How do I know which temp table to delete if multiple stored procedures are creating temp tables with the same name? - tsql

I have been trying to figure this out the ENTIRE DAY :( ...
I have several stored procedures (in the same database as well as different databases) that do the same thing.
Creates temp table with name X.
Does processing with X.
Drops X.
The problem is that these stored procedures are creating temp tables with the same name. How do I know which temp table to drop once I'm done with the processing if they all have the name and I can't really DROP using "LIKE" because a temp table might be being used by a different stored procedure?
Here's a scenario.
SP1 starts -
Create temp table.
...and before it goes on, this happens:
SP2 is about finish
Drop temp table.
If the above happens, SP1 runs into issues. Such as "temp table does not exist"
How do I bypass this issue?
When I go to drop a temp table, I need to make sure I'm dropping the table related to the stored procedure that created it. Is this even possible?

You are trying to solve a problem you don't have. Just drop the table. If you look in SSMS you will really have unique tables. The SP knows which one to drop.
If SP1 and SP2 were using the same table you would have more problems than just drop.
-- look in SSMS and you will see #temp appended
-- use #temp
In SP not sure you even need to drop. I think it will be dropped automatically.
But if you run the first two lines and look in SSMS you will see that you have your own #TEMP - not a shared #TEMP. Run the last line and you will see it go away.


Auto generate script for CREATE TABLE including all indices, constraints, etc (not via SSMS)

I have a data anonymization process that takes a production copy of a database and turns it into an anonymized copy by UPDATE-ing some columns.
Some of the tables contain several million rows so instead of UPDATE-ing the columns, which is very log intensive, I went down the way of
CAST('Redacted' AS NVARCHAR(255)) [ColumnRequiringAnonymization]
INTO MyTable_New
FROM MyTable
EXEC sp_rename MyTable, MyTable_old
EXEC sp_rename MyTable_new, MyTable
DROP TABLE MyTable_old
The problem with this approach is that the "new" table no longer has any of the keys, indices and other dependent objects. I have figured out the keys and indices using SPs to generate the DROP and CREATE scripts. The SPs are based on manually written SQL as can be seen e.g. in this answer.
The next problem is that we have a schemabound view on top of this table, which has indices and a full-text index on its own. The number of SPs to generate scripts is growing and I am sure there will be mistakes.
Is there a way to completely script a table/view by using SQL commands only? ie. just like SSMS does when you click "Script table as - CREATE to" but within a stored procedure?
Right-click on the database, select Tasks; there is Generate Scripts there. Just follow prompts or Google for additional information.

Drop temporary tables created by Amazon Redshift

I’m trying to drop temporary tables created by Redshift.
I use the following query to find all the temp tables in the cluster:
select name, count(distinct id)
from stv_tbl_perm
where temp = 1
group by 1
The table i'm trying to drop called $stg_inappshourly.
I've tried to drop it in both of the following methods:
drop table $stg_inappshourly
drop table stg_inappshourly
The first one returns a syntax error. The second one drops the actual table.
Any ideas how to drop it?
The reason this table kept existing is because its session had an error and it didn't close as expected.
The only way I found to remove this table was rebooting the Redshift instance.

Best practices for performing a table swap in Redshift

We're in the process of running a handful of hourly scripts on our Redshift cluster which build summary tables for data consumers. After assembling a staging table, the script then runs a transaction which deletes the existing table and replaces it with the staging table, as such:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.data_facts;
ALTER TABLE public.data_facts_stage RENAME TO data_facts;
The problem with this operation is that long-running analysis queries will place an AccessShareLock on public.data_facts, preventing it from being dropped and thrashing our ETL cycle. I'm thinking a better solution would be one which renames the existing table, as such:
ALTER TABLE public.data_facts RENAME TO data_facts_old;
ALTER TABLE public.data_facts_stage RENAME TO data_facts;
DROP TABLE public.data_facts_old;
However, this approach presupposes that 1) public.data_facts exists, and 2) public.data_facts_old does not exist.
Do you know if there's a way to conduct this operation safely in SQL, without relying on application logic? (eg. something like ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS).
I haven't tried it but looking at the documentation of CREATE VIEW it seems that this can be done with late-binding views.
The main idea would be a view public.data_facts that users interact with. Behind the scenes, you can load new data and then swap the view to “point” to the new table.
-- load data into public.data_facts_v0
CREATE VIEW public.data_facts AS
SELECT * from public.data_facts_v0 WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING;
-- load data into public.data_facts_v1
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.data_facts AS
SELECT * from public.data_facts_v1 WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING;
DROP TABLE public.data_facts_v0;
The WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING means the view will be late-binding. “A late-binding view doesn't check the underlying database objects, such as tables and other views, until the view is queried.” This means the update can even introduce a table with renamed columns or a completely new structure.
It might be a good idea to wrap the swap operations into a transaction to make sure we don't drop the previous table if the VIEW swap failed.
You can add a new load time timestamp encode runlength default getdate() column to your target table, and make your ETL do this:
INSERT INTO public.data_facts
SELECT * FROM public.data_facts_staging;
DELETE FROM public.data_facts
WHERE load_time<(select max(load_time) from public.data_facts);
DROP TABLE public.data_facts_staging;
note: public.data_facts_staging should have exactly the same structure as public.data_facts except that the last column of public.data_facts is load_time, so that on insert it will be populated with the current timestamp.
The only implication is that it would require extra disk space for a moment between you insert new rows and delete the old rows, and load_time has to be always the last column. Also you have to vaccum table every time you do this.
Another good thing about this is that if your ETL fails and staging table is empty or there is no staging table you won't lose your data. In the pure SQL scenario of swapping tables with DDL you're not protected from dropping the target table when staging table is missing. In the suggested scenario if no new rows are inserted the delete statement deletes nothing (there are no rows less than max load time), so worst case is just having the old version of data.
p.s. there is a command that instead of insert ... select ... just changes the pointer from staging to target table (alter table ... append from ...) but it requires the same type of lock as alter table I guess, so I don't suggest this

