MongoDB. Use cursor as value for $in in next query - mongodb

Is there a way to use the cursor returned by the previous query as a value for $in in the next query? For example, something like this:
var users = db.user.find({state:1})
var offers = db.offer.find({user:{$in:users}})
I think this can reduce the traffic between mongodb and client in case the client doesn't need user information at all, just offers. Am i wrong?

Basically you want to do a join between two collections which Mongo doesn't support. You can reduce the amount of data being transferred from the server by limiting the fields returned from the first query to only the unique user information (i.e. the _id) that you need to get data from the offers collection.
If you really just want to make one query then you should store more information in the offers collection. For example, if you're trying to find offers for active users then you would store the active state of the user in the offers collection.

To work from your comment:
Yes, that's why I used tag 'join' in a question. The idea is that I
can make a first query more сomplex using a bunch of fields and
regexes without storing user data in other collections except
references. In these cases I always have to perform two consecutive
queries, but transfering of the results of the first query is not
necessary neither for me nor for the mongodb itself. I just want to
understand could it be done now, will it be possible to do so in the
future or it cannot be implemented for some technical reasons
As far as I understand it there is no immediate hurry to make this possible. Also the way it is coded atm will make this quite a big change to the way cursors work and are defined. A change big enough to possibly cause implementation breaks for other people. It is really a case of whether to set safe for inserts and updates for all future drivers. It is recognised that safe should be default but this will break implementation for other people who expect it the other way around.
It is rather inefficient if you don't require the results of the first query at all however since most networks are prepped with high traffic in mind and the traffic is cheap there hasn't been a demand to make it able to do chained queries server side in the cursor.
However subselects (which this basically is, it is selecting a set of rows based upon a sub selection of previous rows) have been on mongodb-user a couple of times and there might even be a JIRA for it somewhere, if not might be useful to make one.
As for doing it right now: there is no way.


Firestore pagination of multiple queries

In my case, there are 10 fields and all of them need to be searched by "or", that is why I'm using multiple queries and filter common items in client side by using Promise.all().
The problem is that I would like to implement pagination. I don't want to get all the results of each query, which has too much "read" cost. But I can't use .limit() for each query cause what I want is to limit "final result".
For example, I would like to get the first 50 common results in the 10 queries' results, if I do limit(50) to each query, the final result might be less than 50.
Anyone has ideas about pagination for multiple queries?
I believe that the best way for you to achieve that is using query cursors, so you can better manage the data that you retrieve from your searches.
I would recommend you to take a look at the below links, to find out more information - including a question answered by the community, that seems similar to your case.
Paginate data with query cursors
multi query and pagination with
Let me know if the information helped you!
Not sure it's relevant but I think I'm having a similar problem and have come up with 4 approaches that might be a workaround.
Instead of making 10 queries, fetch all the products matching a single selection filter e.g. category (in my case a customer can only set a single category field). And do all the filtering on the client side. With this approach the app still reads lots of documents at once but at least reuse these during the session time and filter with more flexibility than firestore`s strict rules.
Run multiple queries in a server environment, such as cloud store functions with Node.js and get only the first 50 documents that are matching all the filters. With this approach client only receives wanted data not more, but server still reads a lot.
This is actually your approach combined with accepted answer
Create automated documents in firebase with the help of cloud functions, e.g. Colors: {red:[product1ID,product2ID....], ....} just storing the document IDs and depending on filters get corresponding documents in server side with cloud functions, create a cross product of matching arrays (AND logic) and push first 50 elements of it to the client side. Knowing which products to display client then handle fetching client side library.
Hope these would help. Here is my original post Firestore multiple `in` queries with `and` logic, query structure

Mass Update NoSQL Documents: Bad Practice?

