Create iPhone Application Bundle for Release in Xcode 4.0.1 - iphone

I am having trouble figuring out how to create an application bundle for release, it does not seem to be done the way it was in older versions of Xcode.
I tried looking for documentation, but I can not find anything that looks like it contains the answer.
Any assistance is appreciated.

This may help you:


Localization/Internationalization in Swift 2.0 / Xcode 7.2

I'm stuck on getting started to localize my App.
I've already researched the web to this topic, only finding pretty old stuff.
So what have i done so far:
Looking up on Apple's Guidelines. I should find sth in Xcode that looks kind of familiar to this
But in Xcode it looks like this:
I'm pretty sure there is only a small step needed to fix this, but i have no clue what setting i would have to make.
If necessary, I'm working with Xcode 7.2.1, Swift 2.0, and this app's deployment target is iOS 7.0
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Try this,
I think you selecting project target, You have to select project as show in Image below

IOS Static Library Product is always red

I've been struggling with this for a few days now. When I create a new Static Library project under IOS in XCode 4 I am running into an issue. With or without adding files as headers or to be compiled I am able to successfully build but the .a file is always red. This happens in both Debug and Release. I've read about similar issues but haven't found someone who has fixed the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
XCode seems to have a bug in this regard when building for the simulator. Build once for device, right-click the library to show in finder, back up a level, and navigate to the simulator one. Your library will be there. (The path will look something like this: /Users/You/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LibName-fylbqugtzucxyndtdddrjmbbdnet/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator)
I wasn't able to figure out the answer to this problem but I did find a work around. I installed the XCode 4 project template to build universal frameworks from This allowed me to build a framework which fit my needs.

Help adding a live device to an Xcode 4 project

Argggh, I have built a couple Apps in Xcode 4 but I cannot remember/find how to add my live device to my schemes drop down. I have the simulator options, but in the newest project I created I do not have my iphone listed.
Can anyone tell me what I forgot to do??
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
EDIT: Any new project I create does not create anything for my Device, however, some of the sample apps I open have my device listed... there are a lot of developers out there... hopefully someone has had this issue and can shed some light on what I am not understanding.
I solved my own problem. I forgot that my device is ios 4.2, so to make it work in xCode, I need to change the deployment target to the correct ios version and it works as expected.
I've never had to do anything special, just plug the device in. After about 30 seconds or so it will show up as an option in your target list.

Will old source code run with SDK 4.2?

I've been working on creating my own iPhone app with source code my company gave me. This code was created with iPhone SDK 3.0. I've worked on it for over a year (I'm a designer so my coding is mostly copy and paste) and to test the app on my iPhone it says I must update my SDK to 4.2. I'm wondering will this break my app? I probably don't have the skills in xcode to upgrade my code if I am required to rewrite parts.
If none of the code has been deprecated, changed or even removed, chances are good it still runs fine. Most projects run, and if you have used external code (and hopefully noted where you got it from) there might be an update available for that piece of code.
Just set the deployment target to iOS 3.0 in your project settings
here some little explanation: link

iphone app rejection question

My iPhone app was rejected with the following note:
The following non-public APIs are included in your application:
Spi Symbols
These symbols appear in a small number of apparently cocos2d related object files:
Curiously, this app had already been approved under the previous SDK, but under 3.2 it's being rejected, though that may have nothing to do with it.
I'm not at all sure how to resolve this and appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thanks.
If cocos2d is using non-public API, I would suggest you first check if there is a newer version available that fixes this issue.
If you are already using the latest version then you should file a bug report with the cocos2d project and hope for a quick fix.