SQL Server - How to find a records in INSERTED when the database generates a primary key - tsql

I've never had to post a question on StackOverflow before because I can always find an answer here by just searching. Only this time, I think I've got a real stumper....
I'm writing code that automates the process of moving data from one SQL Server database to another. I have some pretty standard SQL Server Databases with foreign key relationships between some of their tables. Straight forward stuff. One of my requirements is that the entire table needs to be copied in one fell swoop, without looping through rows or using a cursor. Another requirement is I have to do this in SQL, no SSIS or other external helpers.
For example:
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
That's easy enough. Then, once the data from the MasterTable has been moved, I move the data of the child table.
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.ChildTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.ChildTable
Of course, in reality I use more explicit SQL... like I specifically name all the fields and things like that, but this is just a simplified version. Anyway, so far everything's going alright, except ...
The problem is that the primary key of the master table is defined as an identity field. So, when I insert into the MasterTable, the primary key for the new table gets calculated by the database. So to deal with that, I tried using the OUTPUT INTO statement to get the updated values into a Temp table:
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SELECT * FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
So here's where it all falls apart. Since the database changed the primary key, how on earth do I figure out which record in the temp table matches up with the original record in the source table?
Do you see the problem? I know what the new ID is, I just don't know how to match it with the original record reliably. The SQL server lets me output the INSERTED values, but doesn't let me output the FROM TABLE values along side the INSERTED values. I've tried it with triggers, I've tried it with an SP, always I have the same problem.
If I were just updating one record at a time, I could easily match up my INSERTED values with the original record I was trying to insert to see the old and new primary key values, but I have this requirement to do it in a batch.
Any Ideas?
PS: I'm not allowed to change the table structure of the target or source table.

You can use MERGE.
declare #Source table (SourceID int identity(1,2), SourceName varchar(50))
declare #Target table (TargetID int identity(2,2), TargetName varchar(50))
insert into #Source values ('Row 1'), ('Row 2')
merge #Target as T
using #Source as S
on 0=1
when not matched then
insert (TargetName) values (SourceName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID;
TargetID SourceID
----------- -----------
2 1
4 3
Covered in this blog post by Adam Machanic: Dr. OUTPUT or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MERGE

To illustrate what I mentioned in the comment:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable ON
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable (IdentityColumn, OtherColumn1, OtherColumn2, ...)
SELECT IdentityColumn, OtherColumn1, OtherColumn2, ...
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable OFF
Okay, since that didn't work for you (pre-existing values in target tables), how about adding a fixed increment (offset) to the id values in both tables (use the current max id value). Assuming the identity column is "id" in both tables:
DECLARE #incr int
SELECT #incr = max(id)
FROM TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable AS m WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable ON
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable (id{, othercolumns...})
SELECT id+#incr{, othercolumns...}
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MasterTable
SET IDENTITY_INSERT TargetDatabase.dbo.MasterTable OFF
INSERT INTO TargetDatabase.dbo.ChildTable (id{, othercolumns...})
SELECT id+#incr{, othercolumns...}
FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.ChildTable


How to clone or copy records in same table in postgres?

How to clone or copy records in same table in PostgreSQL by creating temporary table.
trying to create clones of records from one table to the same table with changed name(which is basically composite key in that table).
You can do it all in one INSERT combined with a SELECT.
i.e. say you have the following table definition and data populated in it:
create table original
id serial,
name text,
location text
INSERT INTO original (name, location)
VALUES ('joe', 'London'),
('james', 'Munich');
And then you can INSERT doing the kind of switch you're talking about without using a TEMP TABLE, like this:
INSERT INTO original (name, location)
SELECT 'john', location
FROM original
WHERE name = 'joe';
Here's an sqlfiddle.
This should also be faster (although for tiny data sets probably not hugely so in absolute time terms), since it's doing only one INSERT and SELECT as opposed to an extra SELECT and CREATE TABLE plus an UPDATE.
Did a bit of research, came up with a logic :
Create temp table
Copy records into it
Update the records in temp table
Copy it back to original table
Was wondering if there was any shorter way to do it.