I'm storing two collections in a MongoDB database:
I want to display a list of check statuses with the appropriate website nickname.
For example:
[Google, 200] << (basically a join in SQL-world)
I have thousands of checks and only a few websites.
Which is more efficient?
Store the nickname of the website within the "check" directly. This means if the nickname is ever changed, I'll have to perform a mass update of thousands of documents.
Return a multidimensional array where the site ID is the key and the nickname is the value. This is to be used when iterating through the list of checks.
I've read that #1 isn't too bad (in the NoSQL) world and may, in fact, be preferred? True?
If it's only a few websites I'd go with option 1 - not as clean and normalized as in the relational/SQL world but it works and much less painful than trying to emulate joins with MongoDB. The thing to remember with MongoDB or any other NoSQL database is that you are generally making some kind of trade off - nothing is for free. I personally really value the schema-less document oriented data design and for the applications I use it for I readily make the trade-offs (like no joins and transactions).
That said, this is a trade-off - so one thing to always be asking yourself in this situation is why am I using MongoDB or some other NoSQL database? Yes, it's trendy and "hot", but I'd make certain that what you are doing makes sense for a NoSQL approach. If you are spending a lot of time working around the lack of joins and foreign keys, no transactions and other things you're used to in the SQL world I'd think seriously about whether this is the best fit for your problem.
You might consider a 3rd option: Get rid of the Checks collection and embed the checks for each website as an array in each Websites document.
This way you avoid any JOINs and you avoid inconsistencies, because it is impossible for a Check to exist without the Website it belongs to.
This, however, is only recommended when the checks array for each document stays relatively constant over time and doesn't grow constantly. Rapidly growing documents should be avoided in MongoDB, because everytime a document doubles its size, it is moved to a different location in the physical file it is stored in, which slows down write-operations. Also, MongoDB has a 16MB limit per document. This limit exists mostly to discourage growing documents.
You haven't said what a Check actually is in your application. When it is a list of tasks you perform periodically and only make occasional changes to, there would be nothing wrong with embedding. But when you collect the historical results of all checks you ever did, I would rather recommend to put each result(set?) in an own document to avoid document growth.

Are there any advantages to using a custom _id for documents in MongoDB?