PostgreSQL TEMP table alternating between exist and not exist

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.6.2, with Toad client on Mac. Auto-commit is set to ON.
I first created a simple temp table like this:
WITH t (name, value) AS (VALUES ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'))
Then something weird happens when I ran:
SELECT * FROM demo_pairs;
Every time I run the select (without re-running the create), it alternates between successfully selecting the values and error with table does not exist!
Can anyone help me understand what's going on?
If specified, the table is created as a temporary table. Temporary
tables are automatically dropped at the end of a session, or
optionally at the end of the current transaction (see ON COMMIT
below). Existing permanent tables with the same name are not visible
to the current session while the temporary table exists, unless they
are referenced with schema-qualified names. Any indexes created on a
temporary table are automatically temporary as well.
If you use session pooler that can close session for your or just close it yourself (eg network problem), the temp table will be dropped.
Also you can create it the way it is dropped on transaction end as well:
The behavior of temporary tables at the end of a transaction block can
be controlled using ON COMMIT. The three options are:
No special action is taken at the ends of transactions. This is the
default behavior.
All rows in the temporary table will be deleted at the end of each
transaction block. Essentially, an automatic TRUNCATE is done at each
The temporary table will be dropped at the end of the current transaction block.

SQL Server - How to find a records in INSERTED when the database generates a primary key

I've never had to post a question on StackOverflow before because I can always find an answer here by just searching. Only this time, I think I've got a real stumper....
I'm writing code that automates the process of moving data from one SQL Server database to another. I have some pretty standard SQL Server Databases with foreign key relationships between some of their tables. Straight forward stuff. One of my requirements is that the entire table needs to be copied in one fell swoop, without looping through rows or using a cursor. Another requirement is I have to do this in SQL, no SSIS or other external helpers.
For example:
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
That's easy enough. Then, once the data from the MasterTable has been moved, I move the data of the child table.
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.ChildTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.ChildTable
Of course, in reality I use more explicit SQL... like I specifically name all the fields and things like that, but this is just a simplified version. Anyway, so far everything's going alright, except ...
The problem is that the primary key of the master table is defined as an identity field. So, when I insert into the MasterTable, the primary key for the new table gets calculated by the database. So to deal with that, I tried using the OUTPUT INTO statement to get the updated values into a Temp table:
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
So here's where it all falls apart. Since the database changed the primary key, how on earth do I figure out which record in the temp table matches up with the original record in the source table?
Do you see the problem? I know what the new ID is, I just don't know how to match it with the original record reliably. The SQL server lets me output the INSERTED values, but doesn't let me output the FROM TABLE values along side the INSERTED values. I've tried it with triggers, I've tried it with an SP, always I have the same problem.
If I were just updating one record at a time, I could easily match up my INSERTED values with the original record I was trying to insert to see the old and new primary key values, but I have this requirement to do it in a batch.
Any Ideas?
PS: I'm not allowed to change the table structure of the target or source table.
You can use MERGE.
declare #Source table (SourceID int identity(1,2), SourceName varchar(50))
declare #Target table (TargetID int identity(2,2), TargetName varchar(50))
insert into #Source values ('Row 1'), ('Row 2')
merge #Target as T
using #Source as S
on 0=1
when not matched then
insert (TargetName) values (SourceName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID;
TargetID SourceID
----------- -----------
2 1
4 3
Covered in this blog post by Adam Machanic: Dr. OUTPUT or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MERGE
To illustrate what I mentioned in the comment:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable ON
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable (IdentityColumn, OtherColumn1, OtherColumn2, ...)
SELECT IdentityColumn, OtherColumn1, OtherColumn2, ...
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable OFF
Okay, since that didn't work for you (pre-existing values in target tables), how about adding a fixed increment (offset) to the id values in both tables (use the current max id value). Assuming the identity column is "id" in both tables:
DECLARE #incr int
SELECT #incr = max(id)
FROM TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable AS m WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable ON
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable (id{, othercolumns...})
SELECT id+#incr{, othercolumns...}
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable OFF
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.ChildTable (id{, othercolumns...})
SELECT id+#incr{, othercolumns...}
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.ChildTable