How to do PostgreSQL Bulk INSERT without Primary Key Violation [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to bulk insert only new rows in PostreSQL
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to achieve database abstraction in my project, but now I got stuck with doing a bulk INSERT in PostgreSQL. My project is in C# and I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3 with npgsql.dll 2.0.14.
For Microsoft SQL Server I'm doing the bulk INSERT simply by concatenating all statements and then performing an ExecuteNonQuery:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM table WHERE id = 1) INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (1);
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM table WHERE id = 2) INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (2);
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM table WHERE id = 3) INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (3);
Though the IF-NOT-EXISTS clause can be substituted in PostgreSQL by a SELECT-WHERE, this approach unfortunately still doesn't work - because every single statement in PostgreSQL is committed separately.
So I googled for another solution and found the approach of using the COPY command along with NpgsqlCopySerializer/NpgsqlCopyIn to performantly "stream" the bulk data. But now I'm getting primary key violation errors all the time - 'cause the EXISTS/WHERE clause can seemingly not be used together with the COPY statement.
I would really like to avoid to do the INSERTs all one-by-one, as this will slow down my application extremely, so I hope that anyone solved this issue already!
Generally for this type of situation I'd have a separate staging table that does not have the PK constraint, which I'd populate using COPY (assuming the data were in a format for which it makes sense to do a COPY). Then I'd do something like:
insert into table
select a.*
from staging a
where not exists (select 1
from table
where a.id = b.id)
That approach isn't too far off from your original design.
I don't totally understand this part of your question, however, which doesn't even seem totally relevant to your question:
this approach unfortunately still doesn't work - because every single
statement in postgreSQL is committed separately.
That's not true at all, not for any RDBMS. Sure, auto-commit might be enabled on your client, but that doesn't mean that postgres commits every statement separately and that you can't disable the auto-commit. This approach would work:
insert into table (id) select 1 where not exists (select 1 from table where id = 1);
insert into table (id) select 2 where not exists (select 1 from table where id = 2);
insert into table (id) select 3 where not exists (select 1 from table where id = 3);
As you pointed out, however, if you've got more than a handful of such statements you'll quickly be hitting some performance concerns.

What is the difference between these two T-SQL statements?

In a SSIS package at work there are some SQL tasks that create staging tables for holding import data. All the statements take this form:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.tbNewTable') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE dbo.tbNewTable (
In Itzik Ben-Gan's T-SQL Fundamentals I see a different form of statement for creating a table:
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.tbNewTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.tbNewTable
CREATE TABLE dbo.tbNewTable (
Each of these appears to do the same thing. After execution, there will be a empty table called tbNewTable in the dbo schema.
Are there any practical or theoretical differences between the two? What implications might they have?
The first one assumes that if the table exists, it has the same columns as those it would create. The second one does not make that assumption. So if a table with that name happened to exist and had a different set of columns, the two would have very different results.
The first will not actually DROP the table -- it merely TRUNCATES all the data in said table. Hence why the CREATE is guarded.
Thus the form with the DROP will allow the subsequent CREATE to change the schema (when the new table is created) even if tbNewTable previously existed.
Because the DROP/CREATE alters the database schema it may not also be allowed in all cases. For instance, a view created with a SCHEMABINDING will prevent the table from being dropped. (This also hold true for more general FK relationships, should any exist.)
...when SCHEMABINDING is specified, the base table or tables cannot be modified in a way that would affect the view definition.
The TRUNCATE should be marginally faster in one of those constant "don't care" ways: there should be no performance consideration given to one over the other.
There are also permission differences. TRUNCATE only requires the ALTER permission.
The minimum permission required is ALTER on table_name. TRUNCATE TABLE permissions default to the table owner...
Happy coding.
These are very different..
The first does an equality check on the sys.objects system table and looks to see if there is a matching table name. If so, it truncates the table. Basically removing all rows but maintaining the table structure itself - i.e. the actual table is never dropped.
In the second, the check to make sure that the table exists is implicitly done using the OBJECT_ID() method. If so, the table is dropped completely - rows and structure.
If you have a primary and foreign key constraint on the table, you'll certainly have issues dropping it completely... and if you have other tables that are linked to the table you are trying to 'truncate' you'll have issues there too, unless you have cascade deletion turned on.
I tend to dislike either construction in an SSIS package. I create the tables in a deployment script and I want the package to fail if one of the tables I use is missing later on because then something drastically wrong has happened and I want to investigate what before I try putting data anywhere.