Let's say I have a collection called Articles. If I were to insert a new document into that collection without providing a value for the _id field, MongoDB will generate one for me that is specific to the machine and the time of the operation (e.g. sdf4sd89fds78hj).
However, I do have the ability to pass a value for MongoDB to use as the value of the _id key (e.g. 1).
My question is, are there any advantages to using my own custom _ids, or is it best to just let Mongo do its thing? In what scenarios would I need to assign a custom _id?
For anyone else that may find this. The general idea (as I understand it) is that there's nothing wrong with assigning your own _ids, but it forces you to maintain unique values within your application layer, which is a PITA, and requires an extra query before every insert to make sure you don't accidentally duplicate a value.
Sammaye provides an excellent answer here:
Is it bad to change _id type in MongoDB to integer?
Advantages with generating your own _ids:
You can make them more human-friendly, by assigning incrementing numbers: 1, 2, 3, ...
Or you can make them more human-friendly, using random strings: t3oSKd9q
(That doesn't take up too much space on screen, could be picked out from a list, and could potentially be copied manually if needed. However you do need to make it long enough to prevent collisions.)
If you use randomly generated strings they will have an approximately even sharding distribution, unlike the standard mongo ObjectIds, which tends to group records created around the same time onto the same shard. (Whether that is helpful or not really depends on your sharding strategy.)
Or you may like to generate your own custom _ids that will group related objects onto one shard, e.g. by owner, or geographical region, or a combination. (Again, whether that is desirable or not depends on how you intend to query the data, and/or how rapidly you are producing and storing it. You can also do this by specifying a shard key, rather than the _id itself. See the discussion below.)
Advantages to using ObjectIds:
ObjectIds are very good at avoiding collisions. If you generate your own _ids randomly or concurrently, then you need to manage the collision risk yourself.
ObjectIds contain their creation time within them. That can be a cheap and easy way to retain the creation date of a document, and to sort documents chronologically. (On the other hand, if you don't want to expose/leak the creation date of a document, then you must not expose its ObjectId!)
The nanoid module can help you to generate short random ids. They also provide a calculator which can help you choose a good id length, depending on how many documents/ids you are generating each hour.
Alternatively, I wrote mongoose-generate-unique-key for generating very short random ids (provided you are using the mongoose library).
Sharding strategies
Note: Sharding is only needed if you have a huge number of documents (or very heavy documents) that cannot be managed by one server. It takes quite a bit of effort to set up, so I would not recommend worrying about it until you are sure you actually need it.
I won't claim to be an expert on how best to shard data, but here are some situations we might consider:
An astronomical observatory or particle accelerator handles gigabytes of data per second. When an interesting event is detected, they may want to store a huge amount of data in only a few seconds. In this case, they probably want an even distribution of documents across the shards, so that each shard will be working equally hard to store the data, and no one shard will be overwhelmed.
You have a huge amount of data and you sometimes need to process all of it at once. In this case (but depending on the algorithm) an even distribution might again be desirable, so that all shards can work equally hard on processing their chunk of the data, before combining the results at the end. (Although in this scenario, we may be able to rely on MongoDB's balancer, rather than our shard key, for the even distribution. The balancer runs in the background after data has been stored. After collecting a lot of data, you may need to leave it to redistribute the chunks overnight.)
You have a social media app with a large amount of data, but this time many different users are making many light queries related mainly to their own data, or their specific friends or topics. In this case, it doesn't make sense to involve every shard whenever a user makes a little query. It might make sense to shard by userId (or by topic or by geographical region) so that all documents belonging to one user will be stored on one shard, and when that user makes a query, only one shard needs to do work. This should leave the other shards free to process queries for other users, so many users can be served at once.
Sharding documents by creation time (which the default ObjectIds will give you) might be desirable if you have lots of light queries looking at data for similar time periods. For example many different users querying different historical charts.
But it might not be so desirable if most of your users are querying only the most recent documents (a common situation on social media platforms) because that would mean one or two shards would be getting most of the work. Distributing by topic or perhaps by region might provide a flatter overall distribution, whilst also allowing related documents to clump together on a single shard.
You may like to read the official docs on this subject:
I can think of one good reason to generate your own ID up front. That is for idempotency. For example so that it is possible to tell if something worked or not after a crash. This method works well when using re-try logic.
Let me explain. The reason people might consider re-try logic:
Inter-app communication can sometimes fail for different reasons, (especially in a microservice architecture). The app would be more resilient and self-healing by codifying the app to re-try and not give up right away. This rides over odd blips that might occur without the consumer ever being affected.
For example when dealing with mongo, a request is sent to the DB to store some object, the DB saves it, but just as it is trying to respond to the client to say everything worked fine, there is a network blip for whatever reason and the “OK” is never received. The app assumes it didn't work and so the app may end up re-trying the same data and storing it twice, or worse it just blows up.
Creating the ID up front is an easy, low overhead way to help deal with re-try logic. Of course one could think of other schemes too.
Although this sort of resiliency may be overkill in some types of projects, it really just depends.
I have used custom ids a couple of times and it was quite useful.
In particular I had a collection where I would store stats by date, so the _id was actually a date in a specific format. I did that mostly because I would always query by date. Keep in mind that using this approach can simplify your indexes as no extra index is needed, the basic cursor is sufficient.
Sometimes the ID is something more meaningful than a randomly generated one. For example, a user collection may use the email address as the _id instead. In my project I generate IDs that are much shorter than the ones Mongodb uses so that the ID shown in the URL is much shorter.
I'll use an example , i created a property management tool and it had multiple collections. For simplicity some fields would be duplicated for example the payment. And when i needed to update these record it had to happen simultaneously across all collections it appeared in so i would assign them a custom payment id so when the delete/query action is performed it changes all instances of it database wide

