccessary for your data. and let the EB generate all usefull actions: list & show, even create, edit, delete in FE would be possible.
Afterwards you just need to edit the generated fluid templates.
these links may help:
EB manual
small remark: if you want the newest code state, use the EB from git instead of TER
I`m not aware of an existing extension for it but it could be a good project to learn extbase / fluid.
You should also take a look at
Fluid Content contains everything you need to create a list like that, you "just" have to combine the necessary bits and pieces.
You can do a lot with TYPO3 core functionality: there is a page type "external URL", pages can have categories by default, there are plenty of menu options (TypoScript HMENU, menu content elements, Fluid menu Viewhelpers). The Linkvalidator can periodically check all links and report broken links.
For suggestions you could add a form. Powermail for example can also store submitted info in database records, so your visitors could prepare page records (they are hidden until you make them visible).

Dokuwiki - IndexMenu Plugin: How to create pages meaningfully?

I've started using IndexMenu to implement an automatically updating index for my wiki. Now, I have implemented indexes on all front pages of my (sub)namespaces, but have run in to the problem of how to meaningfully add pages at this point.
To me, the whole idea of creating pages in a wiki was to create an empty link on an index page, follow the link and fill it with content. Now that the indexing is being done by the plugin, I wonder how I can still create pages within the wiki backend without resorting to create the pages in the actual folder structure.
Am I just completely missing something here?
I think I'm having trouble understanding the question, you can still create pages by creating/following a link - but you might find this plugin useful:
If you install it and add {{NEWPAGE}} to your sidebar.txt, users will be able to create a page anywhere they have permission for.

How to tag the code of a website for structured data recognition by Google SEO?

we're just completing a new site build. With the current theme, we have had issues with structured data (we've highlighted it on Webmasters tools, and weeks later had to re-highlight it, and even then the highlighting prediction is not where we would like it to be).
It seems like Google is not able to find our Title, author, categories, content, featured image, date very easily. I'd expect to be able to communicate this to Google with 100% accuracy, since its so simple and we use the same format for all our articles). So maybe our theme is missing something by way of tags or something in the code to point to and identify this data?
Is that the case? Could someone please tell me what this aspect is called (so I can research it by its term), explain what I need to do with the new build, point me in the direction of an authoritative explanation/tutorial?
The site in question is a WordPress site, but I also am working on some php sites and would like to use this information on all sites, if it can be applied this way.
You can use micro-data to mark-up the structured data. Also Google will really like your site if you show him (with a code) everything about the site - navigation, sidebar (aside), content (article) and so on. I suggest you to read about and micro-formats.
Here is an usefull article about your problem and how to implement micro-formats to your site.

Creating a webpage using forms

Hi i'm creating a webpage for my school's newspaper/journalism club. to be honest i don't know if any of the club members have much html programming ability and when i finally publish this page, i don't want to have to teach them how to update the page themselves (i will still help i just don't want to have to update the homepage my self) so basically my question is: is there a simple way to create an html form(s) that can create an html webpage? and could it be made so it updates to multiple pages at once. Thanks!
oh also if it is not possible with html or html5 i'd appreciate it if you post which programming language it needs to be done in :)
basically what i want is a form for the title, one for the paragraph, maybe a couple for pictures and i want it to turn out in the same format every time.....
I guess you'd have to look at a CMS (content management system) like Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, ... (there are many many more out there)
These CMS let you create and update your pages in just a few clicks even without basic HTML knowledge!

Joomla articles by rating + rating plugin/component implementation

I dont want to waste lots of time on creating wrong functions
It's already done, but to understand better.. I tell you :) So first thing I made: I added extra articles which are shown in main article. So it's looks like this: main article and extra nine articles in which i want to add voting.
Eeach article(extra articles, not main article) must have rating like in youtube - like and dislike. I think of using this script ( so the first question is - how to create this voting and add to these articles ? Should i create this voting plugin or component ? Or i already can add code to article view and model ? Each article will have different articles in them, based on votings and (later maybe?) on tags.
I wouldn't try to hard code a voting script into the core Joomla content files nor should you need to create you own plugin for this. There are lots of voting plugins on JED which I think will suits you needs. You can find them here:
One of my favourite plugins is this:
Hope this helps.