Deterministic GUID generation in T-SQL

I have to prepare a script that selects data from a couple of tables and inserts new rows in the table in which some sort of many-to-many relationship is stored.
So, basically, I have two tables with uniqueidentifier field as a primary key and another table that stores two foreign keys from these tables and some additional data. They primary key of this table is the uniqueidentifier as well.
INSERT ResultTable ([primaryKey],[foreignA], [foreignB])
SELECT newid(), /* <- Can't have it! */
FROM foreignTableB as fb
The problem is that I can't use newid() to generate GUIDs for my generated data. One of the requirements is that the script produces identical results (primary keys included) when it's ran on identical tables. So I have to come up with a script that will insert new rows with uniqueidentifier value that is generated based on two other uniqueidentifier values.
Now, I don't know of any functions that provide mapping from one GUID to another. Probably there aren't any. But I still hope to hear some proposals and advices.
We can assume that any pair of foreign keys is unique throughout the table
I can't change the type of primary key fields in any of the tables mentioned
It's mostly SQL Server 2005/2008 but some might run SQL Server 2000
Thanks in advance.
Your best answer here is to generate a script that is a list of insert statements.
This script can be generated from another script that generates the dynamic SQL string.
You will probably do this iteratively which calls your guid function each loop.
This way at the end you will have a list of inserts that can be run multiple times with the same results with guids.
But one of the dimensions of generating guids is time so you will never be able to reproduce the guid (which is kind of the point really)
You could first use CHECKSUM to get integer value from multiple columns and then convert it back to GUID:
CREATE TABLE ResultTable ([primaryKey] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,[foreignA] INT, [foreignB] INT);
CREATE TABLE foreignTableB(primaryKey INT);
INSERT INTO foreignTableB(primaryKey) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(100),(1000);
DECLARE #foreignKeyA INT = 1;
INSERT ResultTable ([primaryKey],[foreignA], [foreignB])
, #foreignKeyA, fb.[primaryKey]
FROM foreignTableB as fb;
SELECT * FROM ResultTable;
db<>fiddle demo

Is there a way to quickly duplicate record in T-SQL?

I need to duplicate selected rows with all the fields exactly same except ID ident int which is added automatically by SQL.
What is the best way to duplicate/clone record or records (up to 50)?
Is there any T-SQL functionality in MS SQL 2008 or do I need to select insert in stored procedures ?
The only way to accomplish what you want is by using Insert statements which enumerate every column except the identity column.
You can of course select multiple rows to be duplicated by using a Select statement in your Insert statements. However, I would assume that this will violate your business key (your other unique constraint on the table other than the surrogate key which you have right?) and require some other column to be altered as well.
Insert MyTable( ...
Select ...
From MyTable
Where ....
If it is a pure copy (minus the ID field) then the following will work (replace 'NameOfExistingTable' with the table you want to duplicate the rows from and optionally use the Where clause to limit the data that you wish to duplicate):
INTO #TempImportRowsTable
FROM [NameOfExistingTable]
-- WHERE ID = 1
) AS createTable
-- If needed make other alterations to the temp table here
INSERT INTO [NameOfExistingTable]
SELECT * FROM #TempImportRowsTable
DROP TABLE #TempImportRowsTable
If you're able to check the duplication condition as rows are inserted, you could put an INSERT trigger on the table. This would allow you to check the columns as they are inserted instead of having to select over the entire table.