Query for set complement in CouchDB

I'm not sure that there is a good way to do with with the facilities CouchDB provides, but I'd like to somehow extract the relative complement of the sets of two different document types over a particular key.
For example, let's say that I have documents representing users and posts, both of which have a (unique) username field. There's a validation in place ensuring that a user document exists for the username in every post, but there may be any number post documents with a given username, include none. It's trivial to create a view which counts the number of posts per username. The view can even include zero-counts by emitting zero post-counts for the user documents in the view map function. What I want to do though is retrieve just the list of users who have zero associated posts.
It's possible to build the view I described above and filter client-side for zero-value results, but in my actual situation the number of results could be very, very large, and the interesting results a relatively small proportion of the total. Is there a way to do this sever-side and retrieve back just the interesting results?
I would write a map function to iterate through the documents and emit the users (or just usersnames) with 0 posts.
Then I would write a list function to iterate through the map function results and format them however you want (JSON, csv, etc).
(I would NOT use a reduce function to format the results, even if a reduce function appears to work OK in development. That is just my own experience from lessons learned the hard way.)
Personally I would filter on the client-side until I had performance issues. Next I would probably use Teddy's _filter technique—all pretty standard CouchDB stuff.
However, I stumbled across (IMO) an elegant way to find set complements. I described it when exploring how to find documents missing a field.
The basic idea
Finding non-members of your view obviously can't be done with a simple query (and a straightforward index scan.) However, it can be done in constant memory, and linear time, by simultaneously iterating through two query results at the same time.
One query is for all possible document ids. The other query is for matching documents (those you don't want). Importantly, CouchDB sorts query results, therefore you can calculate the complement efficiently.
See my details in the previous question. The basic idea is you iterate through both (sorted) lists simultaneously and when you say "hey, this document id is listed in the full set but it's missing in the sub-set, that is a hit.
(You don't have to query _all_docs, you just need two queries to CouchDB: one returning all possible values, and the other returning values not to be counted.)

Relations in Document-oriented database?

