Facebook Wordpress Bad Feed Description - facebook

I am having humbling issues with Facebook and Wordpress
I am using
WP ver 3.4.1
FB plugin Version 1.0.2
I Installed the plugin. Created a Facebook app.
What is happening is I am sharing the page on Facebook using Facebooks share button, send button, and subscribe button. Even if I copy and paste the post I get the following in the feed description.
You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <​a href="" title=""> <​abbr title=""> <​acronym >title=""> <​b> <​blockquote cite=""> <​cite> <​code> <​del datetime=""> <​em> <​i> <​q cite=""> <​>strike> <​strong>
I think it is in a Facebook PHP file, but I looked there. I am kind of stumped to say he least.

Yes. For some reason the Facebook for Wordpress plugin pulls in the comment instructions as the default description it uses in the og:meta tags, especially when there is no text associated with your posts or no excerpt set.
On my sites, I use the Facebook for Wordpress plugin for connectivity, but I've given up letting it generate my meta tags. I use Wordpress SEO instead, since you can specify what text should be in your description, titles, etc. There are other plugins that also do the same.
To inhibit the Facebook for Wordpress meta tags, add this to your theme's functions.php:
//Remove the Facebook for WP tags until they get their s**t together.
remove_action('wp_head', 'fb_add_og_protocol', 10);


Wordpress social media feather plugin not returning the right featured image when shared in facebook and other social sites

This is my post featured image.
This is my post entitled "First post" with social icons at the bottom for sharing using social media feather plugin
This is what shows up when I clicked the facebook button
The image above shows that it doesn't return the right image set as featured image for the first post to be shared in facebook. I also encountered the same problem using WP Social Sharing. Can anybody help me solve this please. Thanks a lot.
Facebook, and other platforms that allow social sharing (LinkedIn, Twitter, G+, etc), all use a protocol called OpenGraph.
In it's simplest form, OpenGraph is a series of meta tags placed on a web page that describe that page. Common tags include a title of the page, description, image and a category. It is this OpenGraph image that Facebook uses in it's preview for the social share.
The tag itself is called og:image, and Facebook suggest it is at least 1200x630 pixels, although they will still use the image if it is less than that. As a side note for anyone viewing this thread and having the same issue with Facebook apps - you'll need to serve the image over HTTPS for that, something you don't need to do in this case.
I would suggest viewing the source of your page and finding the OpenGraph tags. If none are present (very possible) then Facebook is just doing it's best based on what it sees on the page. You can remedy this by adding your own tags, or using one of the many OpenGraph plugins available for WordPress.
More information on Facebook's best practices for social sharing are available.

Can you force Facebook to recognize correct image without og: tags?

I have a website where news articles get posted through CMS and there is no option to add Facebook META OG tags to <head>. I could only add them manually to <body> but that won't work I assume?
Is there another solution where you can tell Facebook which image should be picked when using like/share buttons?
This depends how you make the share. You can use the FB.Ui to request a "Post to a wall" where you can specify the specifics of what appears on the share.
If you are sharing the URL only it will read your meta tags as you state. I have not tried making that image the first within the HTML as this may also make that the default.
you can use this link to debug your meta tags and test your sharing if you are sharing a URL.

Wordpress issue: get extra html tags appear when I paste url into facebook page

When I paste a friend's wordpress site url in a facebook comment, I see the following extra text (I've changed the url for anonymity) The home page of the wordpress blog is titled "Home"
For some reason facebook adds the extra lines in i.e. where it says "You may use these HTML tags and ... " or perhaps the wordpress generated html get incorrectly parsed/referenced in the facebook comments browser.
I have zero wordpress experience but do understand CMS concepts well. Any help on how to resolve this will be much appreciated by my friend. I can disclose the url if its really needed to resolve the issue. I decided to try posting the question with an anonymous url first, just in case this is a known, encountered-before issue.
Wondering if the facebook graph-api has anything to do with this? (FB graph-api is not my forte either as I'm more into iOS development)
You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
<​a href="" title=""> <​abbr title=""> <​acronym title="">
<​b> <​blockquote cite=""> <​cite> <​code> <​del datetime="">
<​em> <​i> <​q cite=""> <​strike> <​strong>
It sounds like your friend's blog does not have OpenGraph tags. Facebook uses these to determine how URLs display when posted on their site (e.g. YouTube URLs display embedded videos, Flickr URLs photos, etc.).
You can find more information about the metatags that Facebook supports in their OpenGraph documentation. Your friend will probably want to make individual posts "Articles", while the homepage should be a "Blog" or a "Website".
Depending on your friend's competency with editing WordPress templates, they might find it easier to integrate Facebook's official WordPress plugin, which includes support for OpenGraph tags.

Facebook like of wordpress content as iFrame in CMS

I have a wordpress blog inside a CMS of an institution! I cannot change that.
The wordpress-blog is implemented as an iFrame in the CMS.
I tried a few wordpress plugins for social media inlcuding facebook likes. But unfortunatly facebook is not finding the content of the blogpost!
Sometimes it takes the content and the pictures of the blogpost, sometimes it just takes a picture of the CMS and sometimes it just posts the link. Especially if i want to share it by hand by "posting" the blogpost of wordpress in facebook.
Is there any possibility to let facebook manually know where the relevant content is (maybe by div-id or something?)

No Title - Wordpress facebook share

I have created my website using wordpress 3.4.1 and, I tried sharing my webpage in facebook. I do not get any thumbnail or the basic blog description in the facebook post. Instead I get "No Title". I know this question has been asked a number of times in wordpress forums. But, most of them are leading to dead ends. Can some one help me in this regard.
PS: I tried using the facebook debugger (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) I get the following
Error Parsing URL: Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped.
You need to add OpenGraph tags to your page, or even easier, finf a WordPress plugin to do it for you. Run the page through the debugger again and the issues should be fixed.
Just like what Niraj said you need to make sure you have the open graph meta tags on your blog. Here is a plugin which will add them http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-open-graph-meta/.