How does twiends check if you have liked a fan page? - facebook

Twiends is a website which allows you to follow other fan pages and gives you credit for liking a page.
Now what I dont understand is how do they check if you have liked a fan page. They use something like fql to get that. Does anyone know how its done or any links to doing the similar. Thanks

I'm not sure how Twiends was doing it but obviously giving the users "credits" to like pages that they may not even visit is not ethically right.
Not sure if it's also illegal but it seems it is!!
Check this link: We're closing our Facebook features


How to Hide Facebook Page Plugin if the User Already Liked the FB Page

I know about html,css, and javascript so no worries. I want to hide my facebook page plugin if the users already "Liked" my facebook page. Is this possible?
Please help me
thank you so much.
It is not allowed to do that:
Don’t obscure or cover elements of social plugins.
Also, like gating is not allowed and users should always be able to unlike something at the same place where they liked it.

Is it possible to test if some page has facebook like button?

I have authorized Facebook app, that is, ability to use FQL.
I have to know if some url in the internets have facebook like button. I've read the manual and don't find anything that helps me. Have I missed something?
I suppose you need to scrape the page and look for the related Facebook tags. Another thing that may work is checking the page against the Facebook graph end-point like so (example 1 - 2):
If fields like likes or shares is present then maybe a like button is there. Yet that also could mean that someone just posted the link on Facebook.

Is it possible to see comments made by a Facebook Page?

If anyone could tell me how to see comments made by a Facebook Page on other page's that would be great. When I go to a particular page I can see all the comments they make on their own one, but I'm more interested in seeing the likes/comments they make on other pages - if that's possible!

Do Facebook fan pages with a fan gate get indexed by Google?

I'm working on a Facebook fan page app (a page tab) with a 'like' fan gate (users that like the page see the real content, and users that don't see only a "like us" image).
The thing is I need the fan page to be found on Google's search.
Should the fact that only fans can enter the app in any way affect the Google bots?
I am currently assuming that it does, but I want to be sure.
And if it does it mean that I have no control over the fan page's SEO?
I have read about SEO, but I haven't found anything about this.
I would be very happy if someone here could help me, even refer me to some documentation or anything about it.
Your presumption is correct. Here are two workarounds:
Detect Google's User-Agent and display the un-gated content when
Gate the page with a div overlay so that all the ungated content is
still there, but simply unavailable to the user until she clicks Like.

Where do I put the code for the like button on facebook on my facebook page?

I don't know where to put the code onto my facebook page. I have searched everywhere and no one and no site gives me a specific answer enough for me to understand.
Well, here is facebook's official page.
It explains all the tags and how to use them as well as a generator for whatever facebook url you might want.