I'm interested in document-oriented databases, and I'd like to play with MongoDB. So I started a fairly simple project (an issue tracker), but am having hard times thinking in a non-relational way.
My problems:
I have two objects that relate to each other (e.g. issue = {code:"asdf-11", title:"asdf", reporter:{username:"qwer", role:"manager"}} - here I have a user related to the issue). Should I create another document 'user' and reference it in 'issue' document by its id (like in relational databases), or should I leave all the user's data in the subdocument?
If I have objects (subdocuments) in a document, can I update them all in a single query?
I'm totally new to document-oriented databases, and right now I'm trying to develop sort of a CMS using node.js and mongodb so I'm facing the same problems as you.
By trial and error I found this rule of thumb: I make a collection for every entity that may be a "subject" for my queries, while embedding the rest inside other objects.
For example, comments in a blog entry can be embedded, because usually they're bound to the entry itself and I can't think about a useful query made globally on all comments. On the other side, tags attached to a post might deserve their own collection, because even if they're bound to the post, you might want to reason globally about all the tags (for example making a list of trending topics).
In my mind this is actually pretty simple. Embedded documents can only be accessed via their master document. If you can envision a need to query an object outside the context of the master document, then don't embed it. Use a ref.
For your example
issue = {code:"asdf-11", title:"asdf", reporter:{username:"qwer", role:"manager"}}
I would make issue and reporter each their own document, and reference the reporter in the issue. You could also reference a list of issues in reporter. This way you won't duplicate reporters in issues, you can query them each separately, you can query reporter by issue, and you can query issues by reporter. If you embed reporter in issue, you can only query the one way, reporter by issue.
If you embed documents, you can update them all in a single query, but you have to repeat the update in each master document. This is another good reason to use reference documents.
The beauty of mongodb and other "NoSQL" product is that there isn't any schema to design. I use MongoDB and I love it, not having to write SQL queries and awful JOIN queries! So to answer your two questions.
1 - If you create multiple documents, you'll need make two calls to the DB. Not saying it's a bad thing but if you can throw everything into one document, why not? I recall when I used to use MySQL, I would create a "blog" table and a "comments" table. Now, I append the comments to the record in the same collection (aka table) and keep building on it.
2 - Yes ...
The schema design in Document-oriented DBs can seems difficult at first, but building my startup with Symfony2 and MongoDB I've found that the 80% of the time is just like with a relational DB.
At first, think it like a normal db:
To start, just create your schema as you would with a relational Db:
Each Entity should have his own Collection, especially if you'll need to paginate the documents in it.
(in Mongo you can somewhat paginate nested document arrays, but the capabilities are limited)
Then just remove overly complicated normalization:
do I need a separate category table? (simply write the category in a column/property as a string or embedded doc)
Can I store comments count directly as an Int in the Author collection? (then update the count with an event, for example in Doctrine ODM)
Embedded documents:
Use embedded documents only for:
clearness (nested documents like: addressInfo, billingInfo in the User collection)
to store tags/categories ( eg: [ name: "Sport", parent: "Hobby", page: "/sport"
] )
to store simple multiple values (for eg. in User collection: list of specialties, list of personal websites)
Don't use them when:
the parent Document will grow too large
when you need to paginate them
when you feel the entity is important enough to deserve his own collection
Duplicate values across collection and precompute counts:
Duplicate some columns/attributes values from a Collection to another if you need to do a query with each values in the where conditions. (remember there aren't joins)
eg: In the Ticket collection put also the author name (not only the ID)
Also if you need a counter (number of tickets opened by user, by category, ecc), precompute them.
Embed references:
When you have a One-to-Many or Many-to-Many reference, use an embedded array with the list of the referenced document ids (see MongoDB DB Ref).
You'll need to use an Event again to remove an id if the referenced document get deleted.
(There is an extension for Doctrine ODM if you use it: Reference Integrity)
This kind of references are directly managed by Doctrine ODM: Reference Many
Its easy to fix errors:
If you find late that you have made a mistake in the schema design, its quite simply to fix it with few lines of Javascript to run directly in the Mongo console.
(stored procedures made easy: no need of complex migration scripts)
Waring: don't use Doctrine ODM Migrations, you'll regret that later.
Redid this answer since the original answer took the relation the wrong way round due to reading incorrectly.
issue = {code:"asdf-11", title:"asdf", reporter:{username:"qwer", role:"manager"}}
As to whether embedding some important information about the user (creator) of the ticket is a wise decision or not depends upon the system specifics.
Are you giving these users the ability to login and report issues they find? If so then it is likely you might want to factor that relation off to a user collection.
On the other hand, if that is not the case then you could easily get away with this schema. The one problem I see here is if you wish to contact the reporter and their job role has changed, that's somewhat awkward; however, that is a real world dilemma, not one for the database.
