Where to find an Xcode developer library on a hard disk? - xcode4.4

Where can I find a developer library in Xcode 4.4 on hard disk? Thanks!!! I want to copy it and save on the flash-drive.

I found it! ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/


is libsqlite3.0.dylib missed?

I want to use sqlite in my iPhone app, but I read the first I have to do is add the framework, but it seems not to exists in my Mac.
As I read it is in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhone02.0.sdk/usr/lib/
but there is not, i looked for it with finder, but it havn't found the file (In Developer folder it's only an Application folder).
Should I install something?
I'm using Xcode4.3
Thank you in advance
You don't have anything to install, this is indeed already included in the iOS SDK.
Here is a short YouTube video to show you how adding a framework in Xcode 4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-4TDlcsZRo
Hope this helps

How read iTunesMetadata.plist in iPhone

Searching for anti-piracy systems many people answer to check the content of the file iTunesMetadata.plist. This file should be present if it was purchased on iTunes. I'm able to locate it but cannot open it. It seems in binary format.
Trying to open it with Windows doesn't work (unzip too nothing) but on my Mac it works (Apple binary property list). Seems in a binary format. My questions:
How can I open it in xCode and read the content (using Xcode 4.2)?
It's allowed to read the content or would this operation not pass the validation process by Apple?
I know, there are many checks we could implement but it's only a better of time they would be by-passed. BTW it's at least a good xCode exercise for me :)
Thank's a lot for your help!
plist type files can be read on Windows using 'plist_editor' software.

Recover Xcode project from iphone?

My computer recently crashed and I lost my entire Xcode project. However, the project is till sitting on my iphone, is there any way i can recover it?
I'm sorry but I think this is no way to recover your project from iPhone, as it contains already compiled version.
Unfortunately this is a painful lesson about version control and backups
There is no way to get the Xcode project back from the compiled app.
if you can access your iPhone and could get to the folder where the app was installed then you will fnd couple of files you might be able to use. Esp *.png files. There are also some *nib files - but I don't know if/how they can be loaded back into xCode somehow.
You will also get the *strings files back. But possibly most important in this folder there are also *h files of your project.
So I guess that will save you already couple of hours - all you need is to get to your iPhones app folder. I use iPhone Explorer, but anything else should work too.
ps don't know how it can be done on a non-jailbroken phone though
good luck!
use TimeMachine in the future - its simple and doesn't burdon your MAC during development...

Create iPhone Application Bundle for Release in Xcode 4.0.1

I am having trouble figuring out how to create an application bundle for release, it does not seem to be done the way it was in older versions of Xcode.
I tried looking for documentation, but I can not find anything that looks like it contains the answer.
Any assistance is appreciated.
This may help you:

Where does Xcode store whatever it downloads from devices?

When I attach an unrecognized iPhone to Xcode, it downloads some information from it. (I believe this includes debugging information.) Where does it store this information on my Mac's file system?
I would check myself, but I ran out of devices to throw at it before realizing I didn't know. :)
Both Xcode 4 and 5 store device symbols in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
The usual place is: