is libsqlite3.0.dylib missed? - iphone

I want to use sqlite in my iPhone app, but I read the first I have to do is add the framework, but it seems not to exists in my Mac.
As I read it is in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhone02.0.sdk/usr/lib/
but there is not, i looked for it with finder, but it havn't found the file (In Developer folder it's only an Application folder).
Should I install something?
I'm using Xcode4.3
Thank you in advance

You don't have anything to install, this is indeed already included in the iOS SDK.
Here is a short YouTube video to show you how adding a framework in Xcode 4 :
Hope this helps


mapkit framework is not present in xcode

I am working on a project where I am using mapView, in projects build phases mapkit framework is not present what could be the problem, please check the image below
Take the mapkit framework from another xcode or download it from the frameworks section in the apple developers website. You simply have to copy it and add it to xcode or you can even add it to your project from the folder which contains all the frameworks. If they still don't come then you will have to reinstall your xcode. Hope it works out just fine.
Or you can directly download from here MapKit.framework
Check if you can retrieve frameworks from the original folder :
In any previous application making you had delete the framework directly that's why it was not showing in xcode. please reinstall the xcode you will get it. or you can download it from apple site.

Newbie: Errors in an iPhone app

I'm really newbie in iOS and I have to handle a complicated situation. I was given an iPhone app developed by someone and I have to make it work. The guy who developed it has told me that it worked, but sometimes crashed in an iPhone. I've never developed using iOS and I don't really know how this app works.
Well, when I open the app with Xcode, the first problem that I detect is some errors with the references. The app uses the project CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj. I've added again this project and solved the references (I've followed some other posts like this one:
I want to test it with the simulator (I don't have an iPhone yet). I have a doubt here...should I use iOS Device, or iOS Simulator as Base SDK? Firstly I chose iOS Simulator, but it appeared a problem with Cocoa.framework (it turned into red).
Anyway, using iOS Device as Base SDK, I build the project and it says "Build failed (59 errors, 3 warnings)". I check out the errors, and most of them are "Expected specifier-qualifier-list before ..."
Can anyone help me? This is more or less the situation, but I can provide more specific details if they're needed.
I'm sorry if I'm talking about something really basic, but I've been trying to solve it for 2 weeks and I give up. I've tried to talk to the guy, but he's not really helpful..
Thanks for the replies!
By the way, I didn't say it and I don't know if it's relevant or what it means. The guy has a directory called "Libraries" where it's stored the CorePlot. The files there are the same than if you download the CorePlot project from other source. The only exception is a folder called "SDKBuild", which contains files like "", "iphoneos-SDKSettings.plist" or "iphonesimulator-SDKSettings.plist". I'm really newbie, so it's probably obvious, but I have no idea...
just try to add CocoaTouch framework to your project.
and for base SDK use "latest iOS".
Right click on the project name in 'group & files' set on the left of xcode. Choose add -> Existing Frameworks.
Find Cocoa.framwork and click add. Do this to all red colored framework.
Choose IOS Simulator as base SDK.
Try run it..
If you want to run the app on simulator, you have to build with iOS simulator. The base SDK basically sets the OS version (this will be the same regardless of whether you are running the app on simulator or device). You should be chaining the build settings to device only if the device is connected and if you have installed the appropriate provisioning profiles.

Recover Xcode project from iphone?

My computer recently crashed and I lost my entire Xcode project. However, the project is till sitting on my iphone, is there any way i can recover it?
I'm sorry but I think this is no way to recover your project from iPhone, as it contains already compiled version.
Unfortunately this is a painful lesson about version control and backups
There is no way to get the Xcode project back from the compiled app.
if you can access your iPhone and could get to the folder where the app was installed then you will fnd couple of files you might be able to use. Esp *.png files. There are also some *nib files - but I don't know if/how they can be loaded back into xCode somehow.
You will also get the *strings files back. But possibly most important in this folder there are also *h files of your project.
So I guess that will save you already couple of hours - all you need is to get to your iPhones app folder. I use iPhone Explorer, but anything else should work too.
ps don't know how it can be done on a non-jailbroken phone though
good luck!
use TimeMachine in the future - its simple and doesn't burdon your MAC during development...

IOS Static Library Product is always red

I've been struggling with this for a few days now. When I create a new Static Library project under IOS in XCode 4 I am running into an issue. With or without adding files as headers or to be compiled I am able to successfully build but the .a file is always red. This happens in both Debug and Release. I've read about similar issues but haven't found someone who has fixed the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
XCode seems to have a bug in this regard when building for the simulator. Build once for device, right-click the library to show in finder, back up a level, and navigate to the simulator one. Your library will be there. (The path will look something like this: /Users/You/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LibName-fylbqugtzucxyndtdddrjmbbdnet/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator)
I wasn't able to figure out the answer to this problem but I did find a work around. I installed the XCode 4 project template to build universal frameworks from This allowed me to build a framework which fit my needs.

Help adding a live device to an Xcode 4 project

Argggh, I have built a couple Apps in Xcode 4 but I cannot remember/find how to add my live device to my schemes drop down. I have the simulator options, but in the newest project I created I do not have my iphone listed.
Can anyone tell me what I forgot to do??
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
EDIT: Any new project I create does not create anything for my Device, however, some of the sample apps I open have my device listed... there are a lot of developers out there... hopefully someone has had this issue and can shed some light on what I am not understanding.
I solved my own problem. I forgot that my device is ios 4.2, so to make it work in xCode, I need to change the deployment target to the correct ios version and it works as expected.
I've never had to do anything special, just plug the device in. After about 30 seconds or so it will show up as an option in your target list.