Since the subdocument represents a single one-to-one relation to a reporter you also should not suffer fragmentation problems mentioned in my original answer.
There is one glaring problem with this schema and that is duplication of changing repeating data (Normalised Form stuff).
Let's take an example. Imagine you hit the real world dilemma I spoke about earlier and a user called Nigel wants his role to reflect his new job position from now on. This means you have to update all rows where Nigel is the reporter and change his role to that new position. This can be a lengthy and resource consuming query for MongoDB.
To contradict myself again, if you were to only have maybe 100 tickets (aka something manageable) per user then the update operation would likely not be too bad and would, in fact, by manageable for the database quite easily; plus due to the lack of movement (hopefully) of the documents this would be a completely in place update.
So whether this should be embedded or not depends heavily upn your querying and documents etc, however, I would say this schema isn't a good idea; specifically due to the duplication of changing data across many root documents. Technically, yes, you could get away with it but I would not try.
I would instead split the two out.
If I have objects (subdocuments) in a document, can I update them all in a single query?
Just like the relation style in my original answer, yes and easily.
For example, let's update the role of Nigel to MD (as hinted earlier) and change the ticket status to completed:{'reporter.username':'Nigel'},{$set:{'reporter.role':'MD', status: 'completed'}})
So a single document schema does make CRUD easier in this case.
One thing to note, stemming from your English, you cannot use the positional operator to update all subdocuments under a root document. Instead it will update only the first found.
Again hopefully that makes sense and I haven't left anything out. HTH
Original Answer
here I have a user related to the issue). Should I create another document 'user' and reference it in 'issue' document by its id (like in relational databases), or should I leave all the user's data in the subdocument?
This is a considerable question and requires some background knowledge before continuing.
First thing to consider is the size of a issue:
issue = {code:"asdf-11", title:"asdf", reporter:{username:"qwer", role:"manager"}}
Is not very big, and since you no longer need the reporter information (that would be on the root document) it could be smaller, however, issues are never that simple. If you take a look at the MongoDB JIRA for example: (as a random page that proves my point) the contents of a "ticket" can actually be quite considerable.
The only way you would gain a true benefit from embedding the tickets would be if you could store ALL user information in a single 16 MB block of contigious sotrage which is the maximum size of a BSON document (as imposed by the mongod currently).
I don't think you would be able to store all tickets under a single user.
Even if you was to shrink the ticket to, maybe, a code, title and a description you could still suffer from the "swiss cheese" problem caused by regular updates and changes to documents in MongoDB, as ever this: is a good reference for what I mean.
You would typically witness this problem as users add multiple tickets to their root user document. The tickets themselves will change as well but maybe not in a drastic or frequent manner.
You can, of course, remedy this problem a bit by using power of 2 sizes allocation: which will do exactly what it says on the tin.
Ok, hypothetically, if you were to only have code and title then yes, you could store the tickets as subdocuments in the root user without too many problems, however, this is something that comes down to specifics that the bounty assignee has not mentioned.
If I have objects (subdocuments) in a document, can I update them all in a single query?
Yes, quite easily. This is one thing that becomes easier with embedding. You could use a query like:
db.users.update({user_id:uid,'tickets.code':'asdf-1'}, {$set:{'tickets.$.title':'Oh NOES'}})
However, to note, you can only update ONE subdocument at a time using the positional operator. As such this means you cannot, in a single atomic operation, update all ticket dates on a single user to 5 days in the future.
As for adding a new ticket, that is quite simple:
So yes, you can quite simply, depending on your queries, update the entire users data in a single call.
That was quite a long answer so hopefully I haven't missed anything out, hope it helps.
I like MongoDB, but I have to say that I will use it a lot more soberly in my next project.
Specifically, I have not had as much luck with the Embedded Document facility as people promise.
Embedded Document seems to be useful for Composition (see UML Composition), but not for aggregation. Leaf nodes are great, anything in the middle of your object graph should not be an embedded document. It will make searching and validating your data more of a struggle than you'd want.
One thing that is absolutely better in MongoDB is your many-to-X relationships. You can do a many-to-many with only two tables, and it's possible to represent a many-to-one relationship on either table. That is, you can either put 1 key in N rows, or N keys in 1 row, or both. Notably, queries to accomplish set operations (intersection, union, disjoint set, etc) are actually comprehensible by your coworkers. I have never been satisfied with these queries in SQL. I often have to settle for "two other people will understand this".
If you've ever had your data get really big, you know that inserts and updates can be constrained by how much the indexes cost. You need fewer indexes in MongoDB; an index on A-B-C can be used to query for A, A & B, or A & B & C (but not B, C, B & C or A & C). Plus the ability to invert a relationship lets you move some indexes to secondary tables. My data hasn't gotten big enough to try, but I'm hoping that will help.